

The Pre-Games Report sets out our commitment to a transparent and long term evaluation of legacy to generate learning for ourselves, future bidders and hosts, and to add to the international literature.

9. Annex 2: Outcome Indicator Data 2008-Latest

HEADLINE INDICATORS - SCOTLAND LEVEL Main dataset used 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME: Increase growth of Scottish businesses
F1: Gross Value Added (GVA) in key sectors (£ millions)            
Construction ABS  7,909  5,979  6,154 6,111  
Creative industries ABS  3,031  2,748  2,709 2,827  
Manufacture of Food and Beverages ABS  3,708  3,863  3,620 4,303  
Sports activities and recreation education ABS  440  610  429 508  
Sustainable tourism ABS  2,594  2,768  2,904 3,091  
of which: Tourism related sports facilities and activities* ABS  96  145  114 143  
F2: Business stock - number of business sites in key sectors (number )  
Construction BIS 20,190 20,255 19,825 19,080 19,285
Creative industries BIS 10,800 11,205 11,510 11,990 12,810
Manufacture of food and beverages BIS 1,225 1,210 1,160 1,100 1,115
Sports activities and recreation education BIS 1,945 1,790 1,860 1,800 1,790
Sustainable tourism BIS 15,260 15,455 15,645 15,545 15,950
All sites operating Scotland BIS 186,210 186,295 186,650 185,350 190,510
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME:Increase movement into employment, training and volunteering
F3: Employment in key sectors (number)  
Construction BRES na 148,000 135,400 140,800 125,000
Creative industries BRES na 76,700 71,900 64,100 65,200
Manufacture of food and beverages BRES na 43,200 43,800 45,000 43,500
Sports activities and recreation education BRES na 34,900 33,300 38,500 37,600
Sustainable tourism BRES na 191,100 183,400 185,900 181,500
of which: Tourism related sports facilities and activities * BRES na 15,300 14,400 15,400 17,200
F4: Claimant Count - people on unemployment benefit, alongside unemployment data. (number) ONS 79,900 127,701 137,322 142,748 142,457
F5:  School leavers in sustained positive destinations (%) SG na 84 85.1 85.2 87.2
F6: Modern Apprenticeships - number of New Starts, In Training, and Leavers. (number) SD          
new starts SD  10,579  20,216  21,561  26,427  25,691
in training SD  26,614  33,733  36,253  35,262  35,906
leavers SD  14,554  13,116  23,799  24,356  25,952
Total SD  51,747  67,065  81,613  86,045  87,549
F7: Adults providing unpaid help to organisations or groups ( %) SHS 31 28 31 30 29
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME: Improve the perception of Scotland as a world class destination for business, events and tourism            
F8: Perception of Scotland internationally - exports. (score) NBI 54.6 54 53.5 - 53.7
F9: Perception of Scotland internationally - tourism. (Score) NBI 69.1 67.3 67.4 - 67.4
F10: Rank and score as a business location - best city to locate a business in today among European cities. (As proportion of total) 0 (highest rank)->100 (lowest rank) Other 26 (of 34) 29 (of 34) 29 (of 36) 30 (of 36)  
Score Other 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05  
F11: Rank and score as a major event destination - Glasgow. Other na na na na tbc
F12: Tourist Visits - Overseas and UK Tourists (Trips). (Millions) IPS/GBT 14.64 14.59 14.45 15.70 14.98
F13: Tourist Expenditure - Overseas and UK Tourists Expenditure (£ Millions). IPS/GBT 4,380 4,190 4,121 4,577 4,292
F14: Hotel occupancy (Scotland) - Annual Average Hotel occupancy.  (%) VS 63 64 63 65 65
Summer (%) VS 74 77 77 79 78

* Note that data for this sector (which covers SIC 93.11 and SIC 93.199) is included under both Sports activities and recreation education and Sustainable tourism headings. This data has been provided only to show magnitude of overlap between the sectors.

ASB figures due Aug 2014

F3: Note: The 2011 BRES employment estimates in the table are not strictly comparable with the data for 2010 and 2009.

HEADLINE INDICATORS - SCOTLAND LEVEL Main dataset used 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME: Increase physical activity and participation in sport
A1: Adults participating in moderate exercise at recommended levels (%) * SHeS 39 37 39 39 38
A2: Children participating in moderate exercise at recommended levels (%) ** SHeS 71 71 72 73 70
A3 : Adults with low levels of physical activity (%)* SHeS 31 32 31 32 32
A4: Children with low levels of physical activity (%) ** SHeS 13 11 11 10 12
A5: Adult population participating in sport (excluding walking)  (%) SHS 52 51 51 54 51
A6: Children participating in sport (%) SHeS 71 73 70 69 66
A7: Awareness of Physical Activity Recommendations - Knew (%) SHeS (KAM) 22 23 26 27 na
A8: Adults making one or more visits to the outdoors per week (%) SRS 46 47 48 46 42
A9: Adults walking more than 30 minutes for recreation (%) SHS 55 54 54 57 59
A10: Active travel to work (%) SHS 15 15 16 15 16
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME: Improve the active infrastructure (people and places)
A11: GVA – sport and leisure  (£ Millions) ABS  440  610  429 508  
A12: Employment– sport and leisure (Sports activities and recreation education) (number) BRES na 34,900 33,300 38,300 37,600
A13: Sports Volunteering (%) SHS 5 4 5 4 4
A14: Sports Coaching (%) SS na na na na tbc
A15: Oppprtunities to be active (number of attendances per 1000 population at leisure facilities) Other na na 8,751 8,768 9,824
A16: Satisfaction with local sports facilities (Very/fairly satisfied) (%) SHS 83 82 82 85 88
A17: Ultimate Sports Cities - Glasgow (ranking) SB na na na 11 9
Score SB na na na 291 344
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME: Improve Scottish Sporting Success            
A18: Sporting Success (number of medals in last Commonwealth Games) Other na na 26 na na

