
Evaluation of the Impact of the Implementation of Teaching Scotland's Future

The evaluation offers an overview of the current landscape of teacher education, highlighting what progress has been made in key areas since TSF was published and where further progress and improvements are still needed.

Appendix A: Online survey and topline results

Evaluation of the Implementation of Teaching Scotland's Future

Teacher questionnaire

Version 1

Technical details

  • This document comprises topline results from the 2015 Teaching Scotland's Future Survey
  • Results are based on a survey of 6,346 respondents conducted online
  • Fieldwork dates: 14th September - 9th October 2015
  • Through the topline a dash (-) denotes zero and an asterisk (*) denotes <0.5%
  • Where results do not sum to 100%, this may be due to computer rounding, multiple responses, or the exclusion of "don't know" categories.


Q1 Are you male or female?

Female 77%
Male 22%
Prefer not to say 2%
Base 5,647

Q2 How old are you?

21-24 5%
25-34 24%
35-44 23%
45-54 25%
55-64 21%
65+ 1%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base 5,646

Q4 Which teaching sector do you work in?

Secondary 44%
Primary 43%
Special School 5%
Early Years 2%
Local Authority (Centrally Employed) 2%
College 1%
University 1%
Other, please specify 2%
Prefer not to say *
Base 6,334

Q5 Which school sector do you work in?

Public Sector 91%
Independent 7%
Grant aided *
Other *
Not applicable 1%
Prefer not to say *
Base 6,346

Q6 How many years has it been since you completed your initial teacher education?

Less than 1 year 6%
Between 1 and 2 years 6%
Between 2 and 3 years 3%
Between 3 and 4 years 3%
Between 4 and 5 years 3%
Between 5 and 6 years 3%
Between 6 and 10 years 14%
Between 10 and 15 years 13%
Between 15 and 20 years 11%
Between 20 and 30 years 18%
Between 30 and 40 years 18%
More than 40 years 2%
Prefer not to say *
Base 6,346

Q7 How many years of teaching experience as a qualified teacher do you have (not including career breaks or maternity leave)?

Less than 1 year 7%
Between 1 and 2 years 6%
Between 2 and 3 years 3%
Between 3 and 4 years 3%
Between 4 and 5 years 3%
Between 5 and 6 years 4%
Between 6 and 10 years 14%
Between 10 and 15 years 15%
Between 15 and 20 years 12%
Between 20 and 30 years 19%
Between 30 and 40 years 13%
More than 40 years 1%
Prefer not to say *
Base 6,346

Q8 What is your current position/grade?

Probationer teacher (teacher induction scheme) 4%
Probationer teacher (flexible route) *
Class teacher 61%
Acting Principal teacher/faculty head 1%
Principal teacher/faculty head 14%
Acting Depute Head teacher 1%
Depute Head teacher 5%
Acting Head teacher 1%
Head teacher 4%
ASN/behaviour/learning support 2%
LA staff (based centrally) 1%
Retired/no longer working as a teacher 1%
Seconded *
Supply teacher 2%
Teacher education 1%
Visiting/peripatetic/specialist teachers 1%
Other, please specify *
Prefer not to say 2%
Base 6,346

Q9 What is your current employment status?

Permanent full time 68%
Permanent part time/job share 13%
Probationer full time 4%
Probationer part time *
Temporary full time 6%
Temporary part time/job share 2%
Supply 5%
Retired *
Not currently teaching/on a career break *
No answer *
Other *
Prefer not to say *
Base: all 6,346

Q10 In which local authority is your school/establishment located?

Aberdeen City Council 3%
Aberdeenshire Council 7%
Angus Council 2%
Argyll and Bute Council 2%
City of Edinburgh Council 8%
Clackmannanshire Council 1%
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar 1%
Dumfries and Galloway Council 3%
Dundee City Council 3%
East Ayrshire Council 2%
East Dunbartonshire Council 2%
East Lothian Council 2%
East Renfrewshire Council 2%
Falkirk Council 2%
Fife Council 5%
Glasgow City Council 7%
Highland Council 5%
Inverclyde Council 1%
Midlothian Council 2%
Moray Council 2%
North Ayrshire Council 2%
North Lanarkshire Council 4%
Orkney Islands Council 1%
Perth and Kinross Council 3%
Renfrewshire Council 3%
Scottish Borders Council 2%
Shetland Islands Council 1%
South Ayrshire Council 2%
South Lanarkshire Council 5%
Stirling Council 2%
West Dunbartonshire Council 1%
West Lothian Council 4%
Not applicable 1%
Prefer not to say 6%
Base: all except those in independent sector 5,154

Q11 What is the main subject/curriculum area you currently teach?

