
Equally Safe Joint Strategic Board minutes: May 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the Equally Safe Joint Strategic Board group on 29 May 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Siobhian Brown MSP, Minister for Victims and Community Safety, Scottish Government (SG)
  • Councillor Maureen Chalmers, Community Safety and Wellbeing Spokesperson, COSLA
  • Mariam Ahmed, Third Sector Specialist, AMINA
  • Karen Allan, Housing and Homelessness, ALACHO
  • Steven Bertram, Police Scotland (Attending on behalf of Sam Faulds)
  • Sandy Brindley, Third Sector Specialist, Rape Crisis Scotland
  • Amanda Coulthard, Local Authority Leadership, SOLACE
  • Lucy Denvir, Public Health, NHS Fife
  • Sophie Gwyther, Local Authority Leadership, VAWP Network
  • Ann Hayne, Health, NHS Lanarkshire (Attending on behalf of Eddie Doherty)
  • Catriona Kirkpatrick, Third Sector Specialist, Engender
  • Alisdair Macleod, COPFS (Attending on behalf of Emma Forbes)
  • Mollie McGoran MSYP, Scottish Youth Parliament
  • Kelly McIntosh, Education, ADES
  • Marsha Scott, Third Sector Specialist, Scottish Women’s Aid
  • Linda Thompson, Third Sector Specialist, Women’s Support Project
  • Laura Tomson, Third Sector Specialist, Zero Tolerance


  • Eddie Doherty, Health, NHS
  • Sam Faulds, Police Scotland
  • Emma Forbes, COPFS
  • Joanna MacDonald, Scottish Government
  • Anna Mitchell, Systems Change, Safe and Together

Items and actions

Item 1 – Welcome and Apologies

Councillor Chalmers welcomed all Board members to the meeting and apologies were noted.

Item 2 – Minutes of March Meeting and Actions Arising

The Minister asked for any final comments on the March meeting minutes. Subject to typographic minor changes, members signed off the previous meeting minutes.

Action 5 from the JSB meeting in November, regarding further discussions between the JSB and Scottish Court Service, is still noted as outstanding.

ACTION 1: SG officials to arrange further discussion between the JSB and Scottish Court service in 2024 (continued action from March JSB).

ACTION 2: SG officials to action changes to the March minutes and upload to the SG webpages.

Item 3 – Scottish Government and COSLA Update

Councillor Chalmers invited Katy Betchley to provide an update on the VAWG Sustainable Funding Board. Katy provided a summary of the Sustainable Funding Project Board’s first meeting in March, with key themes including the importance of developing a longer-term funding model that aligns with Equally Safe, the need for flexibility within this model, and that victim-survivors should be at the centre of considerations. Moving forward, Katy outlined that this the Board will work through three phases: considering a new funding review model and what this would look like; what will be the evidence base; and lastly, the wider recommendations that were set out in the Independent Funding Review.

Ann Hayne (NHS) enquired about which organisations currently sit on the Board and asked if the groups terms of reference could be shared.

ACTION 3: SG officials to share the VAWG Sustainable Funding Board’s terms of reference with the JSB.

Marsha Scott (SWA) noted that the approach proposed to assess the current cost and spend of VAWG to inform the development of a sustainable long term funding model should be changed to assess need.

Marsha welcomed a follow up conversation with SG officials. Laura Tomson (ZT) asked that primary prevention be considered by the Board as they move forward.

Katy Betchley confirmed that funding of primary prevention would be included within the considerations of the Board.

ACTION 4: SG officials to set up a one to one follow up meeting with SWA on the Funding Board’s approach.

Councillor Chalmers then brought in Jeff Gibbons to provide an update on Scotland’s strategic approach to challenging and deterring men’s demand for prostitution. Jeff stated that engagement continues with key stakeholders to explore the potential of establishing a pilot in Glasgow.

Amanda Coulthard (SOLACE) highlighted that she would provide feedback on the framework to officials, following an internal SOLACE discussion.

Linda Thompson (WSP) raised concerns about the timescales as set out in the framework. It was confirmed that the next steps for the framework are subject to meetings with Glasgow City Council on the pilot.

Sandy Brindley (RCS) requested an update on the sex offender programme in future meetings.

Councillor Chalmers noted that the draft Equally Safe delivery plan will be taken to the Leaders Board on 31 May to be signed off within COSLA’s governance structure.

Item 4 - Equally Safe Delivery Plan

The Minister outlined the journey to develop the plan since the Deep Dive session with the JSB in February, before bringing in Nel Whiting to provide an update.

Nel Whiting summarised that over the last few months, officials have engaged with stakeholders through a series of workshops, before undertaking one on one meetings with those who will lead on deliverables. This helped to shape the delivery plan. The Board then went through each deliverable and related actions to capture any further feedback.

Marsha Scott commented that, more generally, she would like to see specialist organisations more visible in the actions and in the lead where relevant. Sophie Gwyther said that the VAW network had relevance across all deliverables. It was agreed that both should meet with officials to ensure their points were further captured within the delivery plan.

