Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report 2015
Update on Scottish Government's aims to incorporate equality across its activities and deliver on equality outcomes set in April 2013.
1. http://www.scotlandscensus.gov.uk/bulletin-figures-and-tables
2. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2014/10/8378
3. Please note that the percentages have been rounded
5. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/People/Equality/Equalities/DataGrid/SexualOrientation
6. Please note that the following graphic illustrations of Acts, Bills and policies do not represent a comprehensive list of Acts, Bills and policies. A more comprehensive list and details of recent legislation and policies of relevance to equality can be found at page 150
7. Based on three-year aggregate data, 2010/11 to 2012/13 inclusive
8. Although the data tables cover many of the equality strands, the pooled data should not be considered as the primary source of data for the variables it contains. This will be reviewed as the pooled dataset is further tested and developed. Where there is an alternative, preferred source for a topic, this is indicated above the relevant core question table on the webpages for the pooled sample data, e.g. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/About/Surveys/PooledSample2012/Table7
9. Including Senior Civil Service salaries which were not included in the figures presented in the 2013 report.
10. When compared to the comparable figure of 7.2% for 2013, e.g. including Senior Civil Service salaries which were not included in the figure of 5.7% published in the 2013 report.
11. Includes: sexual assault including against children, and lewd and libidinous practices.
12. Includes: crimes relating to prostitution; soliciting services of person engaged in prostitution; brothel keeping; immoral traffic, and procuration.
13. Includes: other sexually coercive conduct; other sexual offences involving 13-15 year old children; taking, distribution, possession etc. of indecent photos of children etc. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2014/11/6350/4#ta2
14. i.e. at least 12 months after they were alleged to have been committed
15. Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2012/13: Partner Abuse, page 5, http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0045/00455441.pdf
16. Tackling Female Genital Mutilation in Scotland, page 16,
17. Equal Opportunities Committee: Where Gypsy/Travellers Live -
18. Gypsies/Travellers in Scotland: Summary of the Evidence
Base, Summer 2013 -
19. Analysis of Equality Results from the 2011 Census - http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2014/10/8378/downloads
20. Analysis of Equality Results from the 2011 Census - Part 2 - http://www.gov.scot/publications/analysis-equality-results-2011-census-part-2/
21. The 2010 Scottish Social Attitudes Survey: Attitudes to
Discrimination and Positive Action -
22. Gypsy/Traveller Analysis based on the Scottish Housing
Charter 2013/14 and Scotland's 2011 Census -
23. Source - Labour Force Survey Dec-Feb 2015, April 2015
24. Scottish Government (2013). Women's Employment Summit Evidence Paper - 2013 update.
25. Scottish Government (2014). Local Area Labour Markets in Scotland - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2013. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.
26. Eurostat: European Labour Force Survey, 2013.
27. Annual Population Survey, January-December 2013, ONS
28. Source: ASHE 1999 and 2006-2014, ONS
29. Source: Annual Population Survey, October 2013-September 2014, ONS
30. The minutes of the Council's meeting are available here:
31. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/School-Education/PubAttainment
32. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/School-Education/PubExclusions
33. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/School-Education/PubAttendanceAbsence
34. Trend data in this section should be treated with caution. The disability/additional support need data has changed over the years, with more pupils recorded with additional support needs. This wider recording means that it is hard to differentiate between changes caused by a wider range of pupils being recorded as having an additional support need and any real changes/improvements.
35. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2014/06/9242
36. Data on attendance is collected once every two years and only for one year. So we do not/ will not hold attendance data for 2011/12, 2013/14 etc. etc.
37. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2014/10/8011
38. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2014/05/5493/0
39. http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0045/00454588.pdf
40. http://www.dyslexiascotland.org.uk/addressing-dyslexia-toolkit
42. http://www.autismstrategyscotland.org.uk/
43. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Children/Pubs-Pre-SchoolEducation
44. See table 8 http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2014/06/9242/5#table8
45. Due to changes in ethnic minority definitions, it is difficult to make comparisons with previous years, and in any case the numbers of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds means that year on year fluctuations in numbers can have a huge impact on statistical rates. Therefore caution must be exercised in drawing conclusions related to progress for ethnic groups.
46. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Education/Schools/Raisingeducationalattainment
47. http://news.scotland.gov.uk/News/Smart-money-on-attainment-15d2.aspx
48. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2010/11/12120420/0
49. http://www.respectme.org.uk/
50. www.educationscotland.gov.uk/supportinglearners/positivelearningenvironments/inclusionandequality/
51. http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/resources/d/genericresource_tcm4512285.asp
52. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2013/11/4092/1
53. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2012/10/5408
54. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2014/12/8526/1
55. http://issuu.com/respectme/docs/bullying_in_scotland_2014_-_summary/0
56. http://www.stonewallscotland.org.uk/documents/scot_teachers_report_2014_final_lo_res.pdf
58. http://news.scotland.gov.uk/News/Smart-money-on-attainment-15d2.aspx
59. (where this information is provided) Source: Domestic Abuse
Recorded by the Police in Scotland, 2012-13
60. Source: Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2012/13 http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2014/06/3479
Email: Mainstreaming Equality Team, MainstreamingEquality@scotland.gsi.gov.uk
Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit
The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road
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