* 2012 recorded under old guidelines (62% new guidelines)
**includes school activies


* 2012 recorded under old guidelines (62% new guidelines)

**includes school activities

A14 data available 2014

A15 split years: 2010/2011; 2011/2012; 2012/2013

HEADLINE INDICATORS - SCOTLAND LEVEL Main dataset used 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME: Improve the perception of Scotland as a creative nation, producing world class cultural experiences
C1: Perception of Scotland internationally - culture (includes sporting excellence) (score) NBI 58.9 57.57 57.41 na 57.9
C2: Message trending in the social media about the Games (volume and proportion of positive, negative and neutral messages) Media Monitor na na na na na
C3: Memory of the event - proportion of the population who retain a positive memory of the Games Media Monitor na na na na na
C4: Tourist Visits - Overseas and UK Tourists (Trips). (Millions) IPS/GBT 14.64 14.59 14.45 15.70 14.98
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME: Increase engagement through new artistic, cultural and creative experiences
C5: Level of public engagement in Scotland with the Games Adult
Buy tickets to attend (%) Omnibus na na na 14 20
I won't buy tickets for the Games, but may attend specific cultural events (%) Omnibus na na na 4 3
I may not go to any of the events for which you buy tickets, but I intend visiting Glasgow during the event (%) Omnibus na na na 4 4
I will not go to the Commonwealth Games, but intend watching them on television (%) Omnibus na na na 46 44
I have no interest at all in the Commonwealth Games (%) Omnibus na na na 31 24
Don't know (%) Omnibus na na na 2 4
C6: Cultural engagement in Scotland among adults     (%) SHS 86 86 85 87 90
Attendance (%) SHS 75 74 74 76 78
Participation (%) SHS 74 73 71 73 78
C6: Cultural engagement in Scotland among young people (%)  Omnibus na na na na 98
Attendance (%) Omnibus na na na na 96
Participation (%) Omnibus na na na na 93
C7: GVA - creative industries (£ Millions) SAB 3,031 2,748 2,709 2,827  
C8: Employment - creative industries(number) SAB na 76,000 71,900 64,100 65,200
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME: Enhance young people’s learning and everyone’s understanding and celebration of our and other countries’ cultures
C9: National and civic pride following the commonwealth games among adults  -
 I will be proud that Glasgow/Scotland is hosting this event Omnibus na na na na 12
People who live in Scotland will feel proud Omnibus na na na na 18
C9: National and civic pride following the commonwealth games among young people  -
Supportive of Glasgow hosting the 2014 Commonwealth Games Omnibus na na na na 62
I will be proud of Scotland, of myself, of athletes, of Glasgow Omnibus na na na na 26
More people who live in this country will be proud Omnibus na na na na 28


C2 and C3 data should be available in 2014

ASB figures due Aug 2014

HEADLINE INDICATORS - SCOTLAND LEVEL Main dataset used 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME: Improve the physical and social environment of Glasgow, in particular the East End
S1: Neighbourhood improvement (%) SHS 14 12 13 12 14
S2: Perception - local community (%) SHS  53  55  55 56 55
S3: Perception - community centres and facilities (%) SHS  31  29  30 32 31
S4: Perception - community safety (%) SCJS  66  67  68    
S5: Perception - crime rate (%) SCJS  69  71  74    
S6: International rating of personal safety (rank) MQL  43  -  - 44 tbc
S7: Greenspace Other  na  na  na  na  na
S8: Vacant and derelict land - Total area in Glasgow (hectare) SVDLS 1, 327 1, 350 1, 324 1, 303 1, 253
S9: Area Deprivation and Population Change SG/NRS na na na na na
S10: Quality of living (Rank) MQL 56 56 57 56 55
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME: Strengthen and empower communities in Scotland and the Commonwealth
S11: Perception - community influence (%) SHS 22 22 21 22 21
INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME: Demonstrate sustainable design and environmental responsibility
S12: Neighbourhood cleanliness - Grade A * (%) LEAMS 26 25 28 tbc
Grade B (%) LEAMS 70 71 68 tbc
Grade C (%) LEAMS 4 4 4 tbc
Grade D (%) LEAMS 0.2 0.2 0.2 tbc
S13: Rates of recycling (%) SHS 87 88 88 89
S14: Waste destination - landfill (%) SEPA 63 61 59
incinerated (%) SEPA 3 3 3
recycled (%) SEPA 22 23 24
composted (%) SEPA 12 14 14
S15: Understanding of environmental responsibility recycle (%) Omnibus na na na na 66


* does not add up to 100% due to rounding

S4 – S5 split years i.e. 2008/2009; 2009/2010; 2010/2011.


Data survey


Annual Business Survey, ONS


Businesses in Scotland, Scottish Government (Calculations by Scottish Government)


Business Register and Employment Survey, ONS


GB Tourism


Inter-Department Business register, ONS


International Pasenger survey


Anholt GFK-Roper National Brands Index




ONS (Retrieved through NOMIS)


Other - online resources


Sports Business


Skills Development Scotland


Summary Statistics for attainment, leaver destinations and healthy living (Scottish Government)


Scottish Government Tourism Stats Summary Webpage


Scottish Health Survey


Scottish Health Survey - KAM module


Scottish Household Survey


Scottish Recreation Survey


Sports Scotland


UK Tourism


VisitScotland. Scottish Accommodation Occupancy Survey


Email: Anita Morrison

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