
European Union, Norway and the United Kingdom - fisheries consultations: agreed records 2023

Agreed records of consultations from meetings of delegations from the United Kingdom, Norway and the European Union, held between November and December 2022 on the joint management of shared North Sea stocks.


15.1 The Delegations noted that according to the ICES MSY approach catches in 2023 in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, and eastern English Channel should be no more than 414,886 tonnes. This represents a decrease of 22% in the advice compared to 2022, but only a decrease of 5.6% compared to the TAC for 2022.

15.2 The Delegations agreed to establish a TAC for 2023 for the A fleet of 396,556 tonnes. This is a decrease of 7.3% compared to 2022.

15.3 They also agreed that bycatches of herring in other fisheries (the B fleet) would be limited to 7,716 tonnes in 2023. This is a decrease of 5.6% compared to 2022.

15.4 The Delegations also noted that the TACs for the C and D fleets in Skagerrak are to be set out in the EU-Norway bilateral agreement on the regulation of fisheries in the Skagerrak and Kattegat for 2023. The Delegations further noted that that agreement set out the TACs for the C and D fleets, which respectively should not exceed 23,250 tonnes and 6,659 tonnes.

15.5 The Delegations noted that combined levels of the A, B, C and D fleet TACs/allowances are MSY compliant for North Sea autumn-spawning herring. This assumes that any transfers from the C-fleet in division 3a to subarea 4 are limited to no more than that portion of C-fleet TAC that is considered to be North Sea autumn spawning herring in 3a, taking into account recently-observed mixing rates in 3a (average for 2019-2021: 0.355 being North Sea autumn-spawning herring).

15.6 The Delegations noted that ICES has advised a zero catch of WBSS herring since 2019. They also noted the decision by the European Union to establish a TAC for 2023 of 788 tonnes for WBSS herring in Subareas 22-24 exclusively used for bycatch in the Baltic Sea.

15.7 The Delegations welcomed the report of the working Group on herring, which terms of reference were set out in Annex III of the Agreed Record of fisheries consultations for 2022. The Working Group’s findings were presented during the opening plenary session of a meeting held in Brussels on 6th and 7th October 2022. They noted that this report presents a well written and comprehensive overview of the development of the herring distribution, fisheries, management approaches and challenges. The WG stopped short of suggesting new management models for exploitation of NSAS herring as this was considered a task for managers.

15.8 The Norwegian Delegation stated that in their view the current management regime with its multi-fleet structure is outdated and referred to their statements in the Agreed Record for 2022 for further explanation. They also underlined that they had agreed to the various herring quotas in the expectation that a new, revised management regime for herring would be introduced for 2024 and onwards. They also indicated their strong preference for a single-fleet structure management system, in which incidental juvenile by-catches of the stock in other fisheries are minimised to the maximum extent possible and counted against quota. 

15.9 The United Kingdom Delegation noted its dissatisfaction with the current multi-fleet management structures and arrangements which exacerbate sustainability challenges for the stock, and result in the UK being disadvantaged as part of the annual TAC-setting process. It asserted its strong preference for a single-fleet structure management system, in which incidental juvenile by-catches of the stock in other fisheries are minimised to the maximum extent possible.

15.10 The European Union Delegation referred to its statement in paragraph 15.9 of the Agreed Record of fisheries consultations for 2022. It expressed its readiness to consider different management regimes for herring. It is the view of the EU Delegation that changes in the management regime must not impact the relative shares of the Parties, be as effective and stringent on reducing incidental juvenile bycatches in other fisheries as the B and D fleets TACs used by the EU, and consider the intermixing of Western Baltic and North Sea herring stocks.

15.11 The Delegations agreed to meet early in 2023 to continue the revision of the current management regime and to finalise this work before October 2023.

15.12 The Delegations agreed to send a request to ICES about evaluation of a new harvest control rule for herring. The request is attached in Annex X.

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