Connecting Scotland phase 3 - digital support for employability: evaluation

A report based on primary research with people receiving digital support in phase 3 of the Connecting Scotland programme. Support provided in this phase aimed to improve participants' employability.

Annex B: Support offer


Organisations could request the following for their clients:

  • an iPad: Chosen as an easy-to-use device with accessibility features that would meet the needs of older clients who would be using the device to stay in touch and access information
  • a Chromebook: suitable for clients with a wider range of digital needs who may need to produce documents (e.g. create a C.V.) or use other applications requiring extensive use of a keyboard
  • a MiFi device: an easy way to provide internet access without the need to have a broadband connection installed and allowing multiple users to connect simultaneously. During the first lockdown, a solution was needed that avoided face-to-face contact e.g. with a broadband installer

Digital Champions

To optimise users' experience of the programme, Connecting Scotland coordinates digital skills support via 'digital champions'. Digital champions are normally staff who work in front line positions for the organisations that have applied to Connecting Scotland and so will already possess knowledge and experience of working directly with user groups. Training and a range of resources for digital champions are provided for free as part of the Connecting Scotland programme. This covers device-specific training as well as materials to enhance core digital skills.

The role of digital champions is to help people who get devices through Connecting Scotland to do things online like:

  • connecting a device to the internet using the Wi-Fi settings, and putting in the password when they need to
  • sharing documents by attaching them to an email 10
  • understanding that not all online information and content that they see is reliable

The aim is that, with support from digital champions, learners will be able to use the internet safely, confidently and effectively. People receiving Connecting Scotland support, however, are under no obligation to engage with their digital champion. More information about applicant organisations' experience of identifying and training digital champions can be found in this report: Connecting Scotland - implementation and early impact.

Connecting Scotland users were also able to phone a free helpline for additional general support. The Connecting Scotland website contains further information, useful links and videos.



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