
ESIF Programme Monitoring Committee communications update paper: December 2021

Update on the communications strategy presented to the group on 7 December 2021.


To update members on the implementation of the communications strategy since the last meeting of the Programme Monitoring Committee (PMC) in May 2021.


The PMC is invited to give an opinion on ways to increase effectiveness of communications activities aimed at promoting activities and projects supported through the European Social Fund (ESF) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programmes.

Lead partner event in June 2021

COVID-19 continues to impact on the delivery of ESF- and ERDF-supported activities and projects. In response to this and to better understand the challenges that the Managing Authority (MA) and Lead Partners (LP) faced during this time, the MA organised an online LP event on 23 June based on the theme of ‘adapting to COVID-19 and using what we have learnt in future’. 

The sessions focused on the many challenges that LPs have faced, but it was also an opportunity for attendees to share lessons and good practice on how they have adapted to the restrictions and ensured continued delivery of activities through new ways of working.

The event also featured a discussion of how the MA and LPs took advantage of the opportunities offered through the Europe Commission such as the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative (CRII+). Feedback from delegates was positive and the MA will utilise the feedback for planning future events.

Social media

The MA continues to use its Twitter account @scotgovESIF to raise awareness of ESIF-related projects and activity. While the main target audience for our social media activity is the public, we also use it to direct stakeholders towards blog posts and website updates, and inform them of other minor changes.

Website and blog

The MA continues to review its website content on a quarterly basis and makes changes as and when required. Currently, significant work is being undertaken to improve the accessibility of ESIF documents hosted on our website.


The MA has issued e-bulletins in March, June, August and October to live Strategic Intervention (SI) and operations managers as listed on our claim payment system EUMIS. The e-Bulletins have provided LPs with a short update on topical issues relevant at time of publication e.g. LP financial forecasting.

Media coverage and monitoring

The MA continues to work with LPs’ and other organisations’ communications teams to create media coverage of ESIF projects. A selection of media coverage is below:

  • 25 May 2021: ‘Nine new mobile phone masts planned as part of the Scottish 4G Infill infrastructure programme’ (ERDF: Scottish 4G Infill) - Holyrood
  • 22 June 2021: ‘£9m contract awarded for new development on Inverness Campus’ (ERDF: Business Competitiveness) -
  • 6 July 2021: ‘Low-carbon transport hub to help motorists go green’ (ERDF: Low Carbon Travel and Transport) - STV
  • 30 September 2021: ‘Restoration for sustainable public access underway at Old Man of Storr’ (ERDF: Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund) - The Scotsman
  • 12 November 2021: ‘EU funds £37 million award for NHS Scotland PPE despite Brexit’ (ERDF: COVID-19 Response Fund) - The National

Future events

An online 'annual publicity event' is scheduled to take place on the morning of Tuesday 14 December. The agenda is currently being finalised, but topics will include the ongoing evaluation of the LP delivery model and the official launch of a 2021 case study booklet, which follows the 2020 booklet in promoting the many successes and achievements of the programme.

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