
Connecting Scotland - evaluation: qualitative research - implementation and early impact

Findings of research with organisations who applied for digital devices, through the Connecting Scotland programme, to distribute to people that they support.

Appendix 1 – Survey questions

Survey of Phase 1 and 2 Organisations

Background information

1. Name of organisation (free text response)
2. Your name and title
3. Size of your organisation
i. Drop down options for number of staff – micro (1-9 employees), small (10-49 employees, medium (50-249 employees), large (250+ employees)
4. Location of organisation
i. By LA area (drop down menu)
5. Phases you have been involved in (please select all that apply)
i. Tick box options to include none, we were unsuccessful in applying for funding
6. Number of participants you have supported
i. By providing a WIFI connection (box to enter number)
ii. By providing a device (box to enter number)
iii. By providing support and advice (box to enter number)
7. Criteria you came into the programme under.
8. Type of participants you have supported (please select all that apply)
i. Tick box options of various groups of people

Connecting Scotland user groups

Phase 1 (April – July 2020):

  • people shielding
  • people in the higher risk of severe illness
  • other vulnerable groups
  • applications for more than 1 of the above 3 groups

Phase 2, round 1 (18 August – 5 October 2020)

  • Low income families
  • Young Care Leavers
  • Other Vulnerable Groups
  • applications for more than 1 of the above 3 groups

Phase 2 round 2 non-Winter Support Package (24 November 2020 - 18 January 2021):

  • Low income families
  • Young Care Leavers
  • Other Vulnerable Groups
  • applications for multiple groups

Phase 2 round 2 Winter Support Package (24 November 2020 - 18 January 2021)

  • disabled under 60
  • disabled 60+
  • 60+ not disabled
  • unspecified i.e. 60+ and / or disabled but not clear which

9. Would you describe your clients as:
i. Urban
ii. Rural
iii. Both urban and rural

Devices issued

10. Number of devices issued to date
i. Number of iPads (box to enter number)
ii. Number of Chromebooks (box to enter number)

11. Why did you issue these types of devices? (please select all that apply)
i. Based on preference in our area
ii. Based on the needs of families/young people in our area
iii. Based on what people with accessibility issues require
iv. Because that was what SG made available
v. Other (box for response)

Application process

12. How did you find out about the Connecting Scotland programme? (please select all that apply)
i. Information sent to my organisation
ii. Via SCVO
iii. Social media
iv. Others?

13. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being very easy and 5 very difficult, how easy did you find the process of applying for this funding? Rating scale
i. 1. Very easy
ii. 2. Easy
iii. 3. Neither easy nor difficult
iv. 4. Difficult
v. 5. Very difficult

14. Was there adequate support available to you during the application process?
i. Yes
ii. No

15. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being very easy and 5 being very difficult, how clear was the concept of the Connecting Scotland programme at the outset?
i. 1. Very clear
ii. 2. Quite clear
iii. 3. Neither clear nor unclear
iv. 4. Difficult to understand
v. 5. Very difficult to understand

16. [For unsuccessful applicants only] What reasons were you given for your application being unsuccessful? (Please select all that apply)
i. The application did not fit with the criteria for the programme
ii. The programme was over-subscribed/there were insufficient funds available
iii. I did not receive any feedback on why my application was unsuccessful
iv. Other reason [box to specify]

17. [For unsuccessful applicants only] Do you have any other comments about the programme? Free text response

18. [For unsuccessful applicants only] Would you apply again?
i. Yes
ii. No

19. [For unsuccessful applicants only] Please explain why/why not

Implementation of the programme

20. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being very easy and 5 being very difficult, how easy has it been to implement the programme? Rating scale
i. 1. Very easy
ii. 2. Easy
iii. 3. We had some challenges
iv. 4. Difficult
v. 5. Very difficult

21. How many digital champions do you have in your organisation? (Free text response)

22. Were the digital champions already in place or did you have to recruit them once you were awarded funding? (Please select one option)
i. Already in place
ii. Had to recruit them

23. [If the organisation had to recruit the champions] Did the recruitment of the digital champions cause delays in issuing devices?
i. Yes
ii. No

24. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being very easy and 5 being very difficult, how easy was it to accommodate the digital champions training? Rating scale
i. 1. Very easy
ii. 2. Easy
iii. 3. Neither easy nor difficult
iv. 4. Difficult
v. 5. Very difficult

25. To what extent did the training adequately equip the digital champions to undertake their role? Rating scale
i. 1. To a great extent
ii. 2. To some extent
iii. 3. Not at all

26. What has worked particularly well in relation to delivery of the programme? (tick all options that apply)
i. Identifying/recruiting digital champions
ii. Training digital champions
iii. Reaching participants
iv. Receiving devices from Scottish Government/SCVO
v. Issuing devices to participants
vi. Speed at which programme was set up and devices could be issued
vii. Other – please describe

27. Have there been any barriers to successful implementation? (Free text response)

Programme reach

28. Did you reach out to clients before receiving devices or after you received them?
i. Before
ii. After

29. [If After] Did this delay implementation of the programme?
i. Yes
ii. No

Programme impact

30. What impact has the programme had on participants? ? (Please select all that apply)
i. They have a WiFi connection
ii. They have a device to access the internet
iii. They have gained IT skills
iv. They are better able to engage with their children's education
v. They are more employable
vi. They are more connected with local services
vii. They can access advice and guidance on important issues
viii. They can search and apply for jobs
ix. They are more engaged with their local community
x. Able to save money on bills
xi. Able to access public services such as the benefits system
xii. Able to access health services
xiii. Have made money online (e.g. through selling things)
xiv. Family members benefitted from Connected Scotland devices
xv. Better able to stay in touch with family and friends
xvi. Improved mental health
xvii. Improved wellbeing
xviii. Other (box to specify)

31. Did you undertake any impact evaluation with your participants?
i. Yes
ii. No

32. [If Yes] Please describe the results of this or attach the evaluation report to this survey.

Delivery processes

33. Did you have any challenges inputting data to the SCVO system?
i. Yes
ii. No

34. Please explain your answer

Impact on your organisation

35. Did the programme result in you creating a digital inclusion officer post in your organisations?
i. Yes
ii. No

36. Has the Connecting Scotland programme helped you as an organisation to advance or develop your digital inclusion provision?

i. Yes

ii. No

Future developments

37. Do you have any other comments about the programme? (Free text response)



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