
Distress Brief Intervention pilot programme: evaluation

This report presents a realist evaluation of the Distress Brief Intervention (DBI) programme. DBI has been successful in offering support to those in distress, and has contributed to peoples’ ability to manage and reduce their distress in the short term, and for some in the longer term.


The authors wish to acknowledge:

The people who took time to complete the Level 2 questionnaires and provide impact data for the study and those who shared their thoughts on their DBI experience with us in interviews.

The practitioners and stakeholders who gave their time to take part in interviews and focus groups for the implementation evaluation.

The DBI Central team who have collaborated throughout the evaluation process and worked hard to provide routine DBI data for our analysis.

The Scottish Government DBI evaluation sub-group.

Prof. Rory O'Connor and Dr Ambrose (Jack) Melson (University of Glasgow) for support with their development of DBI and its associated training.

All those who provided constructive comments on a provisional draft of this report.



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