
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund: guidance

Guidance on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) programme in Scotland which delivers on sustainable economic growth in the sea fisheries and aquaculture sectors, and supports communities to deliver economic benefits during the transition phase of the Common Fisheries Policy reform programme.

The UK Operational Programme has now been adopted by the European Commission and the Scottish Government intends to open to application on the 18 January 2016. Application will be made by means of a new online e-system. All potential applicants should continue to monitor this site for further information on avaliability of guidance notes and the e-system.

Support will be available through the EMFF programme in Scotland which delivers on sustainable economic growth in the sea fisheries and aquaculture sectors, and supports communities to deliver economic benefits during the transition phase of the Common Fisheries Policy reform programme. During the early round of the programme, in line with the Commission CFP reform timetable, particular focus will be given to investment which;

  • supports the delivery of the CFP reform priorities, particularly the landing obligation
  • supports technical innovation, including improved selectivity
  • supports the inshore sector
  • supports sustainable aquaculture
  • supports scientific knowledge, training, safety and advice
  • delivers greater coherence and transparency in the supply chain
  • creates or improves the access to markets for Scottish seafood products
  • delivers sustainable diversification or complementary activity

A number of guides are available for download from this page.

General guidance 

This guidance explains the types of funding you can apply for, the types of projects that can be funded, how much money you can apply for and how to apply. You must read this in conjunction with the specific guidance note that applied to the type of project you are applying for.

E-system user guidance

The EMFF e-system allows applicants to apply online for European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) support. It enables applicants to manage and track their applications online, submit claims, progress reports and upload any documents directly onto the system.

The e-system is used by both applicants and the Intermediate Bodies who will process your applications and claims and more information on how to use the system is available below.

EMFF business case template

You must submit a business case if you are applying for funding from EMFF for projects costing £25,000 or more. The purpose of the business case is to help us to decide whether and how much EMFF support is appropriate for your project. It is in your interests that the business case is complete, detailed, credible and proportionate and that it is supported by relevant evidence where available.

If your project costs are less than £25,000 then you only need to complete the application form, unless you have been advised otherwise.

Please ensure that you meet any additional requirements, that are specified in this business case template, for the amount that you are applying for.

EMFF general guidance
EMFF business case template
EMFF e-system user guide
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