
The Evaluation of the Family Nurse Partnership Programme in Scotland: Phase 1 Report – Intake and Early Pregnancy

The Family Nurse Partnershhip (FNP) is a preventative programme for first time teenage mothers and their babies. FNP is being tested in Scotland for the first time. This is the first interim evaluation report and focuses on the intake and early pregnancy phases of the programmes implementation.

Appendix F: Summary of National Learning Programme

Taken from Family Nurse Partnership ( FNP) Management Manual November 2010.

Family Nurses and Supervisors

Content When? Who for?
Supervisors 3-day residential training 2 months before Pregnancy training Supervisors
Supervisors facilitate team based learning prior to residential training Just prior to Pregnancy training Supervisors and family nurses
Supervisors Learning Set: monthly in London Starts the month before the Pregnancy training Supervisors
FNP information system and data gathering 2 weeks after pregnancy training Supervisors, administrators and one family nurse
Masterclass: Perinatal Mental Health - one day Month after Pregnancy training Supervisors and family nurses
Understanding Your Baby - one day One or 2 months after Pregnancy training Supervisors and family nurses
Motivational Interviewing ( MI): 2 days residential (provided regionally) 2 months after Pregnancy training Supervisors and family nurses
Motivational Interviewing for Supervisors - one day 3 months after Pregnancy training Supervisors
Supervisors facilitate team based MI skills development and practice sessions Between core MI training and MI skills development training Supervisors and family nurses
Motivational Interviewing Skills Development - one day (provided regionally) 2 months after first MI training Supervisors and family nurses
Extended Motivational Interviewing skills for supervisors 3 months after first MI training Supervisors
Masterclass: Compassionate Mind Training - one day 3 or 4 months after Pregnancy training Supervisors and family nurses
Supervisors facilitate team based learning prior to Infancy training One to 2 weeks prior to Infancy training Supervisor and family nurses
Safeguarding Supervision - 2 + one day 3 months after Pregnancy training Supervisors
Infancy Training - 5 days residential 4 months after Pregnancy training Supervisors and family nurses
Supervisors facilitate team based learning "Getting started with observation of caregiver/child interactions" 8 weeks prior to Caregiver/child observation training Supervisors and family nurses
Caregiver/Child Observation training - one day (regional) 2-3 months after Infancy training Supervisors and family nurses
Supervisors facilitate team based learning using centrally provided materials Following caregiver/child observation training Supervisors and family nurses
Caregiver/Child observation training - 2 days (regionally provided) 6-8 weeks after first observation training Supervisors and family nurses
Toddlerhood Training - 2 days residential 13 months after Pregnancy training Supervisors and family nurses
Extending Practice Workshops x 2 per year 5 and 11 months after Pregnancy training Supervisors and family nurses
Strength Based Leadership - up to 4 days Anytime during first 12 months FNP leads and other managers
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