
EU Exit voluntary and community sector business continuity workshop toolkit

Toolkit for voluntary and community sector resilience partners to use if they want to run their own in-house business continuity workshops in light of EU Exit challenges.

This workshop toolkit has been developed for voluntary and community sector resilience partners to use if they want to run their own in-house business continuity workshops in light of EU Exit challenges.

The workshop materials reflect the content and structure of workshops which were run in 2019 across Resilience Partnerships and the Health and Social Care Sector. However the information contained in the attached documents has been de-classified and drawn from open source materials, i.e. trusted websites and mainstream news articles.

The purpose of running a workshop on potential impacts of the EU Exit could be to help your organisation:

  1. Look again at your existing business continuity arrangement and ensure they’re fit for purpose in light of potential challenges.
  2. Consider what the challenges might be to your organisation, staff and stakeholders and discuss how your organisation can be prepared for potential disruptions
  3. Ensure you are working closely with existing partners to ‘share the load’, or identify potential opportunities, or increased demands on your service, arising from potential disruptions.
  4. Consider how your organisation can be better plugged into partnership arrangements such as the Regional Resilience Partnerships at a local level.

These are just some suggested reasons to run a workshop for your organisation.

If you are using this toolkit to deliver a workshop to your own organisations, please add, adapt and delete any content as necessary to reflect the needs or your own settings. The toolkit materials could also be scaled up or down depending on the nature and scale of your organisation.

Use them as you see fit.

The Toolkit contains:

  1. This guidance document.
  2. An ‘illustration of potential impact’ word document which has generic and publicly accessible information on potential consequences of a no deal EU exit scenario – this document could be adapted, printed and given to workshop participants to aid their discussions.
  3. A lightly-scripted presentation with some guided text about areas to consider, i.e. staffing and volunteers, access to goods and services, supply chains, potential increase in importing tariffs, delays to supplies, increase need of vulnerably people for extra support or increasing numbers of vulnerable people, the role of the VCS in supporting resilience partnership activities.
  4. Facilitators notes - Within the above presentation there is guidance on a facilitated discussion (which can scale to suit the needs of the organisations using the toolkit).
  5. A self-assessment checklist – again, this can be adapted to suit the needs of the organisation using this toolkit.
Illustration of potential impact
Facilitator's notes
Self assessment
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