Estimation of sectoral CAP payment 'envelopes' 2019
This report uses data on the level of past funding provided to individual farm businesses and Standard Output (SO) values to estimate notional payment ‘envelopes’ to different sectors.
Glossary of acronyms and terms
AECS: Agri-Environment Climate Scheme
BES: Beef Efficiency Scheme
BPS: Basic Payment Scheme
BRN: Business Reference Number
CAP: Common Agricultural Policy
CTS: Cattle Tracing System of the British Cattle Movement Service
Envelope: total amount of support allocated to specific sector – allocated at a business level and then aggregated to sectoral and national level (Scottish Envelope)
FGS: Forestry Grant Schemes
Greening: Greening Payment
JAC: June Agricultural Census
LFA: Less Favoured Areas are defined are defined by: (i) The presence of poor land of poor productivity, which is difficult to cultivate and with a limited potential which cannot be increased except at excessive cost, and which is mainly suitable for extensive livestock farming. (ii) lower than average production, compared to the main indices of economic performance in agriculture. (iii) a low or dwindling population predominantly dependent on agricultural activity, the accelerated decline of which could cause rural depopulation[20]
LFASS: Less Favoured Areas Support Scheme
Pillar I: Direct support of the CAP funded through the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund
RESAS: Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services
SFP: Single Farm Payment
SG-RPID: Scottish Government – Rural Payment and Inspections Division
SO: Standard Outputs are used to attach standardised monetary outputs to individual crops and livestock types that are used to classify farm types in accordance with European Commission regulations.
SSBSSI: Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme - Island
SSBSSM: Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme
SUSSS: Scottish Upland Sheep Support Scheme
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