European Union and the United Kingdom - fisheries consultations: written record 2025

Written record of fisheries consultations between the United Kingdom and the European Union for 2025.

Special conditions, flexibilities and footnotes

a) The Parties agreed the special conditions, flexibilities and footnotes applicable to each stock, set out in Annex 1.

b) Acknowledging previous commitments by the Parties for stocks listed in Annex 1 where geographic flexibility is provided for, the Parties are committed to ensuring appropriate safeguards are in place that ensure its application meets clear management objectives - such as managing choke - and does not result in a detrimental alteration in fishing effort or in depleted bycatch stocks, including no undesired increase in fishing mortality or impediment to the recovery of the bycatch stocks. In particular: 

i. The Parties committed, where appropriate, to implement robust monitoring or reporting arrangements for Annex 1 stocks, where geographic flexibilities are provided for and report back via the SCF, and to work via the SCF to consider more broadly the use of geographic flexibility for Annex 1 stocks.

ii. The Parties agreed that because geographic flexibility could result in effort displacement between areas, safeguard measures may be required in order to protect depleted stocks. The Parties agreed that safeguards should be established that would limit the amount of quota that can be transferred in situations where the donor TAC is substantially larger than the recipient TAC, including the suspension of such flexibilities.

c) The Delegations exchanged data on the utilisation of inter-stock and inter-species and partially exchanged data on inter-area flexibilities. The Parties agreed to continue to review, via the SCF, the relevant flexibility footnotes in Annex 1 with a view to consensual revision where considered necessary in order to avoid significant risks to sustainability. Further to paragraph 1 j) (Deep-sea stocks), this would include a review of the provisions for deep sea stocks, recognising the vulnerable nature of these species. Future footnotes should also be considered where appropriate.​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​d) The Parties agreed that the herring (3a) flexibility into United Kingdom waters of Area 4, which is included in Table 4 of Annex 1, is granted for 2025, noting that the trilateral parties have agreed to start discussions on a new management model for North Sea herring in 2025. The trilateral parties agreed that the aim of these discussions should be to have a new regime, based on a single TAC, in place for 2026 and onwards.

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