Laura Tomson emphasised that the entire delivery plan should be intersectional, for example consideration for women and girls who have learning difficulties should be considered as part of the whole plan and not a standalone deliverable.  Nel agreed that, although there are standalone actions, consideration has been given to all in the development of each one, and we acknowledge the needs of women and girls with learning disabilities have not yet been mainstreamed therefore require a separate deliverable. Furthermore, all those who are currently listed as leads, have been consulted and have agreed to being named leads. Ultimately, ensuring the deliverables are met will be everyone’s responsibility.

Amanda Coulthard thanked SG officials for reflecting her feedback in the draft plan.  She raised that, overall, the plan is very high-level, and it will be important for SOLACE to consider how it can be implemented at a local level. Nel acknowledged that in time project plans will sit underneath each action and that relevant delivery partners will be responsible for developing these.

Ann Hayne noted that there was no reference to ensuring an SG health VAWG policy lead is in place. She stated that this was disappointing but also meant that there would be challenges in local implementation within Health Board as there was no leadership focus to ensure it was considered a priority.

Sandy Brindley asked if there could be reference to legislative reform in relation to sexual offending to be recognised within the delivery plan.

ACTION 5: SG officials to pick up on the points raised during this agenda item, including meeting with those identified during discussions on the delivery plan.

Item 5 - Education

Councillor Chalmers invited Stuart Downes to provide an update on the GBV framework in schools, which places emphasis on prevention and early intervention. This was followed by an update from JSB member Kelly McIntosh (ADES) who has developed ADES actions for the ES delivery plan that are both tangible and measurable, whilst also drawing upon the framework of ‘the Promise’.

A wider discussion then took place on ensuring a coherent approach to addressing VAWG in education through ES. The recent work to prevent VAWG in schools was praised, particularly the work that has been undertaken to develop and agree actions for ADES in the delivery plan.

Laura Tomson noted that the causes and consequence of VAWG cannot be solved by young people alone, but that it is a wider cultural issue. Through ES, it is important to ensure schools are equally safe spaces for all. In working with children and young people to support progress towards the prevention of VAWG, we must also make connections into children’s rights work.

Laura Tomson also asked if there was additional funding to support the commitments ADES was making.  Kelly McIntosh stated that there was not and noted that the actions for ADES are reasonable and will promote ‘good practice’ in schools. The actions would not add to teacher’s workload but acknowledge the pressures on education authorities.

Item 6 - National Advisory Council on Women and Girls (NACWG) and Equally Safe

The Minister invited NACWG Co-chair Anna Ritchie Allan to present to the Board the recent findings of the NACWG report on ensuring the accountability of Scottish Government action on women’s and girls’ equality through the group’s ‘second phase of scrutiny’. This included consideration of the Scottish Government’s responses to the cost-of-living crisis, it’s gendered dimensions but also its impact on women who are most marginalised. Anna highlighted that this latest report makes direct calls to action for the Scottish Government that are critical to delivering a fairer Scotland for women and girls.

Following the presentation, conversation turned to the overlaps between NACWG and ES, and where there could be strengthened links. The issue of women’s poverty was noted as an overlap that could be further considered. It was noted that the gendering of economy policy is a vital component of eradicating violence against women and girls. JSB members agreed that they would find it useful to have a future meeting focused on women’s poverty.

Mariam Ahmed (AMINA) stated that the approach to tackling poverty seems dis-jointed across Boards (NACWG and JSB) and there is a gap in understanding of how poverty affects women and girls from different ethnicities. There was consensus that the JSB should develop an inter-sectional approach to poverty through the ES strategy.

The Minister highlighted that the ES Ministerial Oversight Group could be used to tackle any disconnect and bridge gaps across portfolios, but also engage more with those in the economy space. The Minister stated that Ministers with responsibility for the economy sit on this Group.

Sandy Brindley (RCS) praised the helpful accountability mechanism developed by NACWG to ensure commitment at Government level is achieved.

The misogyny legislation was then raised, and an enquiry posed as to whether there was an update on any progress in this area. The Minister flagged that it is currently under review and the JSB will be informed once as there is confirmed guidance at a Ministerial level.  

ACTION 6: SG officials to circulate Anna Ritchie Allan’s presentation slides to the JSB.  

ACTION 7: SG officials to ensure the intersectionality of poverty is discussed at a future JSB.

Item 7 – Summary of Actions

Councillor summarised the meetings actions, as noted below.

Item 8 – AOB and Close

The Minister noted that officials would be attending Civil Service Live on June 7th to promote the work of Equally Safe and raise awareness of work to address VAWG amongst civil servants.  She thanked all attendees for their input and attendance, before closing the meeting.


  • SG officials to arrange further discussion between the JSB and Scottish Court service in 2024 (continued action from March JSB)
  • SG officials to action changes to the March minutes and upload to the SG webpages
  • SG officials to share the VAWG Sustainable Funding Board’s terms of reference with the JSB
  • SG officials to set up a one to one follow up meeting with SWA on the Funding Board’s approach
  • SG officials to pick up on the points raised during this agenda item, including meeting with those identified during discussions on the delivery plan
  • SG officials to circulate Anna Ritchie Allan’s presentation slides to the JSB
  • SG officials to ensure the intersectionality of poverty is discussed at a future JSB
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