
Flexible workforce development fund: first year evaluation

An evaluation of college delivery of the flexible workforce development fund pilot in 2017-2018.



2. FWDF Project Plan (Working Document), 21 June 2017.

3. SFC FWDF Allocations Table 2017/18 -

4. For example, local Labour Market Intelligence, Regional Skills Assessments, and Skills Investment Plans, and previous experience of working with employers.


6. The latest deadline is that training must be committed by the end of June and must start before the end of September 2018.

7. Bank staff are college employees – essentially retained lecturers who have gone through all of the college’s processes and procedures from a quality assurance and PVG perspective, etc. They are likely to have other jobs (bank staff for other colleges, training providers, etc).

8. Note – some SMEs are levy-paying employers.

9. The five colleges that we did not receive any opt-in responses from employers are South Lanarkshire College, Argyll College UHI, Lews Castle College UHI, North Highland College UHI, and North Atlantic Fisheries College.

10. Employers agreed to be cases studies. The draft case studies were shared with employers for review and comment prior to inclusion in the report.

11. Source: UK Business Counts


13. The five colleges that we did not receive any opt-in responses from employers are South Lanarkshire College, Argyll College UHI, Lews Castle College UHI, North Highland College UHI, and North Atlantic Fisheries College.

14. HMRC is not able to share the data for Scotland.

15. Scotland’s Labour Market Strategy 2016.

16. Scottish Government, Scotland’s Economic Strategy, 2015, and Scotland's Labour Market Strategy, 2016.

17. Other main responses: education establishments (17%) and individuals (14%).

18. Scottish Government Response to Apprenticeship Levy

19. Note multiple responses allowed. For example, employers that undertook multiple training courses, not all will lead to qualification, etc.


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