
Attainment Scotland Fund: local authority mini survey analysis – summer 2018

As part of the overall Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation, local authorities across Scotland took part in an online survey around governance, sustainability, Pupil Equity Fund planning and support, and unintended consequences of the fund.

Methodological facts to note

Learning analysis sent a short online survey to local authorities to ask for their overall experience of the Attainment Scotland fund thus far.

Heads of education or project leads were invited to answer the survey. One response per authority was requested, but respondents were able to discuss their answers with colleagues before submitting a response.

Two waves of the survey have been undertaken so far:

  • The first wave took place in May 2016. Pupil Equity Fund ( PEF) had not yet been introduced. Therefore, only challenge authorities were asked to participate. A total of 6 out of the 7 participating challenge authorities of the time completed survey.
  • The second wave was undertaken in April/May 2018. All local authorities were asked to participate. Overall, 22 (out of 32) local authorities responded to the survey. This included 9 (out of 9) challenge authorities and 13 (out of 23) other authorities.

The survey comprised questions around governance, funding, sustainability, PEF planning/ implementation and unintended consequences. Most questions had a free text box, to allow respondents to express their views in their own words.

In the first wave, the questionnaire focused on the Challenge Authority Programme. In the second wave, questions were broadened to cover the wider Scottish Attainment Challenge, hence including the Challenge Authority Programme, Schools programme and PEF.

This report contains findings from the second wave of the survey. It should be noted, that due to differences in type of respondent, questionnaire coverage and sample sizes, data is not comparable over time.

The aim of the analysis was to present the wide range of views offered. The responses were examined using a qualitative thematic approach and the key themes from the analysis are summarised in this report.


Email: Learning Analysis 

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