Early Years 7%
Primary 44%
Learning Support 5%
ASN 8%
Numeracy and Mathematics 7%
Literacy and English 8%
Literacy and Gaidhlig *
Modern Languages 4%
Community Languages *
English as Additional Language 1%
Religious and Moral Education 2%
Biology 3%
Chemistry 2%
General Science 3%
Physics 2%
Economics *
Geography 3%
History 3%
Modern Studies 2%
Media Studies *
Business Studies 2%
Computing Studies 2%
Home Economics 2%
Technical Education 2%
PSE/Guidance 2%
Art 2%
Music 3%
Physical Education 3%
Speech and Drama 1%
Other, please specify *
Not applicable 2%
Prefer not to say 3%
Base 5,642


Q12 Where did you undertake your Initial Teacher Education (ITE)?

University of Aberdeen 13%
University of Dundee 7%
University of Edinburgh 17%
University of Glasgow 16%
University of the Highland and Islands 1%
University of Stirling 4%
University of Strathclyde 32%
University of West of Scotland 7%
The Open University *
Other UK University 2%
Other European (Not UK) University *
Other, please specify 1%
Prefer not to say *
Base: all who completed ITE in the last 5 years 944

Q13 Thinking about your school placement during your Initial Teacher Education, how effective was the support given to you by the University to help you successfully complete the placement?

2015 2010
Very effective 20% 20%
Effective 52% 54%
Neither effective nor ineffective 15% 16%
Ineffective 9% 8%
Very ineffective 4% 1%
Prefer not to say * -
Base: All who completed ITE at a Scottish University 903 2,381 (all)

Q14 Thinking about your school placement during your Initial Teacher Education, how effective was the support given to you by the school to help you successfully complete the placement?

2015 2010
Very effective 41% 28%
Effective 42% 51%
Neither effective nor ineffective 9% 13%
Ineffective 4% 7%
Very ineffective 4% 1%
Prefer not to say 1% -
Base: all who completed ITE at a Scottish University 903 2,381 (all)

Q15 How useful did you find the following aspects of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) at university in preparing you for your first post as a teacher?

Very useful Useful Neither useful nor not useful Not useful Not at all useful Not applicable/did not study this Don't know Prefer not to say
Literacy 13% 44% 19% 16% 6% 2% * -
Numeracy 16% 40% 20% 15% 6% 3% * -
Health and Wellbeing 9% 41% 26% 16% 5% 2% * *
Professional Studies (e.g. child development, psychology, curriculum development) 18% 50% 14% 11% 4% 2% 1% *
Pedagogy/ approaches to learning and teaching 26% 54% 10% 7% 2% * * -
Classroom management 13% 40% 18% 18% 8% 3% * -
Subject content 12% 39% 22% 15% 8% 2% * -
Assessment 13% 47% 17% 15% 6% 1% * -
Self-reflection 26% 50% 14% 6% 3% 1% * -
Additional support needs 10% 38% 19% 19% 10% 3% * *
Using digital technologies to support teaching and learning 8% 35% 24% 19% 10% 4% * *
Behaviour Management 11% 38% 18% 20% 10% 3% * *
Child protection/ safeguarding 15% 50% 18% 9% 5% 2% * -
Working with other relevant professionals 8% 34% 30% 17% 5% 6% 1% -
Base: all who completed ITE at a Scottish University (903)

Q16 Overall how effective do you think your Initial Teacher Education (ITE) at university was in preparing you for your first post as a teacher?

Very effective 10%
Effective 54%
Neither effective nor ineffective 15%
Ineffective 16%
Very ineffective 5%
Prefer not to say *
Base: all who completed ITE at a Scottish University 903

Q17 How did you undertake your probationary period?

Teacher Induction Scheme 98%
Flexible Route 2%
Prefer not to say -
Base: all those who completed ITE at a Scottish University 632

Q18 Thinking about your probationary period, how effective was the support given to you by the school/establishment to help you successfully achieve the Standard for Full Registration?

2015 2010
Very effective 56% 23%
Effective 30% 31%
Neither effective nor ineffective 5% 25%
Ineffective 5% 13%
Very ineffective 4% 8%
Prefer not to say - -
Base All those who completed ITE at a Scottish University 632 2,381 (all)

Q19 Thinking about your probationary period, how effective were the following aspects of professional learning?

