Evaluation of the 'You First' Programme for Young Parents - Appendices

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the 'You First' pilot programme, which was developed by Barnardos Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government. The evaluation explored the benefits of the You First programme and the ways in which these could be maximised through effective delivery.


You First

Self Assessment

Name: ______________________

Date: _______________________

This is a set of questions asking you to think about how you feel and what it is like looking after your baby.

It is an individual exercise and the more honest you are, the better you will be able to chart your progress as you take part in the You First Programme over the next few months.

Barnardo's uses a system (called Outcomes) that measures whether or not You First (or any other service) is doing what they are supposed to so we appreciate your feedback.

Local Services

1. How much do you know about the local services available to you and your baby?

a) A lot

b) Quite a lot

c) A bit

d) Hardly anything

e) Nothing

2. Are you using any of the local services available to you and your baby?

a) I go to several things regularly

b) I go to one or two things regularly

c) I go to something every so often

d) I haven't been to anything but I would like to

e) I haven't been to anything and I don't really want to

3. How confident are you about standing up for yourself when talking to professional people about things that you are entitled to?

a) Really confident

b) Quite confident

c) Neither confident or unconfident

d) Not very confident

e) Not at all confident

4. How much do you know about the benefits you are entitled to?

a) A lot

b) Quite a lot

c) A bit

d) Hardly anything

e) Nothing

Being a Parent

5. Which of these statements best describes you at the moment?

a) I spend a lot of time doing things like playing, reading and singing with my baby

b) I spend a bit of time doing things like playing, reading and singing with my baby but I'd like to spend more time doing these things

c) I try to spend time doing things like playing, reading and singing with my baby but I find it quite difficult to think of things to do

d) I don't spend much time doing things like playing, reading and singing with my baby but I would like to know more about what we could do

e) I don't spend much time doing things like playing, reading and singing with my baby and I'm not sure if I can

6. Overall, how confident are you about doing the practical things with your baby? E.g. knowing what to feed your baby and how to bath your baby.

a) Really confident

b) Quite confident

c) Neither confident or unconfident

d) Not very confident

e) Not at all confident

7. How confident do you feel about managing your baby's behaviour?

a) Really confident

b) Quite confident

c) Neither confident or unconfident

d) Not very confident

e) Not at all confident

How much do you agree/disagree with the following statements:

8. "I spend a lot of time in the house alone with my baby"

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neither agree or disagree

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

9. "My baby and I go out together a lot to see other people"

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neither agree or disagree

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

10. "I have good relationships with most of my family"

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neither agree or disagree

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

Doing things with your baby and other people

11. How confident do you feel about trying new things?

a) Really confident

b) Quite confident

c) Neither confident or unconfident

d) Not very confident

e) Not at all confident

12. How much do you know about your baby's development? E.g. the kind of things he/she can do at different ages

a) A lot

b) Quite a lot

c) A bit

d) Hardly anything

e) Nothing

13. How much do you know about why it is important to play with your baby regularly?

a) A lot

b) Quite a lot

c) A bit

d) Hardly anything

e) Nothing

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

14. "I have good friends"

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neither agree or disagree

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

15. "I have good friends who are parents"

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neither agree or disagree

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

16. "My baby and I regularly spend time with other parents and babies"

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neither agree or disagree

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

Managing Money

17. Are you getting all the financial benefits you are entitled to?

a) I know I am getting everything

b) am getting most things

c) I am getting some things but would like to check

d) I think there are things I'm not getting and I need help to check

e) I don't know what I should be getting or how to find out

18. How good would you say you are at budgeting your money?

a) I have a budget plan which I stick to most of the time and I save money regularly

b) I have a budget plan which I stick to most of the time but I don't save money regularly

c) I don't have a budget plan but I don't often run out of money

d) I find it difficult to budget and sometimes run out of money

e) I'm not good at budgeting and have some debt problems

19. Do you have a savings account?

a) Yes and I put money into it on a regular basis

b) Yes but I don't put money into it very often

c) Yes but I don't use it

d) No but I would like to have one

e) No and I don't see the point of having one

If you have identified any particular activities or thoughts with the group worker while completing this process, please record them here:

Signed: _____________________________________ (Parent)

Signed: _____________________________________ (Group Worker)


Email: Ruth Whatling

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