Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation: third interim report - year 4

This report focuses on the Year 4 (2018/19) evaluation of ASF across Pupil Equity Funding (PEF), Challenge Authority and Schools Programme Funding streams.


1. At the start of the 2018/19 financial year, 74 schools were in receipt of Schools' Programme funding. During the course of the financial year one school closed and, therefore, did not have a full year's spend. At the end of the financial year there were 73 schools in receipt of Schools' Programme funding.

2. The ASF Evaluation Strategy will be refreshed in 2020 for Year 5 onwards. This will align with the revised logic model and reflect the five point plan developed to maximise progress across Scotland, recognising that evidence available at this stage of the SAC programme reflects progress and impact.

3. The Scottish Attainment Challenge logic model is currently unpublished. It is intended to publish this alongside the refreshed ASF Evaluation Strategy for Year 5 onwards.

4. For further information on CECYP see:

5. Child Poverty Action Group Cost of the School Day is one of the national programmes funded through the SAC. An evaluation of Cost of the School Day is in progress.

6. BGE toolkit – data tool for Broad General Education

7. Insight – data tool for Senior Phase

8. Figures showing 90-100 (for example) is due to data suppression because of small numbers. In ACEL, one of the suppression techniques is to provide a range in which the value lies in order to give as much information as possible without giving the actual number. Some of the 'percentage point gap' figures are missing as it is not possible to provide the gap in these cases.

9. As above



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