Very effective Effective Neither effective nor ineffective Ineffective Very ineffective Not applicable/ Was not available Prefer not to say
Local authority provision of professional learning experiences 27% 47% 13% 8% 4% 1% *
School based professional learning experiences 34% 49% 10% 5% 2% * *
The support provided by your mentor 55% 28% 6% 6% 5% * *
Opportunity for self-study 22% 46% 20% 5% 3% 4% *
Shadowing/ learning with experienced teachers/teacher learning communities/learning rounds 39% 43% 8% 4% 3% 3% *
Non-contact time 39% 46% 9% 4% 2% * *
Contact with university staff 1% 10% 21% 12% 9% 47% 1%
Further accredited study 4% 10% 24% 8% 6% 48% 1%
Base: all those who completed ITE at a Scottish University (632)

Q20 During your probationary period, how effective was the professional learning you undertook in helping you achieve the GTCS Standard for Full Registration?

Very effective 28%
Effective 57%
Neither effective nor ineffective 9%
Ineffective 3%
Very ineffective 3%
Prefer not to say -
Base: all those who completed ITE in a Scottish University 632

Q21 Did you keep in touch with university staff during your probationary period?

2015 2010
Yes 13% 5%
No - I didn't know about the opportunity to keep in touch with university staff during my probationary period 49% n/a
No - I was not given the opportunity to keep in touch with university staff during my probationary period 28% n/a
No - I had the opportunity but didn't choose to keep in touch 10% n/a
No n/a 80%
Prefer not to say * n/a
Don't know n/a 15%
Base: all those who completed ITE at a Scottish University 634 1,184

Q22 Were you aware of there being a partnership between your local authority and a university (any) when you were undertaking your probationary period?

Yes 18%
No 82%
Prefer not to say -
Base: all those who completed ITE at a Scottish University and are not working in the independent sector 634

Q23 How well or poorly do you think the university and the local authority worked together to deliver your probationary period?

Very well 6%
Well 28%
Adequately 31%
Poorly 13%
Very poorly 9%
Don't know 12%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all who were aware of a partnership between their local authority and university during probation 113


Q24 Have you had a formal Professional Review and Development (PRD) meeting within the last 12 months?

Yes 76%
No 22%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all except probationers 6,056

Q25 When was the last time you had a formal PRD meeting?

Within the last 1-2 years 24%
Within the last 2-3 years 23%
3-5 years ago 13%
More than 5 years ago 9%
Never 22%
Not applicable 9%
Prefer not to say *
Base All those who had a PRD meeting in the last 12 months 1,272

Q26 Thinking back to the last formal PRD meeting you had, how useful was it?

Very useful 18%
Fairly useful 49%
Not very useful 24%
Not at all useful 8%
Don't know 1%
Prefer not to say *
Base: all those who have ever had a PRD 5,711

These next questions are about the whole PRD process, not just the formal PRD meetings

Q27 To what extent do you think that participating in the PRD process improves your ability to self-evaluate against the relevant GTCS standard?

A great deal 15%
A fair amount 41%
Just a little 28%
Not at all 13%
Don't know 3%
Prefer not to say *
Base: all who have ever had a PRD 5,710

Q28 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the PRD process which has been made available to you?

Very satisfied 9%
Satisfied 37%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 33%
Dissatisfied 14%
Very dissatisfied 5%
Don't know 1%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all who have ever had a PRD 5,710

Q29 How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the PRD process?

Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Prefer not to say
I know where to find the relevant information and materials I need to enable me to engage in professional review/development 30% 46% 11% 8% 3% 1% *
I have developed a plan for my career-long professional learning 20% 36% 19% 16% 6% 1% 1%
PRD feels like an on-going process rather than a stand-alone meeting 25% 37% 13% 16% 8% 1% *
Base: all who have ever had a PRD (5,710)

Q30 Which 'if any' of the following GTCS Professional Standards have you used to guide your professional learning?

The Standard for Provisional Registration 18%
The Standard for Full Registration 52%
The Standard for Career-long Professional Learning 54%
The Standard for Leadership and Management (Middle Leaders) 23%
The Standard for Leadership and Management (Head teachers) 9%
None of the above 7%
Prefer not to say 2%
Base 6,346


Q31 To what extent do you see yourself as a mentor/coach (formal or informal) to colleagues who are not students or probationers?

