Evaluation of the Compliance and Quality of Biodiversity Duty Reports 2015

A review of biodiversity duty reporting by public bodies in Scotland.

Annex 8: Linking relevant key steps from the biodiversity strategy to the Six Big Steps for nature and the Aichi targets

Key step

Big steps for nature

Aichi targets

(1.1) Encourage and support ecosystem restoration and management, especially in catchments that have experienced the greatest degradation

Ecosystem Restoration
Investment in Natural Capital
Quality greenspace for health and educational benefits
Conserving wildlife in Scotland
Sustainable management of land and freshwater

Target 5: halve rate of loss of all natural habitats by 2020

(1.2) Use assessments of ecosystem health at a catchment level to determine what needs to be done

Sustainable management of land and freshwater

Target 8: decrease pollution levels by 2020 so they do not affect ecosystem function and biodiversity

(1.3) Government and public bodies, including SNH, SEPA and FCS, will work together towards a shared agenda for action to restore ecosystem health at a catchment-scale across Scotland

Ecosystem Restoration
Conserving wildlife in Scotland
Sustainable management of land and freshwater

Target 14: restore and safeguard ecosystems providing essential services (e.g. water) by 2020

(1.4) Establish plans and decisions about land use based on an understanding of ecosystems. Take full account of land use impacts on the ecosystems services that underpin social, economic and environmental health

Ecosystem Restoration
Investment in Natural Capital
Conserving wildlife in Scotland
Sustainable management of land and freshwater

Target 19: knowledge, science base and technologies relating to biodiversity are improved, shared and applied by 2020

(3.1) Provide opportunities for everyone to experience and enjoy nature regularly, with a particular focus on disadvantaged groups

Quality greenspace for health and educational benefits

Sustainable management of land and freshwater

Target 4: development/ implementation of plans for sustainable production and consumption

(3.2) Support local authorities and communities to improve local environments and enhance biodiversity using green space and green networks, allowing nature to flourish and so enhancing the quality of life for people who live there

Quality greenspace for health and educational benefits

Target 16: Nagoya Protocol to be in operation by 2015

(3.3) Build on good practice being developed by the National Health Service ( NHS) and others to help encourage greenspace, green exercise and social prescribing initiatives that will improve health and wellbeing through connecting people with nature

Quality greenspace for health and educational benefits

None identified as specifically relevant to key step 3-3

(3.4) Increase access to nature within and close to schools, and support teachers in developing the role of outdoor learning across the Curriculum for Excellence

Quality greenspace for health and educational benefits

None identified as specifically relevant to key step 3-4

(3.5) Encourage public organisations and businesses to review their responsibilities and action for biodiversity, and recognise that increasing their positive contribution to nature and landscapes can help meet their corporate priorities and performance

Quality greenspace for health and educational benefits

None identified as specifically relevant to key step 3-5

(4.1) Ensure that the management of protected places for nature also provides wider public benefits

Ecosystem Restoration

Quality greenspace for health and educational benefits

Conserving wildlife in Scotland

Sustainable management of land and freshwater

Target 11: conserve at least 17% of terrestrial and inland water and 10% of coastal and marine areas by 2020

(4.3) Integrate protected areas policy with action for wider habitats to combat fragmentation and restore key habitats

Ecosystem Restoration

Conserving wildlife in Scotland

Sustainable management of land and freshwater

Target 18: traditional knowledge and practices relevant to biodiversity conservation are respected and integrated into the implementation of the convention by 2020

(4.5) Involve many more people than at present in this work and improve our understanding of the poorly known elements of nature

Ecosystem Restoration

Quality greenspace for health and educational benefits

Conserving wildlife in Scotland

None identified as specifically relevant to key step 4-5

(5.1) Promote an ecosystem approach to land management that fosters sustainable use of natural resources and puts biodiversity at the heart of land-use planning and decision-making

Ecosystem Restoration
Sustainable management of land and freshwater

Target 6: ensure sustainable management and harvesting of all fish, invertebrate stocks and aquatic plants by 2020

(5.2) Ensure that measures taken forward under the Common Agricultural Policy encourage land managers to develop and retain the diversity of wildlife habitats and landscape features

Sustainable management of land and freshwater

Target 7: ensure sustainable management of areas under agriculture, aquaculture and forestry by 2020

(5.3) Support 'High Nature Value' farming and forestry

Sustainable management of land and freshwater

Target 9: ensure identification and management of invasive alien species by 2020

(5.4) Put in place the management necessary to bring Scotland's protected areas into favourable condition and improve the ecological status of water bodies

Ecosystem Restoration
Conserving wildlife in Scotland
Sustainable management of land and freshwater

None identified as specifically relevant to key step 5-4

(5.5) Ensure that biodiversity and ecosystem objectives are fully integrated into flood risk management plans, and restore wetland habitats and woodlands to provide sustainable flood management

Ecosystem Restoration
Sustainable management of land and freshwater

None identified as specifically relevant to key step 5-5

(5.6) Restore and extend natural habitats as a means of building reserves of carbon and to help mitigate climate change

Ecosystem Restoration
Sustainable management of land and freshwater

None identified as specifically relevant to key step 5-6

(5.7) Provide clear advice to land and water managers on best practice

Ecosystem Restoration
Conserving wildlife in Scotland
Sustainable management of land and freshwater

None identified as specifically relevant to key step 5-7

(6.4) Achieve good environmental status for Scottish seas

Marine and Coastal ecosystems restored

None identified as specifically relevant to key step 6-4

Sources: Key steps from Scottish Government (2013): 2020 challenge for Scotland's biodiversity; Big steps for nature from Scottish Government (2015): Scotland's biodiversity: a route map to 2020; Aichi targets from the Convention on biological diversity, accessed at: https://www.cbd.int/sp/targets/

How to access background or source data

The data collected for this social research publication:

☐ are available in more detail through Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics

☐ are available via an alternative route

☐ may be made available on request, subject to consideration of legal and ethical factors.

☒ cannot be made available by Scottish Government for further analysis as Scottish Government is not the data controller.


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