
Equally Safe draft delivery plan consultation 2017-2021: response analysis

Analysis of consultation responses on the draft delivery plan for Equally Safe: Scotland's strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls.

Annex 1 – Tables

Table A1: Q2: Please tell us about any of the priority 1 actions that you are particularly supportive of.

Priority 1 Action No.
Raising awareness and changing attitudes 31
Engage with the newly established Advisory Council on women and girls to explore issues around gender inequality and violence against women 3
Support initiatives to raise awareness amongst the wider population of violence against women and girls, including what causes it and how to challenge it 16
Through the Mentors in Violence Prevention programme, ensure that boys and men understand about positive healthy respectful relationships, are encouraged to stand up to violence, challenge attitudes and behaviours and tackle toxic masculinity 11
Raising awareness and changing attitudes – other comments 1
Childhood 55
Work with the education system and key stakeholders to develop a holistic approach towards addressing gender stereotypes and norms in schools and education settings 17
Develop a Skills Investment Plan for the Early Learning and Childcare sector which sets out the broad skills set within the workforce, identifies opportunities to widen the skill set and actions which will help tackle gender stereotypes within the sector. 4
Provide more support for teachers on equality issues, following the outcomes of the General Teaching Council Scotland review 4
Publish a refreshed approach to addressing bullying in schools, including bullying based on sexism and gender 9
Work with further and higher education institutions to contribute to this agenda both through learning and on campus, using the insights from ongoing work in Scottish Universities tackling gender based violence on campus, recommendations from the Universities UK Task Force on violence against women, and the University of Strathclyde "Equally Safe in Higher Education" Project 7
Childhood – other comments 14
Workplace 12
Refresh the Scottish Government's corporate policy on violence against women, using the Zero Tolerance PACT Resource as a guide 4
Gather examples of best practice and develop support, guidance and incentives for employers 1
Workplace – other comments 7
Support all the actions 20
Other comments 14
N= 63

Table A2: Q3. Please tell us about any priority 1 actions that you don't agree with

Priority 1 Action/Area No.
None/support all 23
Raising awareness and changing attitudes 14
Engage with the newly established Advisory Council on women and girls to explore issues around gender inequality and violence against women 3
(Support initiatives to raise awareness amongst the wider population of violence against women and girls, including what causes it and how to challenge it 1
Through the Mentors in Violence Prevention programme, ensure that boys and men understand about positive healthy respectful relationships, are encouraged to stand up to violence, challenge attitudes and behaviours and tackle toxic masculinity 7
Develop a Skills Investment Plan for the Early Learning and Childcare sector which sets out the broad skills set within the workforce, identifies opportunities to widen the skill set and actions which will help tackle gender stereotypes within the sector. 2
Provide more support for teachers on equality issues, following the outcomes of the General Teaching Council Scotland review 1
Childhood 5
Publish a refreshed approach to addressing bullying in schools, including bullying based on sexism and gender 2
Childhood other comments 3
Workplace other comments 2
General comments 16
N= 63

Table A3: Q4. Are there any actions that you think are missing under priority 1? - Do you have any suggestions for additional actions to focus on? [1]

Identified as missing No.
No gaps 6
Raising awareness and changing attitudes suggestions 20
Say more on prevention/ Include wider prevention programmes beyond MVP, and roll MPV out further /fund for longer 14
More information needed on Advisory Council on Women and Girls 2
Childhood suggestions 57
Importance of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Education ( RSHPE) 16
Bullying 6
Strengthen focus on early years 4
Whole school approach 3
More focus on trauma/impact of adverse childhood experiences 3
No mention of National Sexual Violence Prevention Programme 2
Standardised approach - not left to discretion of individual head teachers 2
Reword to "children and young people" or "children and adolescents" 2
Positive male role models 2
Higher education institutions need to do more to tackle VAW 6
Say more about FE/ HE as training providers in relevant areas 3
Include non-school youth settings 3
Workplace suggestions 17
Widen out to include more employers in these actions 5
Health and safety concerns 2
Other suggestions of actions to include 15
The role of the media, including social media, online and advertising 6
Include consent 4
Who it should cover 15
Specific forms of violence to be addressed 17
Engagement and partnership working 44
Delivery 38
Wording of plan 26
N =61