Not at all 17%
A little 30%
A fair amount 26%
A great deal 24%
Don't know 2%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all except probationers 6,045

Q32 To what extent do you feel the mentoring/coaching (formal or informal) you have provided has had a positive impact on your colleagues' practice?

Not at all 1%
A little 30%
A fair amount 43%
A great deal 18%
Don't know 7%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all those who see themselves as a mentor at least 'a little' 5,232

Q33 To what extent do your colleagues provide mentoring/coaching support for your professional learning?

Not at all 15%
A little 47%
A fair amount 30%
A great deal 8%
Don't know 1%
Prefer not to say *
Base: all except probationers 6,017

Q34 To what extent has the mentoring/coaching support you received from other colleagues had a positive impact on your practice?

Not at all 2%
A little 40%
A fair amount 40%
A great deal 18%
Don't know 1%
Prefer not to say *
Base: all who receive mentoring/coaching to support professional learning 5,123

Q35 To what extent do feel you have the skills to mentor/coach colleagues who are not students or probationers?

Not at all 6%
A little 28%
A fair amount 41%
A great deal 22%
Don't know 3%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all except probationers 5,995


Q36 How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Prefer not to say
I am encouraged to try new approaches in my professional practice 34% 45% 13% 6% 2% *
I feel supported to try new approaches in my professional practice 26% 41% 18% 11% 4% *
I regularly try new approaches to improve my professional practice 34% 49% 11% 4% 1% *
I regularly adapt my own practice following professional reflection 46% 45% 6% 2% 1% *
I collaborate with colleagues to try new ways of teaching 35% 46% 11% 5% 2% *
I am comfortable experimenting with new approaches even if they might not work 39% 45% 9% 5% 1% *
I would know how to evaluate the impact of the new approaches that I try 34% 49% 10% 5% 2% *
Base (6,158)

Q37 In your professional practice, do you try new teaching practices and strategies more or less often than you did around 5 years ago?

I try new teaching practices…

Much more often now 19%
A little more often now 21%
About the me amount 40%
A little less often now 13%
Much less often now 5%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all who completed ITE more than 5 years ago 5,202

Q38 And in general, do you feel teachers in schools are willing to try new approaches more or less often than they did around 5 years ago?

Teachers try new approaches….

Much more often now 17%
A little more often now 27%
About the me amount 31%
A little less often now 11%
Much less often now 5%
Prefer not to say 1%
Don't know 7%
Base: all who completed ITE more than 5 years ago 5,193

Q39 Overall, how confident are you that ….

Very confident Fairly confident Neither/nor Fairly unconfident Very unconfident Prefer not to say
…you have the skills needed for your current role 43% 44% 6% 4% 2% *
…you have the pedagogical knowledge needed to work effectively in your current role 40% 45% 8% 4% 2% *
Base (6,122)

Q40 How aware are you of the professional learning opportunities available to you?

Very aware 26%
Aware 57%
Not very aware 15%
Not aware at all 2%
Don't know 1%
Prefer not to say *
Base 6,116

Q41 Which professional learning activities have you participated in during the last full academic year?

2015 2010
National CPD course 31% 19%
Local Authority CPD course 70% 58%
Teacher Union/Professional Association events /courses 17% n/a
Private provider course 23% 25%
Internal/school-organised activity 70% 67%
Mentoring/coaching 37% 20%
Peer observation 61% 50%
Shadowing 21% 21%
Accredited study (below SCQF 11/Masters level) 5% n/a
Accredited study (SCQF 11/Masters level) 7% n/a
Accredited study n/a 5%
E learning 29% 15%
Collaborative spaces 10% n/a
Professional enquiry/teacher-led research 29% n/a
Good practice visit 35% 24%
Networking 46% 32%
Group discussion 68% 46%
Reading 81% 55%
Using digital technologies to support learning and teaching 48% n/a
Learning Rounds 15% n/a
Teacher Learning community 30% n/a
Teacher research n/a 33%
Other, please specify 1% n/a
None of the above 1% n/a
Prefer not to say * n/a
Base 6,094 139

Q42 Based on your experience, how engaged are teachers with professional learning in comparison to 5 years ago?

Much more engaged 8%
More engaged 35%
Neither more nor less engaged 36%
Less engaged 9%
Much less engaged 2%
Don't know 8%
Prefer not to say *
Base: all who completed ITE more than 5 years ago 5,155

Q44 In your experience, how supportive do you think teachers are of each other's professional learning?

