European Union and the United Kingdom - fisheries consultations: written record 2025

Written record of fisheries consultations between the United Kingdom and the European Union for 2025.

Jointly managed stocks (TCA Annex 35)

a) The Delegations considered the jointly managed stocks listed in Annex 35 to the TCA and agreed to establish TACs for 2025, and for certain deep-sea stocks (this is the case for the alfonsinos and roundnose grenadier stocks) for 2025 and 2026, for those stocks, as described in Annex 1 to this Written Record.

b) The TACs referred to in paragraph (a) above represent the agreed catch before any adjustments are applied.

c) The TACs referred to in paragraph (a) above will be allocated between the Parties as indicated in Table 1 in Annex 1.

d) Should the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) provide new scientific advice on TACs the Delegations agree to discuss its implications and consider whether any changes to these TACs are required.

e) The TACs referred to in paragraph (a) are established without prejudice to the future approach to TAC-setting in annual consultations, including the application of the TAC-setting principles set out in the Parties’ respective legislation.

f) Stocks with no ICES advice

In relation to those stocks which currently lack ICES advice (Herring (Western Channel and Bristol Channel) HER/7EF.; Plaice (West of Scotland) PLE/56-14; Saithe (Celtic Sea) POK/7/3411; Sole (West of Scotland) SOL/56-14) the Parties agreed to continue to work together through the Specialised Committee on Fisheries (SCF), and with ICES, to improve the availability of data and/or assessment methods to inform future scientific advice. 

The delegations noted the progress made with two stocks which currently lack ICES advice, Celtic Sea Saithe (POK/7/3411) and Western and Bristol channel Herring (HER/7EF). Following ICES workshops covering Bristol and Western Channel Herring (ICES (2024). Workshop on a Research Roadmap for Bristol and Western Channel Herring (WKRRBWCH; outputs from 2023 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports. Report and Celtic Sea Saithe (ICES (2024). Benchmark workshop on selected haddock and saithe stocks (WKBGAD). ICES Scientific Reports. Report, ICES has indicated that these stocks will receive category 5 advice in 2025.

The Parties agreed to consider any appropriate steps to support further improvements to the scientific advice for these stocks via the SCF following the release of this advice for 2026.

g) Stocks with zero catch advice

i. There are certain stocks for which ICES has issued scientific advice for no catches. If the TACs for those stocks were set at the level indicated in the scientific advice the obligation to land all catches in mixed fisheries with by-catches from these stocks would lead to the phenomenon of ‘choke species’. In order to strike the right balance between socio-economic considerations and the need to achieve a good biological status for those stocks, taking into account mixed fishery considerations, the Parties agreed that it is appropriate to establish specific TACs for by-catches for those stocks.

ii. The level of these TACs has been set with the objective of supporting rebuilding of the stock. The Parties agreed for some stocks with zero TAC advice, to set a small TAC to allow for continued monitoring of the fishery.

h) Alignment of management areas

The Delegations recognised that alignment between TAC management areas and the relevant biological stocks is required to ensure the sustainable management of stocks. The Delegations also noted the commitment in Article 504 of the TCA to consider adjustments to the management areas of the stocks concerned with a view to making any consequential changes to the list of stocks and shares set out in Annex 35 of the TCA. During 2023 the SCF recommended (SCF Recommendation 02/2023 as regards the alignment of management areas for Lemon Sole, Witch, Turbot and Brill, and Recommendation 03/2023 as regards the alignment of management areas for Plaice and Whiting) a realignment of the management areas for turbot & brill (T/B/2AC4-C), lemon sole & witch (L/W/2AC4-C), Celtic Sea whiting (WHG/7X7A-C) and English Channel plaice (PLE/7DE). In order to continue separate management of the relevant biological stocks, the ‘of which’ footnotes apply for T/B/2AC4-C, L/W/2AC4-C, WHG/7X7A-C, and PLE/7DE for 2025.

The apportionment shares for the TACs under T/B/2AC4-C and L/W/2AC4-C are included in Annex 2 of Recommendation No 2/2023 of the SCF. Agreed tonnages for these realigned TAC areas are included in Table 6 of Annex 1 of this written record.

