
European Union and the United Kingdom - fisheries consultations: written record 2024

Written record of fisheries consultations between the United Kingdom and the European Union for 2024.

Technical measures

a) The Delegations continue to agree on the value of approaches to technical measures to support the recovery of depleted stocks and deliver wider benefits in terms of fisheries management. The Delegations reaffirmed their commitment to working closely together via the SCF to assess and review the effectiveness of technical measures in the Celtic Sea and Irish Sea.

b) Celtic Sea

i. In relation to Celtic Sea technical measures, the Delegations recognised that some technical measures may be more effective when brought into effect by both Parties, with the aim of substantially reducing Celtic Sea cod catches and supporting the recovery of the stock. The Delegations noted the progress made through the SCF in 2023, including the conclusion of the joint data collation activity for Celtic Sea cod, and agreed to continue to work together in the SCF. The Delegations committed to further technical meetings in early 2024 and reiterated their ambition to implement any measures as soon as possible (subject to each Party’s respective internal processes).

ii. Given the continued decline in the status of Celtic Sea whiting, the Parties further agreed to assess the potential benefits for whiting of applying the candidate measures aimed at protecting cod and to consider any additional measures that would directly support the recovery of the whiting stock.

c) Irish Sea

i. The Delegations recognised the depleted state of the Irish Sea whiting and cod stocks and agreed to continue to examine appropriate technical measures in 2024 with a view to making effective reductions of unwanted bycatch within this sea basin.

ii. The Delegations recognised the work on gear trials by Northern Ireland and Ireland for reducing unwanted bycatch of whiting in Nephrops fisheries, for example via the use of coverless trawls. The Parties agreed to continue to progress the introduction of improved technical measures within their respective waters of the Irish Sea, focussing on making effective reductions of Irish Sea whiting bycatches within the Nephrops fishery.

iii. The Delegations recognised that a joint evaluation framework and data collation activity for technical measures, similar to the one agreed by the Parties through the 2022-2023 SCF process for Celtic Sea technical measures, would be beneficial for the Irish Sea. The Parties agreed to initiate this work in early 2024 with a view to establishing coordinated measures to substantially reduce Irish Sea whiting catches with the aim of supporting the recovery of the stock.


Central Enquiry Unit

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