
European Structural Funds 2014-2020 Programmes: evidence required for verification checks - achievements and expenditure

Evidence required for Article 125 verification checks (achievements and expenditure) relating to the European Structural and Investment Funds 2014 to 2020 programmes.


This document is designed to provide clarification and advisory guidance to lead partners, encourage consistency of approach and to outline examples of the types of evidence that may be deemed acceptable during the claims verification process. It should be noted that these are not exhaustive lists (unless specifically stated otherwise) and other evidence of equal probative value will be considered by the MA on a case-by-case basis (please contact your Portfolio and Compliance Manager). The advice provided is therefore not necessarily binding unless it relates to particular stipulations noted in the National Rules on Eligibility of Expenditure.

In addition, it is not necessary for lead partners to provide examples of all documents included in a specific list unless expressly requested.

Guidance in this document relating to costs does not apply to the Employment Related Counselling Service Unit Cost exercise.


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