
Equally Well Implementation Plan

The Equally Well Implementation Plan which sets out how the Scottish Government and community planning partnerships will turn the recommendations of Equally Well into real outcomes in the medium and long term.


1 The Baby Friendly Initiative Awards Scheme offers an assessment and accreditation process that recognises those who have achieved the required standards in ensuring a high standard of care for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers and babies.

2 The Project Board has membership from the Scottish Government, COSLA, voluntary sector organisations (Aberlour, Lloyds TSB Partnership Drug Initiative).

3 As part of the UK Government's activities on financial inclusion, DWP has established a financial inclusion champions initiative, launched in October 2008, which will provide dedicated members of staff with experience in working on financial inclusion to work with local authorities, social landlords and other potential financial inclusion intermediaries.

4 Membership of the Fuel Poverty Forum: Age Concern, Citizens' Advice Scotland, COSLA, Energy Action Scotland, Energy Saving Trust, Energywatch, Friends of the Earth, Help the Aged, Home Energy Conservation Act ( HECA) officers Network, Ofgem, Poverty Alliance, Scottish and Southern Energy, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, Scottish Gas, Scottish Power, and Shelter.

5 Glasgow City Council is placing appropriate community benefit clauses in tenders relating to the 2014 Commonwealth Games

6 SMACAP/ SACDM Delivery Reform Group is a joint sub-group of the Scottish Ministerial Advisory Committee on Alcohol Problems and the Scottish Advisory Committee on Drug Misuse.

7 Use of the term Anticipatory care in this implementation plan refers to inequalities-targeted high risk primary prevention.

8 This will be done by phasing out the Minimum Practice Income Guarantee ( MPIG), making changes to the Quality and Outcomes Framework ( QOF), and making changes to the current prevalence arrangements (that apply in the payment of QOF payments).

9 Membership of The same as you? national implementation group includes Scottish Government, the Thistle Foundation, Enable Scotland, Calling the Shots, People First, Scottish Autism Society, Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability, PAMIS, NHS Lothian, Down Syndrome Scotland, ADSW.

10 Profound and Multiple Impairment Service, based at the University of Dundee.

11 The self-directed support reference group comprises membership from Scottish Government, COSLA, Association of Directors of Social Work, Scottish Care at Home, Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care, Community Care Providers Scotland, Thistle Foundation, Argyll & Bute Community Health Partnership, ENABLE Scotland, Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability, Scottish Association for Mental Health, Age Concern Scotland, Alzheimer Scotland-Action on Dementia, Key Housing Association, Telford College, In Control, Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living, Penumbra, City of Edinburgh Council, Camphill, City of Aberdeen Council, and Capability Scotland.

12 Membership of the multi-agency TAS Working Group was from Scottish Government, Association of Directors of Social Work, Scottish Prison Service, and Phoenix Futures.

13 The summary paper was produced by a multi-agency Offender Mental Health Working Group, comprising individuals from the Scottish Government, South Ayrshire Council, the Scottish Prison Service, Lothian and Borders Community for Justice Authority ( CJA), and Social Work Inspection Agency.

14 The Scottish Investment Fund ( provides investment in mature Third Sector organisations ready to make a significant step-change in their organisational capacity and capability. The Enterprise Fund will provide development funding for Third Sector organisations which are at an earlier stage of development.

15 Meeting the Shared Challenge is a Government-funded support programme that aims to improve joint working with the community-led health sector. It is run by the Scottish Community Development Centre and started in September 2007.

16 Firstport is a registered charity working to support new and emerging social entrepreneurs throughout Scotland. It was developed to act as a first port of call for social enterprise and social entrepreneurs in Scotland, to act as a broker for advice and support to them and to increase their numbers.

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