The apportionment shares for the TACs under WHG/7X7A-C and PLE/7DE are at the same level as for the overall whiting and plaice TACs.  Agreed tonnages for these realigned TAC areas are included in footnotes in Table 1 of Annex 1 of this written record.

i. Celtic Sea whiting: The Parties agreed individual catch limits under the Celtic Sea whiting TAC (WHG/7X7A-C) for whiting in 7d and 7b-c, e-k, by means of footnotes. The Delegations noted that ICES has issued zero catch advice for whiting in 7b-c, e-k for 2024, and the Parties agreed to set a bycatch TAC of 4,810t for whiting in 7b-c,e-k. The TAC for 7d is agreed as part of the trilateral consultations between the United Kingdom, the European Union and Norway. Those consultations concluded on 2 December 2024 and assigned 27,564t to Division 7d.

ii. English Channel Plaice: The Parties also agreed for 2025 to exchange quota, with the UK receiving 360t of quota from the EU in 7e and the EU receiving 360t from the UK in 7d.       

​​​​​​​i) The Delegations noted that, for some stocks, there can be substantial inter-annual changes in the advice. Such changes can create stability issues for the fleets concerned and can lead to substantive changes in fishing patterns. To lessen the inter-annual fluctuations and in line with Article 508 (1)(b) of the TCA, the Parties agree to consider, in the framework of the SCF, candidate stocks for which multi-year conservation and management strategies that incorporate inter-annual TAC constraints could be developed and assessed by ICES.

j) Deep sea stocks

The Delegations acknowledged the vulnerable nature of deep-sea stocks and the ecosystems of which they form a part. The Parties therefore committed to continuing to work jointly through the SCF to improve the management of relevant fisheries to ensure the long-term conservation of deep-sea stocks and where necessary their recovery.

i. Roundnose grenadier and black scabbardfish: The Delegations noted the application of the methodologies for interpretation of ICES advice for roundnose grenadier and black scabbardfish as agreed by the SCF in 2024.

ii. Western red seabream: The Delegations noted that ICES continues to provide zero catch advice, with no information on abundance or exploitation (Category 5 stock) for Western red seabream (SBR/678-). In such situations, ICES recommends that a precautionary reduction of catches should be implemented.

In 2023, the EU introduced new technical measures, with the aim to support the long-term recovery of this stock. These measures have been rolled over to 2025.

The EU shared a technical report from a scientific survey for Western red seabream. The report is a first step in understanding the population of red seabream in ICES subareas 6-8. It does not yet show a recovery and research should continue.  As part of this research there is need for a longer time series, wider sampling and better understanding of by-catch to be able to detect trends and therefore illustrate stock recovery. The Parties agreed to work within the framework of the SCF to promptly share information on red seabream. This will allow Parties to monitor the changes in fishing patterns and effort, including catch composition, the effectiveness of implemented measures, and the progress on stock recovery. Parties can then follow up on the overarching commitment for the recovery and long-term conservation of deep-sea stocks.

The Parties agree that the results of this work should be used to inform the consultations in 2025. If fishing pressure shows no reduction, future TAC setting should be limited to a one-year period and a reduction of the TAC will be considered.

​​​​​​​k) Tusk: The Delegations again noted the difference in methodologies in setting the Western and North Sea tusk TACs. The UK noted the importance of considering all catches in the methodology. The Parties agreed to prioritise discussion in the SCF on a joint approach to future TAC setting and to consider appropriate means to reconcile the differences between the advice, stock and management areas.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​l) Blue ling: The Delegations acknowledged the change in the ICES stock advice area for blue ling in the North East Atlantic, where ICES now considers blue ling in division 12b to be part of the Celtic Seas, Faroes grounds and Western Hatton Bank, correspondingly the TAC BLI/12INT- now forms part of this stock, in line with the ICES advice for this stock. The Parties agreed on a TAC of 38t for BLI/12INT- and on a TAC of 11,159t for BLI/5B67- for 2025 following the provisional split between the TACs detailed below:





As the BLI/12INT-was previously subject to zero-catch advice, the Parties agreed to periodically review the split between the two TACs in the framework of the SCF to ensure that fishing patterns and catches are consistent with the split agreed for 2025.

