
European Structural and Investment Funds: publicity toolkit

Publicity toolkit to help lead partners meet the European Commission regulations and promote projects.

The European Structural Funds Publicity Toolkit is designed to help lead partners meet European Commission regulations and to support social media use to promote the work of the funds.

Logos and webpages

Remember you must display the relevant ESIF logo at the top right hand corner of the homepage or any page referring to ESIF operations. The logo must be given equal prominence to any other logos on that page.

You can find further guidance, including on use of the logos on other promotional materials as well as use of posters and plaques, on the EC regulations and publicity requirements.

Quickly source ESIF forms and guidance. The search box on our webpages can be used.

Social media

Useful advice on using social media is available on the SG website. Although guidance is SG focussed the basic principles - being transparent, professional, credible etc - remain the same.

Use as many platforms as you can to promote the work you're doing. SG uses numerous platforms to reach as many people as possible.

Hashtags and handles

Use the following handles when relevant to help increase traffic:

Owner Handle
European Structural & Investment Funds @scotgovESIF
Scottish Government @scotgov
Scottish Government Economy @scotgoveconomy
J P Marks: Permanent Secretary @PermSecScot
Neil Gray MSP: Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy @neilcgray

ESIF Hashtags: #ESIF #ESF #ERDF and #europeanstructuralfunds

Follow our blog for ESF activities, news and updates. Here you can also subscribe to our email RSS signup.

Email your questions at


Are you meeting the #ESIF Publicity Requirements? Find the most up-to-date guidance at #europeanstructuralfunds

To keep up to date with #ESIF activities and news subscribe to RSS emails on the ESIF blog #europeanstructuralfunds

Visit the #ESIF forms and guidance page at #europeanstructuralfunds

For a list of the most recent approved #ERDF and #ESF operations for the #ESIF 2014-2020 programmes visit

Please send any general enquiries to the #ESIF mailbox #europeanstructuralfunds

#ESIF managing authorities, lead partners and delivery agents must comply with European Commission regulations. Please find at

To find out more about European Structural and Investment Funds visit the #ESIF overview and polices at

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