Very supportive 24%
Fairly supportive 50%
Neither supportive nor unsupportive 14%
Fairly unsupportive 7%
Very unsupportive 2%
Don't know 2%
Prefer not to say *
Base 6,077

Professional learning at SCQF Level 11 refers to all learning undertaken at Masters level, including short courses and modules as well as the full Masters qualification.

Q45 How much do you know about opportunities to undertake professional learning at SCQF Level 11 (Masters level)?

I know nothing/very little about this 48%
I know a little about this 30%
I know a fair amount about this 12%
I know a lot about this 10%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base 6,064

Q46 Which of the following statements best describes how you feel about undertaking professional learning at SCQF Level 11 (Masters level)?

I have already undertaken learning at this level 14%
I am currently undertaking learning at this level 5%
I am planning to do this in the near future 6%
I might be interested at some point but have no current plans 29%
I am interested but I do not think my school/ Local Authority would support/encourage me 6%
I am not interested in doing this 29%
I don't know enough about it 10%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base 6,048

Q47 Do you face any barriers to accessing learning at SCQF Level 11 (Masters level)?

Yes 32%
No 33%
Don't know 34%
Prefer not to say 2%
Base 6,046

Q48 What are the main barriers which prevent you from studying at SCQF 11 (Masters level)?

Don't feel I have enough time to study 74%
Financial cost for me 69%
Financial cost for my employer 23%
Lack of options in flexible delivery 19%
Lack of support from my employer 19%
Too academically challenging for me 4%
Family/personal commitments 4%
No offers from a relevant University 4%
Age/too old/retired/no longer relevant 2%
Other 1%
Prefer not to say *
Base: all who face barriers accessing learning at SCQF level 11 1,955

Q49 How satisfied are you with the current provision of career-long professional learning (CLPL) targeted specifically for teachers?

Very satisfied 3%
Satisfied 29%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 43%
Dissatisfied 18%
Very dissatisfied 6%
Prefer not to say 2%
Base All except HTs (including acting) 4,691

Q50 And how satisfied are you with the current provision of career-long professional learning targeted specifically for Head teachers?

Very Satisfied 6%
Satisfied 37%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 34%
Dissatisfied 20%
Very dissatisfied 3%
Prefer not to say *
Base: HTs (including acting) 557

Q51 Have you experienced any barriers over the last 5 years to accessing appropriate professional learning opportunities?

2015 2010
Yes 42% 68%
No 43% 29%
Prefer not to say 3% n/a
Not answered, less than 1 year experience 12% n/a
Don't know n/a 3%
Base 6,346 2,225

Q52 What barriers have limited your access to professional learning?

2015 2010
Local authority/ school financial budget 59% 82%
Lack of supply cover 56% n/a
Work/life balance 51% n/a
Amount of time required to undertake the activity 40% 46%
No suitable activities available for the subject or type of learning I wish to undertake 39% 34%
Too expensive for me, personally 33% n/a
Activity too expensive n/a 61%
Lack of support/encouragement from school/ local authority 32% 21%
Location of activity is inaccessible 25% 33%
My working pattern (e.g. part time/job share/supply/peripatetic/seconded) 17% n/a
Digital technology is unavailable 9% n/a
Other 1% n/a
Prefer not to say * n/a
Base: all who experienced barriers accessing professional learning in the last 5 years 2,665 1,526

Q53 What are the main reasons for you choosing to undertake professional learning?

It will help me to…

improve my existing teaching skills 86%
learn different teaching practices 72%
increase subject area knowledge 71%
share good practice 60%
network with other teachers 51%
gain greater theoretical knowledge 49%
satisfy contractual CPD requirements 41%
gain further accreditation/qualifications 28%
None of the above 1%
Prefer not to say *
Base 6,018

Q54 How important or unimportant is it to you that the professional learning you undertake has an accredited award attached to it?

Very important 7%
Important 16%
Neither important nor unimportant 30%
Not very important 23%
Not important at all 23%
Don't know 1%
Prefer not to say *
Base 6,005

Q55 Comparing how things are now with the period before 2010 (5 years ago), what do you think about the range of professional learning opportunities that are available to you?

There is considerably more variety 5%
There is more variety 28%
Stayed the me 20%
There is less variety 19%
There is considerably less variety 11%
Don't know 16%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all who completed ITE more than 5 years ago 5,086

Q56 Do you think the number of high quality professional learning opportunities available to you has increased or decreased over the last 5 years?

