
Which ethnic groups have the poorest health?

This report examines differences in the health of ethnic groups in Scotland and uses census health data to identify variations between groups. The analysis employs age-standardised rates to compare people of similar age, which avoids the often misleading direct comparisons between populations with very different age structures.

6. Conclusion

This report reveals the extent of health inequalities across ethnic groups in Scotland. The very stark results for Gypsy/Traveller communities indicate that significant action is urgently required to address their health inequalities. This will be included in the Gypsy/Traveller Strategy and Action Plan which the Scottish Government will publish in 2016. The gender differences in relation to older women from Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities will be considered in the development of the Scottish Government's new race equality framework, as will health inequalities for men and women from Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities in general.


Email: Jon Hunter

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