ESIF Programme Monitoring Committee financial/operational performance update paper: October 2022

Update on the financial and operational performance of the programmes presented to the group on 26 October 2022.


To provide members of the Programme Monitoring Committee (PMC) with a summary of the financial performance of the programmes in delivering the financial targets, outputs and results of those operations supported through the approved Operational Programme (OP).


Following de-commitment for 2021, the figures for which were confirmed at the last meeting of May 2022, the allocations per priority within the OPs for both the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) have now been revised.

The revised allocations are detailed within Table 1 for ESF and Table 2 for ERDF below, along with the current level of committed funding and spend to date.

Table 1 – ESF

Region and priority Programme value (€) Committed (€) Percentage of programme committed Paid claims (€) Percentage of programme claimed
Highlands and Islands 57,810,661 47,085,101.91 81% 16,579,769.43 29%
8 17,852,370 16,551,255.96 93% 7,512,851.31 42%
9 9,991,929 9,506,613.53 95% 1,507,071.29 15%
10 27,376,378 18,902,623.07 69% 6,035,583.40 22%
12 2,589,984 2,124,609.35 82% 1,524,263.43 59%
Lowlands and Uplands (LUPS) 309,859,319 318,549,867.39 103% 121,608,410.42 39%
8 116,336,456 124,158,126.85 107% 52,435,016.67 45%
8a (Youth Employment Initiative) 51,014,110 50,291,196.82 99% 40,974,402.51 80%
9 26,147,527 28,313,727.00 108% 6,292,464.22 24%
10 105,653,014 109,587,015.71 104% 17,455,457.11 17%
12 10,708,212 6,199,801.01 58% 4,451,069.91 42%
ESF total 367,669,980 365,634,969.30 99% 138,188,179.85 38%

Table 2 - ERDF

Region and priority Programme value (€) Committed (€) Percentage of programme committed Paid claims (€) Percentage of programme claimed
Highlands and Islands 101,308,164 85,322,198.19 84% 26,353,508.85 26%
1 24,865,348 16,216,966.08 65% 3,797,089.44 15%
2 13,039,352 13,039,351.85 100% 6,846,911.64 53%
3 26,948,434 26,704,216.81 99% 9,632,827.27 36%
4 14,896,284 10,304,746.35 69% 1,924,484.71 13%
6 17,343,515 16,759,293.18 97% 2,498,671.32 14%
12 4,215,231 2,297,623.92 55% 1,653,524.47 39%
Lowlands and Uplands (LUPS) 323,791,191 283,516,620.56 88% 116,873,816.73 36%
1 101,204,692 91,801,138.14 91% 58,860,788.57 58%
3 109,612,872 105,390,629.16 96% 24,368,393.94 22%
4 66,811,663 49,684,247.80 74% 19,287,993.90 29%
6 32,898,512 29,559,805.58 90% 9,264,410.62 28%
12 13,263,452 7,080,799.88 53% 5,092,229.70 38%
ERDF total 425,099,355 368,838,818.75 87% 143,227,325.58 34%

Spend to date

Table 3, details the spend to date for the ESF and ERDF programmes and the current levels of committed operations up to the closure of the 2014-2020 Programme.

Table 3

Programme Committed operations Spend Forecast claims Shortfall
ESF £313,598,301 £158,145,821  £133,064,714 £22,387,766
ERDF £316,341,883 £153,334,618  £146,165,538  £16,841,727

Total: £39,229,493

In order to reduce any financial risk to Scottish Ministers, it is essential that Lead Partners (LP) continue to identify and confirm future potential savings, particularly in the ESF programme which is close to full commitment.

To support LPs in this process, the Managing Authority (MA) have been holding MA Approval Panel meetings every 6 weeks throughout 2022 with the last one of 2022 scheduled for 16 November. We ask that LPs notify their relevant growth teams of their plans to submit change requests to formalise any potential saving.

Claims performance

There has been an increase in the claims performance since the last meeting of the PMC working group in July. Of the 48 claims forecast to be submitted by LPs between July and September (ESF: 26, ERDF: 22) totalling £47.3m (ESF: £19.9m, ERDF: £27.4m) the MA only received 9 ESF claims valued at £7.1m and 6 ERDF claims valued at £9.7m.

We have also provided a table detailing the claims performance of the programme since 2016 to 2022.

January to December

Year Average turnaround (days) Claims paid Claims received during previous year Claims received during this period Claims paid (£)
2016 35 1 0 1 956,303.74
2017 49 79 1 78 28,232,054.83
2018 88 136 27 109 49,474,437.48
2019 92 64 19 45 27,721,149.19
2020 213 49 30 19 22,285,576.43 
2021 192 47 17 30 69,218,434.06
2022 261 48 29 19 45,506,690.18

N.B. 2022 shows claims activity from January to September. Current days for claims only received and paid this year is 123 days.

Performance towards N+3 (2022)

In the context of achieving our N+3 target for 2022 which is £394,496,521, we still require a significant number of verified claims required to achieve the N+3 2022 target (ESF: £21.2m, ERDF: £60.8m).

These figures take into account the declaration submitted in July, however at this stage does not estimate any values for the declaration due to be submitted in December as these are currently unknown. We expect the de-commitment figures to reduce significantly once the values are known for these declarations, however, further work is required by the collective to ensure we minimise any future de-commitment of funds in 2022.

There are various work streams ongoing within the MA to accelerate progress towards achieving N+3 for 2022 (e.g. re-introduction exercise, claims prioritisation, etc.) but it is also important that claims are submitted as per forecasts, where possible, to minimise any de-commitment this year. As detailed in the earlier tables, a significant number of claims have not been submitted in accordance with claims forecast.

The MA will prioritise and allocate appropriate resource to the verification of claims and maintain regular contact with LPs on the submission, payment and progress of their claims.

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