Table A4: Q6. Please tell us about any of the priority 2 actions that you are particularly supportive of

Priority 2 Action No.
Understanding gender 25
Improve strategic consideration of equality implications of spend for gender and other protected characteristics within the annual Equality Budgeting process 8
Develop a programme of engagement with key parts of Government to improve understanding of gender in policy making 7
Promote use of the Equality Impact Assessment tool at the national and local level to tackle inequality and discrimination across Scotland 10
Parenting and childcare 22
Create a new Best Start Grant that provides effective support at key transitions in the early years and ensures qualifying parents or carers receive more joined up support from pregnancy through to children starting school 5
Take forward a transformative programme to expand free Early Learning and Childcare entitlement to 1,140 hours per year by 2020, including piloting a deposit guarantee scheme for childcare places 8
Establish a "Returners‟ project so that parents who have had a career break can get help updating skills and knowledge 7
Parenting and childcare - other 2
Women's economic inequality 41
Ensure that the Developing the Young Workforce programme addresses issues of occupational segregation by gender, including addressing significant under representation in the take up of certain college courses and modern apprenticeships by women 5
Through the development of a strategy, address gender stereotyping and improve gender balance in science, technology, engineering and maths ( STEM) at school to ensure greater update of courses and apprenticeships by women and girls that are traditionally seen as male-dominated like engineering, construction and digital 5
Develop proposals for delivering split payments under Universal Credit, working with stakeholders to scope out timescales 14
Under the Labour Market Strategy, work with key stakeholders to understand issues of occupational segregation and how to ensure greater equality within the labour market 2
Take action to tackle pay inequality, including funding to Close the Gap, and a reduction in the listed threshold of listed public authorities required to report from 150 employees to 20 employees 2
Tackle pregnancy and maternity discrimination in partnership with the Equality and Human Rights Commission by establishing a working group whose remit includes creating guidelines for employers to ensure best practice, as well as improving access to guidance for pregnancy women and new mothers 2
Ensure the successful bidder(s) to deliver devolved employment services demonstrate clearly how they will deliver a service that is gendered in terms of understanding the needs of women seeking employment; and use levers at their disposal to encourage employers to consider flexible working approaches which enable more women to take up a broader range of opportunities 3
Identify and promote practice that works in reducing employment inequality for minority ethnic women, including in career paths, recruitment, progression and retention 4
Women's economic inequality - other 4
Women's civic and social inequality 12
Establish an Equality in Sport and Physical Activity Forum and develop a £300K Gender Equality in Sport fund to address the barriers to women's participation 2
Introduce legislation to redress gender imbalances and improve women's representation on public boards in Scotland, using the new powers transferred to the Scottish Parliament through the Scotland Act 4
Champion our Partnership for Change campaign, encouraging private and third sector organisations to work towards gender balance on their boards by 2020 2
Support the Women 50:50 campaign and the improvement of women's access to public office by encouraging partnership working to break down barriers to participation 2
Women's civic and social inequality - other 2
Support all of them 17
Other comments 18

Table A5: Q7. Please tell us about any priority 2 actions that you don't agree with

