An ethical approach to using care home data

The findings from the Care Home Data Review (CHDR) include a number of recommendations around the ethical use of adult care home data, and adult social care data more generally, for uses beyond direct care. This report provides more detail than the summarised chapter in the CHDR report.


1. Scottish Government (2022) Supporting documents - Information Governance review: executive summary - (

2. Scottish Government (2023) Health and social care: data strategy - (

3. NHS Health Research Authority (2021) Governance arrangements for research ethics committees: 2020 edition

4. Johnson L, McLean I, Shenkin SD (2023) The GEARED UP Project (

5. NHS Health Research Authority (2020) UK policy framework for health and social care research.

6. NHS Health Research Authority (2020) Governance arrangements for research ethics committees: 2020 edition

7. Algorithm - Does my project require REC review v2.0 20200304.pdf (

8. National Statistician’s Data Ethics Advisory Committee – UK Statistics Authority (Accessed May 2023)

9. NHS Health Research Authority (2020) Governance arrangements for research ethics committees: 2020 edition

10. Algorithm - Does my project require REC review v2.0 20200304.pdf (

11. Social Care Research Ethics Committee - Health Research Authority Example of a Social Care REC.

12. Johnson L, McLean I, Shenkin SD (2023) The GEARED UP Project (

13. Johnson L, McLean I, Shenkin SD (2023) The GEARED UP Project (

14. Johnson L, McLean I, Shenkin SD (2023) The GEARED UP Project ( page 10.

15. Johnson L, McLean I, Shenkin SD (2023) The GEARED UP Project (

16. Johnson L, McLean I, Shenkin SD (2023) The GEARED UP Project ( page 10.

17. Johnson L, McLean I, Shenkin SD (2023) The GEARED UP Project (

18. Johnson L, McLean I, Shenkin SD (2023) The GEARED UP Project ( page 18.

19. NHS Health Research Authority (2020) UK Policy Framework for health and social care research



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