Increased a lot 7%
Increased a little 21%
Stayed the me 20%
Decreased a little 19%
Decreased a lot 17%
Don't know 14%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all who completed ITE more than 5 years ago 5,081

Q57 Overall, how would you rate your Local Authority on the following aspects of support for professional learning?

Very good Good Average Poor Very poor Don't know Prefer not to say
Providing learning materials (e.g. books, online resources) 5% 19% 33% 20% 8% 13% 2%
Providing courses 9% 26% 32% 18% 6% 7% 2%
Providing opportunities to learn with other teachers (e.g. shadowing, good practice visits, group discussion, learning rounds) 8% 24% 33% 19% 6% 9% 2%
Providing networking opportunities 7% 24% 33% 18% 6% 10% 2%
Actively promoting professional learning opportunities for all teachers 9% 26% 35% 15% 5% 9% 2%
Being a source of up to date information, advice and guidance about professional learning 7% 22% 35% 17% 7% 10% 2%
Taking a coherent approach: ensuring other priorities and initiatives do not undermine professional learning 4% 15% 31% 22% 11% 15% 2%
Base (5,921)

Q58 Overall, how do you rate national bodies (e.g. GTCS, Education Scotland, Scottish College for Educational Leadership) on the following aspects of support for professional learning?

Very good Good Average Poor Very poor Don't know Prefer not to say
Providing learning materials (e.g. books, online resources) 9% 33% 28% 9% 3% 17% 1%
Providing courses 4% 28% 30% 12% 3% 25% 1%
Providing activities to learn with other teachers (e.g. shadowing, good practice visits, group discussion, learning rounds) 3% 17% 29% 15% 5% 30% 1%
Providing networking opportunities 4% 19% 30% 14% 4% 28% 1%
Actively promoting professional learning opportunities for all teachers 6% 26% 30% 11% 4% 22% 1%
Being a source of up to date information, advice and guidance about professional learning 11% 32% 29% 9% 3% 16% 1%
Taking a coherent approach: ensuring other priorities and initiatives do not undermine professional learning 5% 20% 28% 13% 6% 27% 1%
Base (5,821)

Q59 Are you aware of there being a partnership agreement between your Local Authority and a university (any) to support professional learning?

Yes 30%
No 69%
Prefer not to say 2%
Base 5,816

Q60 Overall, to what extent do you think that undertaking professional learning makes you a better teacher?

A great deal 40%
A fair amount 39%
Just a little 15%
Not at all 3%
Don't know 2%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base 5,812

Q61 To what extent do you think that your own participation in professional learning has a positive impact on the learning experiences of children and young people?

A great deal 40%
A fair amount 42%
Just a little 14%
Not at all 2%
Don't know 1%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base 5,799

Q62 Teachers have different amounts of involvement in deciding what professional learning they undertake. Which of the following statements best describes your situation?

I make decisions about my professional learning on my own 35%
I make decisions about my professional learning in discussion with my line manager 56%
My line manager makes most of the decisions about my professional learning on my behalf 5%
My line manager makes all of the decisions about my professional learning on my behalf 1%
Don't know 2%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base 5,785


Q63 Do you have opportunities to develop your leadership skills by leading projects/initiatives/pieces of work?

Yes 61%
Yes, but I'd like to have more 13%
No 21%
Prefer not to say 5%
Base 5,782

Q64 How aware are you of professional learning opportunities to develop your leadership skills?

Very aware 12%
Aware 40%
Not very aware 33%
Not aware of any opportunities at all 10%
Don't know 4%
Prefer not to say 2%
Base 5,773

Q65 Are you aware of the GTCS Professional Standards for Leadership and Management?

Yes 75%
No 23%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base 5,771

Q66 You said earlier that you have used the GTCS Professional Standard for Leadership and Management. How useful has it been in guiding your leadership skills development?

Very useful 25%
Fairly useful 57%
Not very useful 13%
Not at all useful 1%
Don't know 2%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all who have used the standard for leadership and management to guide professional learning 2,469

Q67 How much do you know about each of the following…..:

I know nothing/very little about this I know a little about this I know a fair amount about this I know a lot about this Prefer not to say
The Scottish College for Educational Leadership (SCEL) 76% 16% 5% 3% 1%
The Framework for Educational Leadership 68% 22% 6% 3% 1%
The Into Headship qualification 60% 30% 6% 3% 1%
The SCEL Fellowship programme 84% 11% 4% 2% 1%
Base (5,766)

Q68 Do you feel that initiative is relevant to your professional learning?