Priority 2 Action/area No.
None/support all 26
Understanding gender 2
Promote use of the Equality Impact Assessment tool at the national and local level to tackle inequality and discrimination across Scotland 2
Parenting and childcare 2
Take forward a transformative programme to expand free Early Learning and Childcare entitlement to 1,140 hours per year by 2020, including piloting a deposit guarantee scheme for childcare places 1
Establish a „Returners‟ project so that parents who have had a career break can get help updating skills and knowledge 1
Women's economic inequality 6
Through the development of a strategy, address gender stereotyping and improve gender balance in science, technology, engineering and maths ( STEM) at school to ensure greater update of courses and apprenticeships by women and girls that are traditionally seen as male-dominated like engineering, construction and digital 1
Ensure the successful bidder(s) to deliver devolved employment services demonstrate clearly how they will deliver a service that is gendered in terms of understanding the needs of women seeking employment; and use levers at their disposal to encourage employers to consider flexible working approaches which enable more women to take up a broader range of opportunities 1
Identify and promote practice that works in reducing employment inequality for minority ethnic women, including in career paths, recruitment, progression and retention 1
Women's economic inequality - other 3
Women's civic and social inequality 5
Establish an Equality in Sport and Physical Activity Forum and develop a £300K Gender Equality in Sport fund to address the barriers to women's participation 1
Introduce legislation to redress gender imbalances and improve women's representation on public boards in Scotland, using the new powers transferred to the Scottish Parliament through the Scotland Act 1
Champion our Partnership for Change campaign, encouraging private and third sector organisations to work towards gender balance on their boards by 2020 1
Support the Women 50:50 campaign and the improvement of women's access to public office by encouraging partnership working to break down barriers to participation 2
Other 19
Actions not specific enough don't go far enough /not sure they will meet the objectives 7
Don't see an immediate link between certain actions and tackling VAW 6
N = 43

Table A6: Q8 Are there any actions that you think are missing under priority 2? - Do you have any suggestions for additional actions to focus on? [2]

Identified as missing No.
Nothing/ no gaps 3
Understanding gender 12
Improve strategic consideration of equality implications of spend for gender and other protected characteristics within the annual Equality Budgeting process 2
Develop a programme of engagement with key parts of Government to improve understanding of gender in policy making 3
Promote use of the Equality Impact Assessment tool at the national and local level to tackle inequality and discrimination across Scotland 4
Understanding gender - other 3
Parenting and childcare 9
Actions around fathers being more involved in unpaid labour and care 4
Establish a "Returners‟ project so that parents who have had a career break can get help updating skills and knowledge 2
Actions relating to pregnancy - such as young mums staying on at school 2
Women's economic inequality 46
Change work place culture, attitudes and challenge stereotypes - under-representation of either gender in work force, value traditionally female roles and encourage men into traditionally female roles 9
Wider structural changes - Improve wages, promote living wage, improve terms and conditions job security, increase women's purchasing power 6
Scrap DWP "rape clause" 2 child cap on child benefit 4
Tackle pregnancy and maternity discrimination in partnership with the Equality and Human Rights Commission by establishing a working group whose remit includes creating guidelines for employers to ensure best practice, as well as improving access to guidance for pregnancy women and new mothers 4
Promote flexible working for both men and women, including uptake of shared parental leave 4
Women with no recourse to public funds ( NRPF) 3
Action on sexual harassment in the work place 2
Be more explicit about the barriers women face in engaging in the workplace 2
Inequalities/barriers in education can lead to barriers and inequalities in the workplace 2
Introduce an "Equally Safe Kite Mark / Charter Mark" for employers 2
Women's civic and social inequality 15
Establish an Equality in Sport and Physical Activity Forum and develop a £300K Gender Equality in Sport fund to address the barriers to women's participation 7
Widen out to include charity and community boards and participation in volunteering 5
Actions to keep women safe, including in public spaces 6
Cultural shift in attitudes 6
The role of the media, including social media, online and advertising 2
Legislation change 2
Who it should cover 28
Engagement and partnership working 15
Delivery 12
Wording of plan 22

Table A7: Q10 Please tell us about any of the priority 3 actions that you are particularly supportive of.

