European Union, Norway and the United Kingdom - fisheries consultations: agreed records 2024

Agreed records of consultations from meetings of delegations from the United Kingdom, Norway and the European Union, held between November and December 2023 on the joint management of shared North Sea stocks.

21 Other shared stocks (not jointly managed)

21.1 The Delegations agreed during the fisheries consultations for 2021 that there are several stocks not covered in Table 1 that, based on their migration pattern, are shared stocks and consequently should be jointly managed in order to better ensure their long-term sustainable management. This includes inter alia hake, anglerfish and Norway pout.

21.2 The Delegations agreed during the fisheries consultations for 2022 to establish a Working Group of experts to collect and collate data on the distribution of hake in the Greater North Sea, Celtic Seas, the Northern Bay of Biscay and adjacent waters (Annex VI). Representatives from the Working Group presented the results of their work during the intersessional meeting held in Brussels on 15 and 16 June 2023, and again during annual consultations for 2024 at a meeting held in London on 7 to 9 November 2023. The Delegations welcomed the progress made in fulfilling the tasks of the Group. They noted that additional work was needed to harmonise survey data, with a view to facilitating the delivery of biomass estimates across management areas. The Delegations agreed that the Working Group should carry out this outstanding work and deliver a final report early 2024.

21.3 The Delegations took note of the terms of reference for the Working Group on Norway pout as set out in Annex VII. The Delegations agreed not to take this work forward in 2024 given other priorities.

21.4 The Delegations noted the ongoing work of the Working Group on the distribution of Anglerfish in Subareas 4 and 6 and in Division 3.a (for which the Terms of Reference are set out in Annex VIII). They stressed the importance of quickly bringing the work to conclusion, and requested the Working Group provide the full report as soon as practicable.  

21.5 The UK Delegation noted the importance of taking the necessary steps to bring the stock into trilateral management, and confirmed its ambition to see the stock managed on a trilateral basis as soon as practicable and, ideally in time for the consultations for 2025.

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