
Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation: school case studies

How the Attainment Scotland Fund has been used by schools, and qualitative feedback on schools' experience to date.

Acronyms used in the report

ACEs Adverse childhood experiences
ASF Attainment Scotland Fund
ASN Additional support needs
BGE Broad general education
CLPL Career-Long Professional Learning
CPD Continuous professional development
DYW Developing the young workforce
EAL English as an additional language
FSM Free school meals
HWB Health and wellbeing
PEF Pupil Equity Funding
PSA Pupil Support Assistant
SALT Speech and language therapy
SEAL Stages of early arithmetical learning
SIMD Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation
STEM Science, technology, engineering and mathematics
TLC Teacher learning communities
TLQ Talking, listening and questions



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