Priority 3 Action No.
Public Services 104
Ensure court waiting times for domestic abuse cases and sexual offences cases in solemn proceedings are in line with agreed targets 10
Agree with the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service opportunities for managing how domestic abuse cases are progressed within Scotland, including the consideration of Domestic Abuse courts and case management solutions where a Domestic Abuse Court is not considered appropriate 6
Improve the experience of vulnerable witnesses, initially focusing on child complainers and witnesses through the greater use of pre-recorded evidence 15
Expand the Medics Against Violence Ask, Support, Care programme to train more healthcare students, NHS staff and non-health care professions to spot, document and respond to the signs of potential abuse 3
Improve the provision of services for all victims of sexual assault who require a forensic examination as part of an overall health focussed assessment - including considering the best models for delivery, consistency of approach and workforce planning issues to ensure that victims are provided with the examiner of the gender they prefer. 9
Work with Health Boards to ensure that they are ready for the implementation of National Standards in this area developed by Healthcare Improvement Scotland 3
Review the way forensic examinations are undertaken (including models of practice, consistency of approach and workforce planning) to ensure they are done appropriately and sensitively, with a view to better implementation of the National Minimum Standards in this area 4
Consider how learning from the National Trauma Training Framework can be incorporated to better inform the development of services, and identify leadership in the justice system to take this forward 7
Ensure that commissioned training resources of local authority housing and homelessness hubs incorporate domestic abuse competence 8
Develop options for funding supported housing, including domestic abuse refuge providers, to ensure that they continue to receive appropriate resources for their work 5
Develop draft violence against women quality standards for public services responding to victims and survivors 4
Identify and take forward approaches which will strengthen the social work response to domestic abuse 5
Reform the anonymous voter registration scheme, making it more accessible to survivors of domestic abuse 2
Share lessons from the "Safe and Together‟ model of child protection in a domestic abuse setting, encouraging a common understanding that perpetrators of abuse should be assessed and held accountable on their parenting choices which includes the perpetration of domestic abuse 13
Other Justice Comments 7
Other health comments 2
Other public Services Comments 1
Specialist Services 37
Initiate an independent review of how national and local specialist services for women and children experiencing gender based violence are commissioned, and how we can ensure quality and sustainability of service. 14
Commission the development of a sustainable model of training around gender based violence for public and third sector services 11
Consider the findings from the National Advocacy Scoping Exercise commissioned to help understand the provision of services in this area with the aim to determine where the provision of services could be extended and improved 7
Develop the Scottish Women's Rights Centre as a model for legal services, consider the currently unmet need for victims of gender based violence and the appropriate model of support for women, children and young people experiencing violence 5
Integrated services 16
Consult on how to embed consistent and effective operation of multi-agency structures to support high risk victims of domestic abuse 9
Support local violence against women partnerships in their improvement journey, and work to ensure that every local authority in Scotland has a high performing partnership linked to other local structures 7
Supportive of all 11
Other Comments 17
N =

Table A8: Q11 Please tell us about any priority 3 actions that you don't agree with

Identified as missing No.
No gaps 19
Public Services 13
Develop the health service response to preventing and tackling violence against women using the World Health Organisation's resolution on gender based violence as a framework 2
The 3 forensic examination actions 1
Expand the Medics Against Violence Ask, Support, Care programme to train more healthcare students, NHS staff and non-health care professions to spot, document and respond to the signs of potential abuse 4
Consider how learning from the National Trauma Training Framework can be incorporated to better inform the development of services, and identify leadership in the justice system to take this forward 1
Ensure that commissioned training resources of local authority housing and homelessness hubs incorporate domestic abuse competence 1
Reform the anonymous voter registration scheme, making it more accessible to survivors of domestic abuse 1
Share lessons from the „Safe and Together‟ model of child protection in a domestic abuse setting, encouraging a common understanding that perpetrators of abuse should be assessed and held accountable on their parenting choices which includes the perpetration of domestic abuse 2
Health Other 1
Specialist Services 7
Initiate an independent review of how national and local specialist services for women and children experiencing gender based violence are commissioned, and how we can ensure quality and sustainability of service. 1
Commission the development of a sustainable model of training around gender based violence for public and third sector services 5
Develop the Scottish Women's Rights Centre as a model for legal services, consider the currently unmet need for victims of gender based violence and the appropriate model of support for women, children and young people experiencing violence" 1
All forms 2
Delivery 1
Who it should cover 6
Wording of plan 14

Table A9: Q12 Are there any actions that you think are missing under priority 3? [3]

