
Establishing a Scottish Nitrogen Balance Sheet: consultation analysis

An analysis report summarising and describing the responses to the public consultation on establishing a Scottish Nitrogen Balance Sheet


1. Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) Roadmap - Agri-supply roadmap for a sustainable food chain

2. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra): UK and England soil nutrient balances 2018

3. The online documents listed below provide further information on the key competences on which advisers are assessed including on improving nitrogen use efficiency:

FAR modules (3 and 4)

FACTS course

2020 on-line assessment

4. A nitrogen budget for Scotland. UKCEH report to SEPA: Carnell et al. (2019)

5. Agricultural businesses within Scotland were estimated to make a loss of around £9000 in 2018/2019 [Scottish Government, Farm Business Survey 2018 – 2019]. Operating in such circumstances has been reported to limit optimism, investment, innovation, and employment opportunities and it is therefore essential that no unnecessary financial burden is placed on farm businesses because of rapid changes required [NFU Scotland, Brexit Survey Shows Ongoing Uncertainty is Eroding Confidence Levels in Scottish Agriculture].

6. A nitrogen budget for Scotland. UKCEH report to SEPA: Carnell et al. (2019)



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