ESIF Programme Monitoring Committee evaluation strategy update paper: December 2021

Update on the evaluation strategy presented to the group on 7 December 2021.

Purpose of paper

This paper provides an update to the work being undertaken in relation to the revised monitoring and evaluation strategy as approved through written procedure in March 2020.

Decisions required

This paper provides the Programme Monitoring Committee (PMC) with an update - no decisions are required.


Members will be aware that impetus for monitoring and evaluation are underpinned by requirements of the European Commission and the principles of on-going review as part of effective programme management. The Common Provision Regulation (CPR) states “(evaluation) shall be carried out to improve the quality of the design and implementation of programmes, as well as to assess their effectiveness, efficiency and impact”. The decision of the UK to leave the EU also places the programmes in a changed environment; assessing the existing programmes represents an opportunity to inform replacement programmes helping to ensure their success.

Evaluation of delivery structures and partnership working

In July 2021 the tender requirement for the evaluation of delivery structures and partnership working was advertised on Public Contracts Scotland. Following a successful bid EKOS were appointed to carry out the work in September 2021.

The invitation to tender outlined that the assessment would analyse and assess the effectiveness of the structures and partnership models used to deliver the 2014-2020 ESF and ERDF programmes. Analysis of the effectiveness of Lead Partner (LP) and Delivery Agent (DA) model are included in the assessment through the following outputs:

  • has the LP model been successful in helping to deliver the goals and priorities of the 2014-2020 programme, specifically: economic, employment, innovation, education; poverty reduction and climate change/reduction in carbon emissions?
  • has the LP model helped maintain a consistent level of delivery?
  • has the LP model been flexible enough to allow adaptations and revisions to the programme?
  • is the LP model sufficiently transparent to the beneficiaries of the funding?
  • looking forward, what factors make a successful partnership in the context of programme delivery and can these factors be replicated and utilised for the replacement funding programme?

EKOS are well underway with their LP interviews and early feedback suggests engagement has been positive, the DA survey is also well underway. PMC members will have the opportunity to engage with EKOS at the meeting arranged for 9 December 2021 and again at the LP event on 14 December 2021, with EKOS being in attendance at both events. EKOS will provide an interim report in December 2021 with the final report to follow in January 2022.

2014-2020 European Structural Funds Programme (Highlands & Islands region)

In August 2021 the tender requirement for the 2014-2020 European Structural Funds Programme (Highlands & Islands) region was advertised on Public Contracts Scotland. Following an evaluation of the tender by Angus MacLeod (Policy Officer, Highland Council), Robin Clarke (Head of Policy, Highlands and Islands Enterprise) and Ryan Gunn (Governance and Stakeholder Team Leader, Scottish Government) EKOS were appointed to carry out the work in November 2021.

EKOS will analyse, assess and evaluate what impact funding has in the Highlands and Islands region given its remote geographical conditions and status as a transition area. The analysis will seek to identify those projects which could be categorised and particularly effective and, conversely, those which were notably less effective. Conclusions and recommendations will be used to inform future delivery models for the Highlands and Islands.

EKOS are scheduled to provide an interim report in January 2022 with the final report being delivered in February 2022.

Further evaluations

Further evaluations focusing on the following areas are also scheduled:

  • low carbon thematic evaluation: commencing  March 2022, conncluding June/July 2022
  • smart growth and/or inclusive growth: commencing March 2022, concluding June/July 2022
  • ex-post: commencing/concluding 2023/2024

These are approximate dates based on previous contracts and awards.

Further details are outlined in the monitoring and evaluation strategy and updates will be provided as these develop. We will also revise the current evaluation strategy to reflect the revised evaluation dates.

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