The Scottish College for Educational Leadership (SCEL) The Framework for Educational Leadership The Into Headship qualification The SCEL Fellowship programme
Yes, I have already undertaken this n/a n/a 3% *
Yes, I am currently undertaking this n/a n/a 1% *
Yes, I already use/have used this 4% 5% n/a n/a
Yes, definitely 14% 17% 6% 10%
Yes, possibly 27% 28% 11% 23%
Not at the moment but it might be in the future 21% 17% 24% 25%
No 14% 15% 46% 20%
I don't know enough about it 18% 17% 8% 18%
Prefer not to say 2% 2% 1% 3%
Base: all who know about each initiative 1,801 2,274 2,750 1,241

Q69 How useful is it/has it been for you?

The Scottish College for Educational Leadership (SCEL) The Framework for Educational Leadership
Very useful 65% 45%
Fairly useful 28% 52%
Not very useful 3% 2%
Not at all useful - 1%
Don't know 3% *
Prefer not to say - -
Base: all who have used each initiative 78 128


Professional learning in using digital technologies refers to learning how to use digital technologies to support learning and how to incorporate using these into your teaching practice. Digital technology could include online virtual learning environments (e.g. Glow); interactive devices (e.g. tablets, smartphones and laptops); tools and services such as blogs, search engines, social media, video/audio content and other digital resources which can have a role in supporting learning (this list is not exhaustive).

Q70 How aware are you of the opportunities to access professional learning in using digital technologies to support learning and teaching?

Very aware 16%
Aware 48%
Not very aware 27%
Not aware of any opportunities at all 7%
Don't know 1%
Prefer not to say *
Base 5,736

Q71 In the past year, have you accessed professional learning in using digital technologies to support teaching and learning?

Yes, more than 16 hours in the past year 19%
Yes, between 4 hours and 16 hours in the past year 24%
Yes, up to 4 hours in the past year 24%
No 31%
Prefer not to say 3%
Base 5,729

Q72 How was the professional learning delivered?

Reading 46%
Staff meetings 46%
Face-to-face training course 40%
eLearning 38%
Group discussions 33%
Peer observation 21%
Online collaborative spaces for professional learning 20%
Mentoring/coaching 19%
Good practice visit 14%
Shadowing 7%
Accredited study 6%
Self-directed/personal initiative 1%
Other *
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all who have accessed professional learning using digital technologies in past year 3,849

Q73 Who provided this professional learning?

School/establishment 54%
Local authority CPD provider 47%
Private provider 17%
National CPD provider 14%
University 13%
I did it myself/independent reading/research 2%
Colleagues/peers 1%
Online resources/websites/MOOCs 1%
Social media e.g. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube 1%
Other 1%
Prefer not to say 1%
Don't know 3%
Base: all who have accessed professional learning using digital technologies in past year 3,841

Q74 How confident do you feel in putting this professional learning into practice?

Very confident 12%
Confident 54%
Neither confident nor unsure 25%
Unsure 7%
Very unsure 1%
Don't know 1%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all who have accessed professional learning using digital technologies in past year 3,836

Q75 Have you already put this professional learning into practice?

Yes 80%
No 16%
Prefer not to say 4%
Base: all who have accessed professional learning using digital technologies in past year 3,834

Q76 How successful or unsuccessful do you think this was?

Very successful 10%
Successful 69%
Neither successful nor unsuccessful 11%
Unsuccessful 7%
Very unsuccessful 1%
Don't know 1%
Prefer not to say *
Base: all who have put learning into practice 3,156

Sections H and I ask you now to think about the impact of changes in teacher education on your colleagues.


Q77 In your experience of working with probationer teachers over the last 2-3 years, how effective is Initial Teacher Education at university in preparing them for their first post?

Very effective 5%
Effective 36%
Neither effective nor ineffective 12%
Ineffective 12%
Very ineffective 4%
Have not worked with probationer teachers in the last 2-3 years 22%
Don't know 7%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all who have completed ITE more than 5 years ago 4,779

Q78 Based on your experience of working with probationer teachers over the last 2-3 years, is Initial Teacher Education at university more or less effective now than it was 5 years ago?

