
Environmental, natural, resources and agriculture research programme 2022–27: commissioning evaluation

Findings of a process evaluation into the commission of the Environmental, Natural Resources and Agriculture (ENRA) research programme 2022 to 2027.

4. Recommendations

Based on the process evaluation Pye Tait Consulting has completed, we recommend that the SG considers the following actions:

1. Prior to the start of a future research programme commissioning process planning, appoint a project manager to oversee and monitor activities and progress of the programme commissioning process planning and roll out;

2. During the planning of the programme commissioning process, clearly establish and define internal staff roles and responsibilities;

3. Set the timeframes for each programme commissioning process activity and stakeholder involvement with more generous contingency time calculated in the timeline;

4. Centralise all relevant communications preparations and dissemination for clarity and effectiveness;

5. Maintain well received format and content of invitation to tender documents and guidance, along with a defined period for applicants' questions and clarifications calculated in the invitation to tender timeframes;

6. Produce a more succinct guidance and information pack for peer reviewers to ensure shared understanding across the board and enhance their involvement in the commissioning process;

7. Allow a greater amount of time for co-ordinating engagement with peer reviewers;

8. Strengthen communication with peer reviewers by, for example, informing them of the steps following completion of their work in the programme commissioning process;

9. Allow a longer period of time for applicants to respond to feedback to their proposals, so that applicants can co-ordinate the required amendments within and potentially between their partner organisations;

10. Continue with successful implementation of change of PIs roles and responsibilities which are well received in the current ENRA research programme;

11. Consider improvements around financing of projects and organising payments to reduce burden on research organisations, streamline finances and increase effectiveness of this aspect of the programme commissioning process.



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