
An Evaluation of the Expansion of Nurse Prescribing in Scotland

Nurse prescribers in Scotland can now prescribe a range of controlled drugs for specific medical conditions. This research project which is summarised below provides an evaluation of the extension of nurse prescribing following the introduction of new legislation in 2001.


National Evaluation of Nurse Prescribing in Scotland

Nurse Prescribing Log: Instructions for completion

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(Please read this information before filling in your log)

  • The enclosed nurse prescribing log is designed to give the project some information about your daily work, including the times that you do not prescribe for a patient as well as the times that you do. We would like you to fill it in after each time you carry out a patient assessment/consultation for a period of two weeks.
  • It is important that you fill in the log after each time that you engage with a patient, even in cases where you have not given the patient a prescription. You will see that there is a specific column that applies to the times when you do not prescribe anything.
  • It may be that you do not prescribe at all over the two-week period. If this happens, this information is still very important to us. You should still return the log to us indicating on it that you did not prescribe anything during the two weeks.

Please ensure that you are the only person who fills in your log - we are interested in your own work, even if you do not prescribe anything within the 2 weeks.

  • Most of the columns give you a choice of answers by using a numerical key; this key is on page 2 of your logbook so that you can refer to it when filling in your log.
  • Please fill in all code numbers that apply for each patient assessment that you do. (e.g. see the examples on page 3). For any columns that do not apply, just enter N/A.
  • If you are nearing the end of your log and think you might need more pages to complete your entries, please contact Fiona Turner (see details below.)
  • Don't worry if you make mistakes - Simply score them out and use another row if necessary.
  • If you have any problems with filling in any part of the Log or require more pages, then please do not hesitate to ask for help from Fiona Turner on
    01786-466280 or

To help you understand how your Nurse Prescribing Log should be completed, please now read the following scenarios which relate to the examples on page 2 of the log.

Nurse Prescribing Log: Scenarios

Please note, these scenarios should be read in conjunction with the examples on page 3 of your Nurse Prescribing log.

Scenario 1 - (see 1st example on page 2 of your log) You carry out a consultation with a female who requires a repeat prescription of her contraceptive pill. On examination, her blood pressure is elevated; you decide to stop her contraceptive pill and refer her to a GP. You also give her advice about alternative methods of contraception.

Scenario 2 - (see2nd example on page 2 of your log) You prescribe an antibiotic for a diabetic patient with a urinary tract infection within your health centre. As a result of the infection, the patient is also experiencing elevated blood glucose levels; you therefore refer him to a diabetes specialist nurse and make a follow-up appointment with him to ensure that the infection has cleared.

Scenario 3 - (see3rd example on page 2 of your log) A patient on your ward asks you whether you could prescribe him antibiotics to alleviate his flu-type symptoms. After an assessment confirming a viral illness, you explain that antibiotics are not suitable. Instead, you give him advice and information about ways of managing his symptoms.

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