European Union, Norway and the United Kingdom - fisheries consultations: agreed records 2024

Agreed records of consultations from meetings of delegations from the United Kingdom, Norway and the European Union, held between November and December 2023 on the joint management of shared North Sea stocks.

24 Electronic exchange of vessel data

24.1 The Delegations noted the decision by the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) to implement and set into production the new Electronic Reporting System (ERS) based on the Fisheries Language for Universal Exchange (FLUX) UN/CEFACT Standard on the 15th of January 2024. This date will also be the start of the two-year transition period wherein the remaining Contracting Parties shall test and implement the new ERS data exchange system based on the FLUX UN CEFACT standard. The Delegations agreed that the timeframe established by NEAFC would also be an appropriate timeframe to finalise revisions of the current agreements on bilateral electronic exchange of data between the Parties, including position data, catch and activity data, and notification and authorisation data.

24.2 Furthermore, the Delegations noted the progress made at technical level to develop a template for an electronic notification and authorisation scheme based on the FLUX UN/CEFACT standard with the intention to establish bilateral data exchanges, as appropriate. They also noted the ongoing technical work on the electronic exchange of catch and activity data (ERS) based on the FLUX UN/CEFACT standard, and agreed to continue this scoping exercise in a trilateral setting to establish a template with the intention to establish bilateral data exchanges, as appropriate.

24.3 The Delegations agreed to seek suitable arrangements within the scope of the Working Group on electronic exchange of data as outlined in Annex XI.

8 December 2023
For the European Union Delegation
Erik Lindebo

For the Norweigan Delegation
Ann Kristin Westberg

For the United Kingdom Delegation
Colin Faulkner

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