
Food Processing, Marketing and Co-Operation Fund 2014-2020: evaluation

Applicants’ and experts’ experiences of application and assessment procedures, and how the applicants' projects adhered to the objectives of the scheme and those of the Scottish Government.

Appendix C: Survey questions

Survey 1: FPMC Evaluation - successful applications


1. Did this project receive funding from another grant scheme? 

2. Did you/your business approach the FPMC scheme as a last resort funder (i.e. you had explored other possible funders before choosing FPMC)? 

3. Would this project have proceeded without the FPMC grant? 

4. From what provision/s would this project have proceeded without the FPMC grant? 

5. Had you made any previous applications to FPMC?

6. Please rate your experience of the application process.

7. Did your business receive external assistance to help with the application, for example from a consultant or agent? 

8. Looking ahead, would you like to see any changes to the application process?

9. Was the payment regime suitable for your business’ needs? (i.e. how and when you received the grant money) 

10. Approximately what percentage of the funds you applied for were you awarded?

11. Looking ahead, what would you like to see from the FPMC monitoring process? 

12. Where do the inputs come from? Select all that apply [Scotland/UK/EU/Beyond EU].

13. Has the project affected other Scottish businesses by: 

(a) raising the profile of your business above similar businesses

(b) collaborating with similar businesses

(c) collaborating or trading with more supplier/buyer businesses

(d) raising the profile of Scottish businesses in this sector generally?

14. Has the grant increased or decreased:

(a) staffing numbers 

(b) job security 

(c) staff morale in your business?

15. Has the project affected environmental sustainability of your business in terms of

(a) the type of output product

(b) the processing method

(c) of People's perceptions, including that of the workforce?

16. Has the project affected healthier consumption by the Scottish population by changing:

(a) how healthy the type of output product is

(b) the nutritional quality of the output product

(c) cost to the consumer

(d) the range of markets reached by the output product?

17. Where is the output product traded to? Select all that apply [Scotland/UK/EU/Beyond EU].

18. How does the project make a difference to retaining or returning young people to rural regions in Scotland?

- It doesn't

- It creates jobs for them

- It creates opportunities for gaining skills and -training

- It creates a sense of pride in the region

19. Looking ahead, please select and rank in order (most important first) what you would like to see the FPMC give more attention to?

- Jobs created

- Jobs safeguarded

- Turnover

- Effects on other Scottish businesses

- Environmental sustainability

- A healthier Scottish population 

- Tourism

- Provenance (e.g. Scotland-sourced inputs)

20. Are there any comments you wish to add?

Survey 2: FPMC Evaluation - unsuccessful applications


1. How useful did you find the guidance information provided by the Scottish Government when making your application? 

2. Please rate your experience of the application process.

3. Did your business receive external assistance to help with the application, for example from a consultant or agent? 

4. Did you come to FPMC as a last resort funder (you had already explored alternative funding sources)?

5. Looking ahead, would you like to see any changes from application process?

6. Were you satisfied with the explanation about why your application was unsuccessful?

7.  Looking ahead, how would you like to see the FPMC change?

8. [Condition: checked option “The assessment criteria needs to change” in question 7] Why do you think the assessment criteria needs to change?

9. Did this project proceed without the FPMC fund?

10. [Condition: checked option “Yes” in question 9] How did you fund the project without the FPMC grant? 

11. Looking ahead, please select and rank (with most important at the top) what you think the future FPMC should prioritise when choosing projects.

- Jobs created

- Jobs safeguarded

- Turnover

- Effects on other local businesses

- Environmental sustainability

- A healthier Scottish population

- Provenance (e.g. sourcing inputs from Scotland only, branding)

- Tourism

- Getting young people into rural areas

12. Where would the inputs have been sourced from? Select all that apply [Scotland/UK/EU/Beyond EU].

13. Would the project have affected other Scottish businesses by...

(a) raising the profile of your business above similar businesses

(b) collaborating with similar businesses

(c) collaborating or trading with more supplier/buyer businesses

(d) raising the profile of Scottish businesses in this sector generally?

14. How would the project have increased or decreased:

(a) Staffing numbers

(b) Job stability

(c) Staff morale of your business?

15. Would the project have increased or decreased the environmental sustainability of your business by changing the:

(a) Output product type

(b) Processing method

(c) People's perceptions (including that of the workforce)?

16. Would the project have affected healthier consumption by the Scottish population by increasing or decreasing:

(a) How healthy the type of the output product is

(b) Nutritional quality of the product 

(c) Cost to consumer 

(d) Provision to range of markets?

17. Which regions would the product have been traded to? Select all that apply [Scotland/UK/EU/Beyond EU].

18. Are there any other comments you wish to add?



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