Identified as missing No.
Public Services 66
Ensure court waiting times for domestic abuse cases and sexual offences cases in solemn proceedings are in line with agreed targets 3
Improve the experience of vulnerable witnesses, initially focusing on child complainers and witnesses through the greater use of pre-recorded evidence 3
Develop the health service response to preventing and tackling violence against women using the World Health Organisation's resolution on gender based violence as a framework 3
Review the way forensic examinations are undertaken (including models of practice, consistency of approach and workforce planning) to ensure they are done appropriately and sensitively, with a view to better implementation of the National Minimum Standards in this area 3
Consider how learning from the National Trauma Training Framework can be incorporated to better inform the development of services, and identify leadership in the justice system to take this forward 3
Ensure that commissioned training resources of local authority housing and homelessness hubs incorporate domestic abuse competence 4
Develop options for funding supported housing, including domestic abuse refuge providers, to ensure that they continue to receive appropriate resources for their work 5
Identify and take forward approaches which will strengthen the social work response to domestic abuse 6
Develop draft violence against women quality standards for public services responding to victims and survivors 2
Share lessons from the „Safe and Together‟ model of child protection in a domestic abuse setting, encouraging a common understanding that perpetrators of abuse should be assessed and held accountable on their parenting choices which includes the perpetration of domestic abuse 3
Other Justice suggestions 19
Other health suggestions 6
Other public services suggestions 3
Specialist Services 15
Initiate an independent review of how national and local specialist services for women and children experiencing gender based violence are commissioned, and how we can ensure quality and sustainability of service. 5
Advocacy 6
Other specialist services suggestions 2
Integrated services 16
Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences ( MARAC) 11
Improve multi-agency working for other types of VAW, not just domestic abuse 3
Other integrated services suggestions 2
Other Suggestions 43
Training for professionals 28
Education 6
The role of the internet in exploiting women 2
Changing legislation around women's equality/ and around domestic abuse 2
Who it should cover 22
What it should cover - Include all forms of VAW (including honour based violence, FGM, forced marriage, rape, child sexual abuse, human trafficking and CSE, stalking 23
Engagement and partnership working 18
Delivery 15
Wording of plan 11
N= 66

Table A10: Q14. Please tell us about any of the priority 4 actions that you are particularly supportive of.

Priority 4 Action No.
Tackling Perpetrators 60
Encourage victims of gender based violence to report it to the Police 8
Introduce a Domestic Abuse Bill to Parliament which seeks to criminalise coercive control 11
Review training provided for all professionals within the Justice System to ensure that there is an understanding of the new offence for those investigating domestic abuse cases including trauma informed practice for all people who work with women and children 12
Work with the Scottish Civil Justice Council on case management in family actions, including in relation to child welfare hearings - recognising that these types of hearings and contact cases require careful consideration to ensure that victims of domestic abuse are protected from further abuse 10
Commence the Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Act 5
Continue to look at perpetrator programmes and consider where further efforts are required to identify and tackle behaviour with a view to rehabilitation and change 13
Develop multi agency domestic homicide reviews with Police Scotland and partners learning from practice in other jurisdictions which have allowed for improvement in practice 1
Supportive of all 18
N =53

Table A11: Q15. Please tell us about any priority 4 actions that you don't agree with.

Priority 4 actions that aren't supported No.
None/Support all 21
Encourage victims of gender based violence to report it to the Police 6
Other - Actions need to be clarified/ go further /stronger wording /more details on how they will be achieved 9
N= 36

Table A12: Q16. Are there any actions that you think are missing under priority 4? [4]

Identified as missing No.
Tackling Perpetrators suggestions 49
Encourage victims of gender based violence to report it to the Police 4
Review training provided for all professionals within the Justice System to ensure that there is an understanding of the new offence for those investigating domestic abuse cases including trauma informed practice for all people who work with women and children 14
Work with the Scottish Civil Justice Council on case management in family actions, including in relation to child welfare hearings - recognising that these types of hearings and contact cases require careful consideration to ensure that victims of domestic abuse are protected from further abuse 4
Continue to look at perpetrator programmes and consider where further efforts are required to identify and tackle behaviour with a view to rehabilitation and change 20
The need for early intervention with perpetrators 5
Include sexual offenders 2
Other suggestions 35
Actions relating to justice/ courts/prisons 11
Early education to tackle attitudes / zero tolerance approach to bullying 8
More support for children and young people as victims 4
Cross reference with workplace policies 3
Multi-agency interventions 3
Support for different types of perpetrators 14
Actions for women as perpetrators 7
Support for children and young people as perpetrators 5
Need to focus on all violence against women, not just domestic abuse 33
Who it should cover 4
Engagement and partnership working 7
Delivery 3
N =59

