ESIF Programme Monitoring Committee evaluation strategy update paper: May 2023

Update on the evaluation strategy presented to the group on 9 May 2023.

Purpose of paper

This paper provides an update on the low carbon thematic evaluation as outlined in the monitoring and evaluation strategy as approved through written procedure in March 2020.

Members will be aware of the paper submitted at the last meeting of the Programme Monitoring Committee (PMC) which outlined progress through the evaluation strategy to date.

Decisions required

This paper provides the PMC with an update on the low carbon thematic evaluation. No decisions are required.


At the last update the low carbon thematic evaluation had been advertised and interest from potential bidders had been noted. Following the evaluation EKOS were appointed as the preferred bidder.

Evaluation of performance has been well covered and assessed through the previous reports:

  • evaluation of delivery structures and partnership working
  • 2014-2020 European Structural Funds Programme: Highlands and Islands region
  • 2014-2020 European Structural Funds Programme: smart and inclusive growth evaluation

The Managing Authority (MA) agreed with EKOS that the low carbon evaluation would be best served by adopting a case study approach. However, the report still provides a robust evaluation of financial and operational performance.

The study aims and objectives of the report was to assess whether and to what extend the investment into low carbon activities is delivering benefits. Additional study questions also included:

  • why are more benefits/impacts seen in areas which are considered to be ‘tried and tested’?
  • has the 2014-2020 programme contributed towards Scotland’s approach to low carbon?
  • how has the level of ESIF investment to support low carbon activities delivered the anticipated volume of low carbon projects?
  • has there been sufficient flexibility to allow the focus of funding to switch towards low carbon projects when needed?

Lessons, achievements and highlights are contained within each ease study evaluation however EKOS noted the programme has been successful in generating a range of activity which has driven Scotland further along the low carbon journey.

This includes mechanisms to support SMEs to engage with the circular economy are present and larger innovation projects, such as district heating and improved water management have proved successful. Improvements to transport infrastructure and the natural environment are also apparent from the study.

The final draft of the report has been received by the MA. Following any final amendments the report will be available on the website in the near future and members will be advised when they are able to view its contents.

As with previous evaluations, the MA will organise a separate briefing session for members, offering an opportunity to engage directly with EKOS and seek clarification on any of the findings of the report.

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