Much more effective 2%
More effective 14%
Neither more nor less effective 29%
Less effective 14%
Much less effective 3%
Have not worked with probationer teachers in the last 2-3 years 22%
Don't know 14%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: all who completed ITE more than 5 years ago 4,775


Q79 Thinking of class teachers in non-promoted posts, what do you think the main barriers are to their participation in professional learning activities?

Lack of supply cover 70%
Amount of time required to undertake activity 67%
Local authority/ school financial budget 59%
Financial cost for the individual teacher 34%
No suitable activities available for the subject or type of learning required 31%
Working pattern (e.g. part time/job share/supply/peripatetic/seconded) 24%
Location of activity is inaccessible 24%
Lack of options in flexible delivery 20%
Lack of support/encouragement from school/ local authority 19%
Digital technology is unavailable 7%
Don't know 5%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: acting principal teacher or principal teacher 1,310

Q80 Thinking of class teachers in non-promoted posts, and compared with 5 years ago, what do you think about the range of professional learning opportunities that are available to them?

There is considerably more variety 4%
There is more variety 29%
Stayed the me 24%
There is less variety 22%
There is considerably less variety 8%
Don't know 13%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: acting principal teacher or principal teacher 1,310

Q81 Thinking of class teachers in non-promoted posts, and compared with 5 years ago, do you think the number of high quality professional learning opportunities available to them has increased or decreased?

Increased a lot 5%
Increased a little 23%
Stayed the me 24%
Decreased a little 19%
Decreased a lot 12%
Don't know 16%
Prefer not to say *
Base: acting principal teacher or principal teacher 1,307

Q82 Thinking of teachers up to and including the level of Principal Teacher, what do you think are the main barriers to their participation in professional learning activities?

Lack of supply cover 74%
Amount of time required to undertake the activity 63%
Local authority/ school financial budget 53%
Financial cost for the individual teacher 30%
No suitable activities available for the subject or type of learning required 24%
Location of activity is inaccessible 24%
Working pattern (e.g. part time/job share/supply/peripatetic/seconded) 23%
Lack of options in flexible delivery 22%
Digital technology is unavailable 8%
Lack of support/encouragement from school/ local authority 7%
Don't know 2%
Prefer not to say 2%
Base: acting depute head teacher or head teacher 567

Q83 Thinking of teachers up to and including the level of Principal Teacher, and compared with 5 years ago, what do you think about the range of professional learning opportunities that are available to them?

There is considerably more variety 7%
There is more variety 40%
Stayed the me 25%
There is less variety 15%
There is considerably less variety 6%
Don't know 6%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: acting depute head teacher or head teacher 567

Q84 Thinking of teachers up to and including the level of Principal Teacher, and compared with 5 years ago, do you think the number of high quality professional learning opportunities available to them has increased or decreased?

Increased a lot 11%
Increased a little 32%
Stayed the me 25%
Decreased a little 16%
Decreased a lot 8%
Don't know 7%
Prefer not to say 1%
Base: acting depute head teacher or head teacher 567

Q85 Thinking of teachers up to and including the level of Deputy Head teacher, what do you think are the main barriers to their participation in professional learning activities?

Lack of supply cover 85%
Amount of time required to undertake the activity 70%
Local authority/ school financial budget 49%
Financial cost for the individual teacher 40%
Location of activity is inaccessible 32%
Working pattern (e.g. part time/job share/supply/peripatetic/seconded) 31%
Lack of options in flexible delivery 25%
No suitable activities available for the subject or type of learning required 19%
Digital technology is unavailable 13%
Lack of support/encouragement from school/ local authority 7%
Don't know 2%
Prefer not to say -
Base: acting head teacher or head teacher 533

Q86 Thinking of teachers up to and including the level of Deputy Head teacher, and compared with 5 years ago, what do you think about the range of professional learning opportunities that are available to them?

There is considerably more variety 7%
There is more variety 47%
Stayed the me 20%
There is less variety 15%
There is considerably less variety 4%
Don't know 6%
Prefer not to say -
Base: acting head teacher or head teacher 533

Q87 Thinking of teachers up to and including the level of Deputy Head teacher, and compared with 5 years ago, do you think the number of high quality professional learning opportunities available to them has increased or decreased?

Increased a lot 12%
Increased a little 37%
Stayed the me 23%
Decreased a little 15%
Decreased a lot 6%
Don't know 6%
Prefer not to say -
Base: acting head teacher or head teacher 533


Email: James Niven

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