Table A13: Q18. Please tell us about any of the cross cutting actions that you are particularly supportive of

Cross Cutting Action No.
A human rights framework 41
Supportive of human rights approach generally (rather than mentioning a specific human rights action) 15
Support Eilidh Whiteford MP‟s Private Members Bill on ratification of the Istanbul Convention and press the UK Government to set out a clear timetable for ratification 6
Publish a report setting out what we are doing to implement the Istanbul Convention in Scotland 7
Continue to put human rights right at the heart of our approach to government, and work with civil society to safeguard both the Human Rights Act and the human rights and equality protections set out in EU law 6
Align with Scotland's National Action Plan for Human Rights, and reflect concluding observations from international human rights treaty bodies and reviews undertaken by the UN Human Rights Council, as they are brought forward 3
Tackle violence against women and girls through our International Development work in sub-Saharan African countries through project work and by contributing to UN conventions to ensure that women are empowered politically, economically, socially and culturally 2
Based on the principles of UN Security Council Resolution 13252, we will fund training and capacity building for at least fifty women annually from conflict affected regions, ensuring they have the skills and confidence to maximise their contribution to building a safer world 2
All Forms 50
Hold an event comprising key stakeholder to look how we better tackle online hate and misogyny 6
Build the gendered analysis into the implementation of Scotland's first Human Trafficking Strategy, ensuring that interventions recognise the particular inequalities women who are trafficked experience 9
Engage with stakeholders on the findings of research into the evidence as to the impact of criminalising the purchase of sex 3
Commission a mapping of exit routes, to inform guidance to public and third sector organisations on how to support women experiencing commercial sexual exploitation including prostitution 7
Implement Scotland's National Action Plan on preventing and eradicating female genital mutilation 5
Develop multi-agency national guidelines for tackling female genital mutilation 5
Engage with stakeholders on the recommendations of the research into Forced Marriage in Scotland published at the end of January 2017. 5
Hold a forced marriage case study workshop for public and third sector organisations to raise awareness of good practice and challenges 5
Improve the process of applying for a Forced Marriage Protection Order 6
All Women 21
Include a requirement for lesbian, bisexual and transgender women and girls inclusion plans in our funded services, to ensure they can access support 5
Ask the disabled people's panel within Scotland's Disability Delivery Plan to help us identify steps to tackle violence against disabled women and girls 5
Ask black and minority ethnic representatives to help us to identify specific steps to tackle violence against BME women and girls 7
Ensure that our objectives in Equally Safe are aligned with our future approach to refugee integration in Scotland 4
All Children 35
Supportive of the "All Children" approach generally (rather than mentioning a specific "all children" action) 3
Take forward a programme of action to ensure that vulnerable children (including those who have experienced domestic abuse) get access to the right help at the right time 5
Continue to implement the National Action Plan to Prevent and Tackle Child Sexual Exploitation, published in March 2016 4
Publish a refreshed action plan on child internet safety to ensure appropriate training, support and information is in place for professionals, children, young people and their families 3
Ensure the Domestic Abuse Bill effectively acknowledges the impact that domestic abuse can have on children through the operation of a statutory aggravation to the new offence of domestic abuse 5
Consult on the terms of the child cruelty and neglect offence contained in the Children and Young Persons Act 1937, including whether the offence requires to be modernised to include emotional and psychological abuse and archaic language removed 3
Develop understanding of the experience of domestic abuse by children in poverty, using this to inform the approach to tackling child poverty 3
Ensure that children's interests are better reflected in the justice system and that their voice is heard 5
Consider the application of lessons from various international examples of the "Barnahus‟ concept for child victims and how these could potentially apply within the Scottish context 4
Accountability 3
Embed the Sustainable Development Goals – including Goal 5, which calls for gender equality and the true empowerment of women and girls – in Scotland Performs 3
Participation 6
Support a pilot programme of participation with affected groups of women, children and young people 5
Capture the learning from participation approaches to inform future work in this area 1
Supportive of all 8
N = 47

Table A14: Q19. Please tell us about any cross cutting actions that you don't agree with.

