
Establishing a Scottish Nitrogen Balance Sheet: consultation analysis

An analysis report summarising and describing the responses to the public consultation on establishing a Scottish Nitrogen Balance Sheet

Annex 2: Acronyms used

AQMA Air Quality Management Area
NH3 Ammonia
NOx Oxides of nitrogen
N2 Di-nitrogen
RLUP Regional Land Use Partnerships
SNBS Scottish Nitrogen Balance Sheet
NGO Non-governmental Organisation
COP/COP26 Conference of the Parties, attended by countries that signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - a treaty agreed in 1994. The 2021 meeting in Glasgow will be the 26th meeting.
CAfS Cleaner Air for Scotland
SEPA Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle
NUE Nitrogen Use Efficiency
SEWEB Scotland's environment web
NAEI National Atmospheric Emission Inventory
SPRI Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory
RPB River Purification Boards
UKCEH UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
LTLS-IM Long-Term Large-Scale Integrated Model



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