
Climate Justice Fund evaluation: summary report

Summary report of the independent evaluation of the Climate Justice Fund’s work to date. The summary is supported by translations into local languages of Zambian, Malawian and Kinyarwandan.


1. The OECD-DAC Quality Standards for Development Evaluation were developed through international consensus to improve the quality of international development evaluations. The guidelines support best practice evaluations at each stage of evaluation design and implementation. The OECD-DAC Network on Development Evaluation defines the following six evaluation criteria: Relevance (is the intervention doing the right things?); Coherence (how well does the intervention fit?); Efficiency (how well are resources being used?); Effectiveness (is the intervention achieving its objectives?); Impact (what difference does the intervention make?); and Sustainability (will the benefits last?).

2. A qualitative evaluation methodology based on asking participants about the most significant changes that have taken place in different areas of their lives, over a specified period, which was used to assess intervention impacts and their theory of change.

3. Deutsch, M. 'Justice and Conflict,' in Deutsch, M; Coleman, T. and Marcus, C. eds (2011). The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice. John Wiley & Sons. See also, Newell, P; Srivastava, S; Naess, L.O; Contreras, G. and Price, R. (2020). Working Paper 540: Towards Transformative Climate Justice: Key Challenges and Future Directions for Research. International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

4. The order (and therefore numbering) of the evaluation question has been revised since the Inception Report.



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