Equally Safe in Colleges and Universities Core Leadership Group minutes: April 2023

Minutes from the meeting of the Equally Safe in Colleges and Universities Core Leadership Group on 25 April 2023.

Attendees and apologies


  • Mr Graeme Dey MSP, Minister for Higher Education and Further Education
  • Debbie Browett, Scottish Government,
  • Steven Paxton, Scottish Government
  • Daniel McCarron, Scottish Government
  • Adam Rendall, Scottish Government
  • Jill Stevenson, AMOSSHE/University of Stirling
  • Gail Toms, College Development Network
  • Jen Johnston, Colleges Scotland
  • Fiona Drouet, EmilyTest
  • Sarah Lawson, Rape Crisis Scotland
  • Rachel Adamson, SFC
  • Davena Rankin, UNISON
  • Susannah Lane, Universities Scotland


  • Jess Reid, NUS Scotland

Items and actions

Introduction, welcome and apologies

The Minister welcomed members to the meeting, and noted the apology as above.  The Minister extended regards to Gail Toms who is taking over for Suzanne Marshall as the representative for College Development Network.

Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Update from the data sharing short-life working group

The Minister explained that, at the previous meeting in November, it was agreed that officials would set up a sub-group to look at the issues raised around gender-based violence data collection. He invited Debbie Browett (Scottish Government) to summarise the progress made to date, and thereafter, members to comment.

Debbie Browett gave an update on the current progress of the working group, summarising the contents of Paper 3 and noting the ongoing work of Universities Scotland, and that the working group will soon be able to shift its attention to data sharing in relation to internal investigations.

Susannah Lane (Universities Scotland)

  • reported that the HE sector is moving at pace to establish a common baseline of practice in relation to criminal proceedings data capture, and that they are testing an approach with lawyers on three perspectives; common law duty of care, consumer law, and data protection regulations.
  • further advised that UCAS and ICO are also involved in the process, and that an update is expected by mid-May.

Action: Universities Scotland to provide a response to the Core Leadership Group as soon as possible, preferably by mid-May 2023.

Fiona Drouet (EmilyTest)

  • highlighted  the need to make quick and significant progress, noting that a need to address data sharing first came to the fore in 2018 and asking for assurances that progress can be expected through Universities Scotland is undertaking.
  • advised that EmilyTest will consider how progress and practice will be monitored, referencing that GBV Charter affiliated institutions are expected to work to a certain standard of GBV data practices in the interest of student safety.

Susannah Lane reiterated the willingness of all  university Principals to establish a common baseline of practice and to a robust, legally informed approach.

Staff misconduct

The Minister noted that the issue of staff misconduct data sharing presented unique challenges and asked Susannah Lane whether Universities Scotland is looking at the issue.

Susannah Lane advised that the issue of staff misconduct, and particularly the interaction with employment law, created different challenges, and opportunities and this will require focused consideration. There is a willingness from universities to engage with the issue.

Davena Rankin (UNISON) expressed an interest for UNISON to be included in conversations around staff misconduct.

Review of progress against strategic priorities

The Minister noted that the agreed Annual Operating Plan from April 2022 to March 2024 had been shared as Paper Four and invited members to advise of progress relating to the agreed priorities, and note any areas they feel should be prioritised going forward.

Investigative training

Fiona Drouet stated that after the Investigative Training Roundtable held in early October 2022, EmilyTest issued an investigative training proposal for institutions to engage with, in the form of a pilot. Two institutions have now signed up. Fiona Drouet reiterated that engagement from the sector will be important to drive this work forward.

Susannah Lane agreed to engage with Emily Test to try and find a way forward. This was to be picked up between EmilyTest and Universities Scotland separately.

Action: Officials agreed to share minutes of investigative training roundtable with the Core Leadership Group.

Police Scotland activities

In response to a question from the Minister, Debbie Browett reported on the work being undertaken by Police Scotland which includes; the provision of an information sharing portal for bodies to report information about individuals’ behaviour which is concerning but not necessarily illegal; and a resource to tackle spiking which is now available for institutions to use.

Action: Officials to arrange for Police Scotland to come to next Core Leadership Group meeting to provide an update on their work.

Communications to students about support services

The Minister asked members how the existence of support services, such as those provided by Police Scotland, is communicated to students.

Jill Stevenson (AMOSSHE/University of Stirling) and Gail Toms (College Development Network) detailed a number of pathways by which students receive information about support services that are available to them at universities. These include physical student support spaces on campus, messaging at student unions, welcome and induction events, student online portal, newsletters, social media, and institution-specific apps.

Targeting male students

The Minister asked the Group if there is any ongoing prevention and awareness work targeted at male students.

Jill Stevenson advised that there are some training programmes in place and that the University of Stirling has done some outreach work with White Ribbon. She  expressed the view that more work can be done in this space.

Fiona Drouet added that there is a mandatory pre-matriculation module on consent which all incoming students at the University of St Andrews must complete. Emily Test hopes to be able to share that wider as soon as possible. She added that “Aware and Empowered” is a City of Glasgow College/EmilyTest collaborative project which aims to empower students to recognise and act when they witness concerning behaviour.  

Rachel Adamson (Scottish Funding Council) commented that White Ribbon, while a useful resource, mostly relies volunteer support, suggesting that more thought and focused attention is needed around how the specific focus on engaging men is being funded.

Rachel Adamson also expressed the view that significant focus is given in the Group to matters relating to universities with comparatively little attention focused on colleges, and expressed her hope that future discussions reflect the challenges within the FE sector and the lessons that can be learned from it.   

SFC KC-led reviews and campus culture

Debbie Browett further advised that Scottish Funding Council took forward some work in relation to two KC-led reviews in relation to staff misconduct in higher education, and invited Rachel Adamson to speak to this work. Rachel Adamson commented that SFC had conducted an internal analysis of the information submitted under the Call for Evidence following the O’Gorman case. Work was now needed between sector partners to effectively address the concerns around staff misconduct, and effectively address how campus culture contributes to GBV prevalence.

Susannah Lane reported that there is work in hand in the sector across a range of issues relating to campus culture and that she will aim to follow up outside of meeting.

GBV Charter and work within individual institutions

Fiona Drouet advised that despite substantial and rapid progress is being made with GBV Charter-affiliated institutions, more can be done collaboratively to stimulate Charter engagement in the sectors.

Date of next meeting

Prior to the meeting, the Minister’s office had communicated to members that the next meeting will take place on 22 August 2023.


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