
Perinatal and infant mental health programme: evaluability assessment

An evaluability assessment of the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board was undertaken by NHS Health Scotland (now part of Public Health Scotland) to inform the development of an evaluation plan for the programme.

5 Appendix 1: Tiers of intervention

Tier 1.* For those 2,250 women with the most severe illness: development of more specialist community perinatal mental health services and consideration of the need for a small number of additional inpatient beds or enhanced community provision.

Tier 2.* For those 5,500 women in need of more specialist help: rapid access to psychological assessment and treatment

Tier 3.* For those 11,000 women a year who would benefit from help such as counselling: support for the third sector to provide this.

Tier 4. Women and professionals become increasingly aware of mental health issues through greater routine enquiry, leading to appropriate early intervention (early intervention).

Tier 5. The whole population and all professionals become increasingly aware of the need to promote good perinatal mental health and to prevent perinatal mental health issues developing (promotion and prevention).

* From Programme for Government 2018-19



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