
Evaluation of the Family Nurse Partnership Programme in NHS Lothian, Scotland: 4th Report - Toddlerhood

This report presents the key findings from the fourth of four evaluation reports on the individual phases of the Family Nurse Partnership programme implemented in NHS Lothian, Scotland. The evaluation focuses on learning from the delivery of the programme during the toddlerhood phase of the programme (the period when client’s children are 12 to 24 months old).


First and foremost, we would like to thank all the FNP clients, Family Nurses and stakeholders who gave up their time to take part in interviews for this evaluation, and especially to Val Alexander and her team for their help with recruitment of clients and for their ongoing participation in the study.

We would like to also thank everyone involved in contributing to and supporting the evaluation: Jacki Gordon, for leading the development of the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and for her ongoing advice and input; Vanessa Strong (NHS Lothian) and Dr Jamie Reid (NHS Education for Scotland) for their work on preparing the FNP Edinburgh monitoring data included in this report; Victoria Milne (Scottish Government), for her advice throughout the evaluation process; and the rest of the Evaluation Advisory Group (Jonathan Wright, Carolyn Wilson and Gail Trotter, Scottish Government; Val Alexander and Sally Egan, NHS Lothian; Lynn Porteous, City of Edinburgh Council; and Ann Kerr, NHS Health Scotland) for their ongoing advice and support.

Thanks are also due to Irene Miller for her help with interviewing clients and nurses; and to Louise Marryat, Martine Miller, Claudia Martin and Fiona Dobbie for their input at earlier stages of the evaluation.

Responsibility for this report, and for all interpretation of the data, lies solely with the authors.

Rachel Ormston & Susan McConville


Email: Victoria Milne

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