
European Structural Funds: 2014-2020 analysis of consultation responses

An overview of responses to the first European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) 2014 to 2020 consultation.


1. In 2011, the European Commission announced their proposals for the 2014 - 2020 European Structural and Investment ( ESI) funds. In response to the Commission's proposals the Scottish Government have developed plans for the future Structural Funds Operational Programmes and Partnership Agreement. The consultation sought views from stakeholders on the development of these programmes and the proposals for the governance and delivery arrangements.

2. In total 84 responses to the consultation were submitted. Both qualitative and quantative approaches to analysis were adopted to reflect the nature of the consultation questions.

3. Overall, the majority of respondents were supportive of the proposals and thought that the more strategic approach will better help address Scotland's key challenges.

4. There were a number of common themes that were raised in the consultation responses. Most notable were the number of respondents requesting sustainable transport as a thematic objective (with a small number of requests for other thematic objectives); and a minority of respondents (10) in favour of retaining the current 4 Operational Programmes structure for Structural Funds.

5. Furthermore, there were some concerns raised regarding how policies such as youth employment, health inequalities and active ageing would be referenced in the Partnership Agreement and the Operational Programmes and how these policies could be integrated with the proposed strategy for the future programmes.

6. Although broadly in favour of the new governance and delivery arrangements, many respondents also requested further clarification on:

  • how the Partnership Agreement Monitoring Committee ( PAMC) and Strategic Delivery Partnerships ( SDPs) have been established;
  • the remit and membership of the PAMC and SDPs (in particular how they will work in collaboration, the role of partners, how each sector will be represented and geographical representation);
  • how the PAMC and SDPs will integrate with other EU funding streams;
  • how organisations can become involved in PAMC or SDPs; and
  • how the SDPs will be monitored.

7. The remainder of this report will set out these points in more detail in the same structure as the original consultation paper. As indicated in the original consultation, the Scottish Government will respond to the outcomes of this consultation together with the results from the shadow SDPs in the autumn.


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