In the Written Records for 2023 and 2024 the Parties agreed that the SCF should consider whether there are sufficient grounds to request ICES to re-examine the distribution of blue ling stocks in the North East Atlantic. During 2023 the UK identified that there was insufficient evidence available to present to ICES. Consequently, the UK Fisheries Administrations have commissioned a project to collect evidence to identify the biological source of blue ling taken in division 4a (part of BLI/24-). Evidence will be collected up until late spring 2025 after which a report will be produced for the SCF by the UK to consider at its summer 2025 session. The SCF may make a joint request to ICES to advise whether catches in division 4a are genetically part of blue ling in the Celtic Sea, English Channel and Faroese Grounds (BLI/5B67-) and also to provide the potential (level and location) for blue ling caught within ICES Area 4.

​​​​​​​m) Sole 7hjk: The Delegations noted the uncertainty regarding the fact that sole caught in divisions 7hjk may not originate from a single, distinct population, and also the work undertaken separately by the Parties on assessing possible genetic connectivity between sole in 7h and the western part of 7e. The Delegations committed to hold technical discussions under the SCF in 2025 to review the outcomes of the work undertaken by the Parties, discuss a way forward, and develop a roadmap with the view to supporting the timely review of these new data by the relevant ICES working group to improve the scientific basis for this stock to support the most appropriate management.

​​​​​​​n) Cod (West of Scotland): The Delegations noted that since 2023, ICES advice covers a single Northern Shelf cod stock, merging the West of Scotland cod (COD/5BE6A) with North Sea cod units. They noted that West of Scotland cod was previously agreed bilaterally between the UK and EU, but agreed that the TAC should be decided as part of the UK-EU-Norway trilateral consultations. Trilateral consultations concluded on 2 December 2024 and agreed a TAC for West of Scotland cod of 1,114t.

​​​​​​​o) Skates and rays: The Delegations applied the joint methodology, established under the 2023 SCF framework, for interpreting ICES advice to set the 2025 TACs for skates and rays (SRX/07D, SRX/2AC4-C, SRX/67AKXD, and the consultative TAC SRX/89-C). For stocks lacking sufficient evidence to support a scientific estimate of implied landings, the Parties agreed to use the average discard rates at the precision provided by ICES under the joint 2024 request. The Parties agreed to use the average of the most recent 3 years of RAJ landings calculated to 3 decimal places.

The Delegations continue to recognise that the current group TAC management for skates and rays approach provides limited protection for the more vulnerable skate and ray stocks. The Delegations welcomed the constructive work undertaken under the SCF to address the management of the current skates and rays group TACs during 2024 including an expert meeting held in September 2024 and agreed to continue cooperating during 2025.

The Delegations will continue to permit scientific data collection programmes that support the improvement of the stock assessment for small-eyed ray in areas 7de as outlined in the Written Record of 2024, section 1, paragraph (p), regarding the sentinel fishery for small-eyed ray in area 7e. This is reflected in the footnote of the Western skates and rays group TAC (SRX/67AKXD) in Annex 1, which permits the landing of small-eyed ray in 7e only by vessels participating in specific monitoring and data collection programs. The Parties agreed to continue working together through the SCF to monitor this and align the data collected. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​p) Horse mackerel: The Delegations noted that the ICES advice for southern North Sea and eastern Channel horse mackerel (JAX/4BC7D) for 2025 is for zero catch and the Parties agreed on a by-catch TAC of 970t. The Parties agreed to make a joint request to ICES for its advice regarding a monitoring programme to maintain the current ICES category 1 assessment of the stock and to provide technical details on the number of samples required, the associated catch levels, as well as potential risks to the recovery of the stock associated with the monitoring programme.

​​​​​​​q) Northern prawn: The Delegations noted that the ICES advice for Northern Prawn for 2025 is for no directed fisheries, and that the current ICES advice for Norway Pout, where Northern Prawn is taken as a by-catch, is for a zero catch. Therefore, the Delegations agreed not to establish a by-catch TAC for Northern Prawn. The Delegations note that ICES will issue advice for Norway Pout in October 2025 for the period from 1 November 2025 to 31 October 2026. Therefore, the Parties agree to jointly review the appropriate level of a by-catch TAC for Northern prawn for the months of November and December 2025 to take into account the new advice for Norway pout in 2025.