Cross cutting actions that aren't supported No.
None/support all 21
Unhelpful to have cross cutting actions separate from the priority actions / these actions should be integrated into the priorities 13
Actions need to be strengthened / go further 5
More clarity/detail needed on certain actions and how they will be delivered 2
Actions relating to Human Rights Actions and legal duties don't belong here 1
N = 35

Table A15: Q20. Are there any cross cutting actions that you think are missing?

Identified as missing No.
Human Rights Framework 18
Impact of Brexit - on Human rights and those with no recourse to public funds 11
Be more explicit about children and the rights of the child/incorporate UNCRC 6
All Forms of Violence 30
Stronger actions on commercial sexual exploitation ( CSE) 15
Internet harm/ pornography 8
Stalking 3
All Women 23
Inclusion of intersectionality with all protected characteristics and other vulnerabilities / Remove the barriers around "hard to reach" women 9
Different life stages, including Older women 3
Learning Disabilities 3
Ask black and minority ethnic representatives to help us to identify specific steps to tackle violence against BME women and girls 2
All Children 31
Need holistic approach to childhood sexual abuse 9
Support for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse 4
Ensure that children's interests are better reflected in the justice system and that their voice is heard - go further include civil courts and wider policy 4
Ensure the Domestic Abuse Bill effectively acknowledges the impact that domestic abuse can have on children through the operation of a statutory aggravation to the new offence of domestic abuse 3
Consider the application of lessons from various international examples of the "Barnahus‟ concept for child victims and how these could potentially apply within the Scottish context 3
Look at link between domestic abuse and neglect, not domestic abuse and poverty 2
Take action on "justifiable assault" (children being slapped in the home) 2
Include looked after children 2
Participation 4
Support a pilot programme of participation with affected groups of women, children and young people 3
Other Suggestions 13
Gendered approach to VAW/ Gendered analysis of abuse needed 7
Training for professionals 2
Engagement and Partnership working 11
Involve third sector/ women's and children's sector 4
Involve those with lived experience / those with particular protected characteristics 2
Local level partnership working 2
Delivery 22
Wording of plan 17
N = 50

Table A16: Q25. What role could your organisation have in contributing to this delivery plan?

Role organisation could play No.
Provide training /guidance 20
Co-ordinating/contributing to work on VAW/ GBV at a local level as key part of what they do 18
Awareness raising/Promoting key messages from Equally Safe to members and wider society 16
Developing the evidence base /knowledge base, sharing good practice, improving practice 15
Providing support/delivering services to women, children, families affected by VAW 14
Willing to engage with SG/Participate in stakeholder discussion 13
Accountability and performance measurement /evaluation and review 10
Provides a voice to their members to contribute to the discussion 10
Campaigning for/working towards the implementation of policies and legislation 3
Co-ordinating VAW work with other work streams 3
Delivering services aimed at perpetrators 3
Capacity building work 2
Part of the Equally Safe Workstreams/responsible for some of the actions 1
Funding organisations to deliver work 1
Role of organisation as employer 1
Through engagement work 1
Providing support for men affected by DA 1
Suggestions for what organisations need from the SG in order to be able to contribute 9
N= 59

Table A17: Q26. In responding to this consultation, how are you drawing on the experiences and views of the women, children and young people who access your organisation?

How the experiences and views of the women, children and young people were drawn upon in consultation responses No.
Based on expertise in the field and reflecting the views of those with work with (service users, service providers, workers and partnership organisations) 39
Used research/evaluation/case studies information on evidence based practice, and professional learning 11
Through an equalities committee 3
Through gender based training 1
N= 49


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