
Estimate of community owned land in Scotland 2017

The estimate of community owned land in Scotland is an annual publication that will track progress towards the Scottish Government targets.

6. Future Publications

The purpose of this first release of the Estimate of Community Owned Land in Scotland publication is so that a baseline for the area of land in community ownership, as well as the number of land parcels/assets and community groups owning land parcels/assets, can be established. While the database on community ownership currently has data gaps and only contains data for this first half of 2017 this is the initial estimate of community owned land. Progress towards the target of having one million acres of land in community ownership in Scotland by the end of 2020 can now be monitored and assessed.

In future years the release of the Estimate of Community Owned Land in Scotland publication will cover a whole calendar year period. As such the Estimate of Community Owned Land in Scotland 2018 publication will not be released until the summer of 2019.

In future years, the database on community ownership will be built on by the collection of new data from community groups directly. This will be in addition to the data received indirectly as administrative data from the organisations involved in community land ownership listed in Section 4.

As there would otherwise be a gap of over a year between the release of the first two Estimate of Community Owned Land in Scotland publications, there will be a release of updated tables in summer of 2018. This release of tables will contain data for the full 2017 calendar year. The data collected as a result of the survey of community groups that is being carried out will also be incorporated into the updated tables that will be released next year.


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