​​​​​​​r) Pollack: The Delegations noted that ICES has again issued zero-catch advice for pollack in areas 6 and 7. It remains the case that there are no catch scenarios in the current advice that would rebuild the stock above Blim by 2026. The Delegations have considered the non-zero catch options provided by ICES, in order to avoid a choke effect that would lead to the premature closure of other demersal fisheries where pollack is caught as a bycatch. The Parties agreed to set a bycatch TAC of 766t for 2025, in line with the total commercial catch option which is forecast to result in a 20% increase in the spawning stock biomass (SSB) in 2026 compared to 2025.

The Parties welcomed the valuable work that occurred in the SCF throughout 2024, including the joint expert workshop on pollack and its resulting report that sets out steps to improving the data and in turn the assessment of the stock. The Parties agreed to continue working together on this issue.

The Parties noted that the stock will be subject to a benchmark in 2025 and agreed to discuss next steps once this process has been completed.

While the current advice on fishing opportunities for pollack in areas 6 and 7 for 2025 has been shown to be robust to a range of assumptions of recreational catch levels, the Delegations continued to acknowledge that recreational catches are likely to make up a large component of the total catches. The Parties agreed to continue to build their shared understanding of recreational fishing of the stock and its impact on fishing mortality, in particular supporting as appropriate efforts to improve consideration of recreational catch in the stock assessment. This will support the development and introduction (subject to each Party’s respective internal processes) where appropriate of proportionate, effective, and non-discriminatory limits for recreational fishing that are likely to reduce fishing mortality.

​​​​​​​s) Rockall cod: The Delegations noted that Rockall cod (COD/5W6-14) is an ICES category 6 stock and that there are mixed fishery interactions that need careful consideration. The Delegations committed to further discussions in the SCF to start during 2025 with the view to developing a roadmap to improve the scientific evidence base for the Rockall cod stock.

​​​​​​​t) Plaice 7fg: The Delegations acknowledged the significant decline in catch advice for plaice in the Bristol Channel and Celtic Sea (PLE/7FG) since 2020. Recognising that the stock is currently classified by ICES as a category 3 stock the Parties agreed, within the framework of the SCF, to hold initial scoping discussions in the Spring of 2025 to consider the data quality of the current stock assessment and appropriate steps towards supporting its improvement. The Parties also agreed to work together under the SCF to develop a roadmap to support a benchmark assessment of plaice in area 7fg as soon as possible.

​​​​​​​u) North Sea lemon sole: The Delegations noted that this stock was included in a TAC alignment in 2023 under Article 504 of the TCA. The Delegations further noted that it is currently classified as an ICES category 3 stock and acknowledged the negative change in advice resulting from a declining biomass index. The Delegations will encourage technical cooperation including between scientific institutes, within the framework of the SCF, to explore and evaluate survey information, explore alternative methods to incorporate catch data into the assessment, and evaluate different assessment models and biological input parameters. The Parties agreed to work together under the SCF to develop a roadmap to support a benchmark assessment for lemon sole in the North Sea as soon as possible.

​​​​​​​v) Nephrops: The Parties agreed to set the TACs based on the aggregate total of the ICES advice for the functional units making up each TAC. The Parties recognised there are differences in biological status across Nephrops functional units with some being below their stock status indicators. The Parties agreed to exchange views on Nephrops management in the SCF in 2025 and provide updates on any approaches they are considering to improve management and support recovery, where appropriate.

w) ​​​​​​​Ling: the Delegations noted that the TACs which are agreed between the EU and UK for ling 3a (LIN/03A-C.), North Sea ling (LIN/04-C.) and Western ling (LIN/6X14.) are part of the same biological stock as defined by ICES. The Parties agreed to TACs of 144t for ling 3a, 2,266t for North Sea ling, and 10,907t for Western ling. The UK has agreed, for 2025, to transfer its share of the TAC for ling 3a (11t) to the EU which will increase the EU quota to 144t.​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​x) Celtic Sea haddock: The Parties acknowledged that the ICES advice for Celtic Sea Haddock has been consecutively decreasing for the past four years. This year the stock received another large decrease in advice which follows several years of low recruitment and declining spawning stock biomass. The Parties share concerns about the state of the stock and agreed to a technical discussion in early 2025 to build their shared understanding of the situation. This will include consideration of appropriate steps to take to reduce pressure on the stock.

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