An Evaluation of the Expansion of Nurse Prescribing in Scotland
Nurse prescribers in Scotland can now prescribe a range of controlled drugs for specific medical conditions. This research project which is summarised below provides an evaluation of the extension of nurse prescribing following the introduction of new legislation in 2001.
1. Preamble
The researcher explained the aims and methods of the evaluation project, and how it is progressing.
2. Bringing students to the required level of competence
2.1 How easy or difficult is it to bring all the students up to the standard required?
2.2 Here is a list of the nurse prescribing competencies - can you mark the ones where you have the most difficulty in bringing students up to the required standard?
2.3 With reference to all the problematic competencies :
2.3.1 Why is it difficult to bring students up to this level of competence?
2.3.2 What action is needed to improve your capacity to bring students up to the required level of competence?
3. Dealing with diversity in the student intake
3.1 How diverse is your intake?
3.2 How is the course adapted to meet these diversities?
3.3 What action is needed to improve the course's capacity to deal with these diversities?
At the:
NHS level
NES level
Nurse profession level
Trust level
Employer level
University level
Faculty/ department level
Course level
Individual staff level
Individual student level
4. Dealing with students' concerns
4.1 What are your students' main concerns?
4.2 How does the course deal with these?
4.3 What action is needed to improve the course's capacity to deal with these concerns?
At the:
NHS level
NES level
Nurse profession level
Trust level
Employer level
University level
Faculty/ department level
Course level
Individual staff level
Individual student level
5. Directing the course
5.1 What are the main problems in directing this course?
5.2 What action is needed to overcome these problems?
At the:
NHS level
NES level
Nurse profession level
Trust level
Employer level
University level
Faculty/ department level
Course level
Individual staff level
Individual student level
6. Other information
6.1 Is there any other information you would like to give us in relation to the course evaluation?
There is a problem
Thanks for your feedback