European Social Fund and European Regional Development Fund: monitoring and evaluation strategy

European Social Fund and European Regional Development Fund: monitoring and evaluation strategy for the 2014 to 2020 Scottish operational programmes.

Monitoring and evaluation framework

Beginning with the ex-ante evaluation, carried out externally, this evaluation assists the MA in developing core indicators which, in turn, feeds into the preparation of the OP. The monitoring data is collected, scrutinised and approved for payment. The information provided allows the MA and our internal evaluators to prepare the annual implementation reports (AIRs).

All of the data collected will feed into the final evaluation and assist the ex-post evaluation to determine all aspects, and gauge the legacy of 2014-2020 ESIF Funds in Scotland. Both the final and ex-post evaluation will be carried out by SG and external evaluators.

Annual reporting and review

A regular update against the progress towards the strategy will be produced and submitted bi-annually to the PMC for discussion and approval. The agreed AIR is then the subject of discussion between the Scottish Government and the European Commission, feeding into Commission produced reports. The conclusions drawn assist in potential amendments to the programme, if deemed necessary.


Technical Assistance (TA) in the 2014-2020 Programme period will be used to fund a range of management and administrative costs required for effective delivery of the OPs, including monitoring and evaluation. The total TA budget agreed in the 2014-2020 OPs is as follows:

Fund Area Allocation
ERDF Transition €2,147,725
ERDF More developed €6,267,254
ESF Transition €1,925,062
ESF More developed €6,294,641

Total allocation: €16,634,682

This covers staffing costs for the Managing and Audit Authorities, Communications and other functions to improve the management of the programmes, and the evaluation budget is likely to be between 5 and 10% of the total TA budget. The budget allows for the use of external contractors where this adds value.

Communicating evaluation findings

The Scottish Government (MA) is responsible for communicating the findings of evaluations carried out on the European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 programmes, ensuring all relevant governance documents are widely available and publicised among stakeholders. The successful delivery of the ESIF 2014-2020 programmes depends on positive and constructive relationships between the Scottish Government and its stakeholders. It is therefore important that evaluation and research activity is communicated consistently and effectively. Where evaluation information shows that areas of the programme are not performing well, this should be communicated in a manner which helps address and resolves the issues. In contrast, where information demonstrates that targets are being met and benefits delivered, communications actively should proactively promote this.

Communication tools take various forms depending on the audience ensuring all stakeholders, including PMC and Lead Partners, continue to be updated within Scottish Government and website updates when required to provide updates publicly.



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