
Attend Anywhere / Near Me video consulting service evaluation 2019-2020: report

This report presents the findings of an external evaluation of the Attend Anywhere / Near Me video consultations service used across health and care services in Scotland

Appendix D: Online post-consultation survey results during Jan-Dec 2019

The number of patient surveys represents about 10% of all consultations over this period.

The number of staff surveys represents about 11% of all consultations over this period.

Fig D1: Patient survey on using video consultations again, % (N=662)
Fig D1: Patient survey on using video consultations again, % (N=662)
Fig D2: Patient survey on technical problems, % (N=662)
Fig D2: Patient survey on technical problems, % (N=662)
Fig D3: Patient survey on travel to clinic, % (N=679)
Fig D3: Patient survey on travel to clinic, % (N=679)
Fig D4: Patient survey on benefits of video consultations, %? (N=679)
Fig D4: Patient survey on benefits of video consultations, %? (N=679)
Fig D5: Patient survey on disadvantages of video consultations (N=679)
Fig D5: Patient survey on disadvantages of video consultations (N=679)
Fig D6: Staff survey on technical problems (N=654)
Fig D6: Staff survey on technical problems (N=654)
D7: Staff survey on benefits of video consultations (N=755)
D7: Staff survey on benefits of video consultations (N=755)
Fig D8: Staff survey on disadvantages of video consultations (N=755)
Fig D8: Staff survey on disadvantages of video consultations (N=755)



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