
Equally safe: delivery plan

The Equally Safe delivery plan will help to ensure that the ambitions of the Equally Safe Strategy makes a tangible difference.

Performance Framework

Equally Safe Outcomes And Indicators

Equally Safe Outcomes And Indicators

National Indicators
(reported on nationally by the Scottish Government, with local authority breakdowns where possible)




Fewer people adhere to gender stereotypes

Proportion of public who do not have stereotypical views on gender roles i.e. proportion who choose response option 1 when asked the following:

Imagine you are taking a 3 year old boy to a shop to buy a toy. When you get there he picks a princess doll. Which of the phrases below best describes what you would do?

1 Buy it for him without saying anything

Buy it, but first try to get him to pick a toy that’s more common for boys

Make him put the doll back and pick a toy more common for boys

Scottish Social Attitudes Survey

Young People in Scotland Survey

Power, decision-making and material resources are distributed more equally between men and women

Gender pay gap in median hourly earnings (excluding overtime) between

  • men and women working full-time
  • all men and women working (full-time or part-time)

Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings

Power, decision-making and material resources are distributed more equally between men and women

Proportion of MSPs who are women

Scottish Parliament

Power, decision-making and material resources are distributed more equally between men and women

Proportion of local councillors who are women

LGiU Scotland

People have increased understanding of all forms of VAWG (causes, consequences and appropriate responses)

Proportion of public who do not believe rape myths i.e. the proportions who:

  • Disagree that ‘women often lie about being raped’
  • Disagree that ‘rape results from men being unable to control their need for sex’
  • Think a woman is not at all to blame for being raped if she …
    - … wears revealing clothing on a night out
    - … is very drunk

Scottish Social Attitudes Survey

Tolerance of VAWG is reduced and people are more likely to recognise and challenge it

Public attitudes to seriousness and harm of different forms of VAWG:

  • Sexual violence
  • Domestic abuse - physical abuse, verbal abuse, and controlling behaviour
  • Sexual harassment
  • Commercial sexual exploitation

Scottish Social Attitudes Survey

Young People in Scotland Survey

Perpetrators are identified (early)

Proportion of women who had experienced partner abuse in the last 12 months who said the police came to know about the most recent incident

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey

Perpetrators are identified (early)

Proportion of women who had experienced serious sexual assault since the age of 16 who said the police came to know about the most recent incident

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey

Perpetrators are identified (early)

Proportion of women who had experienced less serious sexual assault since the age of 16 who said the police came to know about the most recent incident

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey

Perpetrators are identified (early)

Proportion of women who had experienced stalking and harassment in the last 12 months who said the police came to know about the most recent incident

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey

Perpetrators are identified (early)

Number of incidents or crimes recorded by police, broken into the following categories:

  • Domestic abuse with a female victim
  • Rape/attempted rape with a female victim
  • Sexual Assault with a female victim
  • Prostitution related crimes
  • Other sexual crimes

Domestic Abuse Recorded by the Police in Scotland

Recorded Crime in Scotland

Perpetrators are sanctioned/held to account

Number of men convicted of:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Rape/attempted rape
  • Sexual assault
  • Prostitution related crimes
  • Other sexual crimes

Criminal Proceedings in Scotland

Violence against women and girls is reduced/eradicated

Percentage of women who have experienced partner abuse (psychological or physical) in last 12 months

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey

Violence against women and girls is reduced/eradicated

Percentage of women who have experienced at least one type of serious sexual assault since age 16

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey

Violence against women and girls is reduced/eradicated

Percentage of women who have experienced at least one type of less serious sexual assault (unwanted sexual touching, indecent exposure, or sexual threats) since the age of 16

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey

Violence against women and girls is reduced/eradicated

Percentage of women who have experienced at least one form of stalking/harassment in the last 12 months

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey

Local Indicators
(reported on by local violence against women partnerships, with nationally aggregated figures where possible)





Funding invested in preventing and eradicating VAWG at a local level

Violence Against Women Partnerships

Perpetrators are supported to change their behaviour

Number of referrals to specialist perpetrator interventions

Violence Against Women Partnerships

Perpetrators are supported to change their behaviour

% of referrals who successfully complete specialist perpetrator interventions

Violence Against Women Partnerships

Women and children affected by violence are identified (early)

Number of referrals to specialist VAWG support services

Violence Against Women Partnerships

Women and children’s safety needs are met

Women and children’s wider wellbeing needs are met

Average length of time women and children affected by VAWG need to wait to access specialist support services

Violence Against Women Partnerships

Women and children’s safety needs are met

% of women and children who report feeling safer as a result of the specialist support they have received

Violence Against Women Partnerships

Women and children’s wider wellbeing needs are met

% of women and children who report having increased levels of wellbeing as a result of the specialist support they have received

Violence Against Women Partnerships


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