
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Near Me video consulting service: evaluation 2020 - main report

This report presents the findings of an external evaluation of the rapid scaling-up of the Near Me video consultation service across health and care services in Scotland during 2020, in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Abbreviations and Glossary of Terms

Attend Anywhere: Video call system and service designed to support remote health and care consultations

CAMHS: Child and adolescent mental health

COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

EQIA: Equality Impact Assessment

GDPR: General Data Protection Regulations

GGC: Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board

HIS: Healthcare Improvement Scotland

HSW: Healthcare Support Worker

HSCP: Health and Social Care Partnerships – bring together Local Authorities and local Health Boards to plan and deliver integrated adult community health.

Hub site: The location where the clinician is based during the video consultation

Internet browser: A piece of software installed on a computer system / computers that provides access to the internet and websites.

IQR: Interquartile range: a statistical measure of where the bulk of values lie in a range.

IRIHS: Interdisciplinary Research in Health Sciences (University of Oxford)

IT: Information Technology

Likert scale: A type of survey scale which invites respondents to select their level of agreement with specific statements or questions.

MS Teams: Microsoft (MS) Teams is a secure communication (video, messaging, file sharing) tool, which forms part of the Office 365 software package.

NASSS: Non-adoption, Abandonment and Challenges to Scale-up, Spread and Sustainability – an analytical framework developed to explain individual and organisational challenges to adoption and sustained use of technology-supported programmes in health and care.

NES: NHS Education for Scotland

NHS Health Boards: NHS Scotland has 14 territorial Health Boards, which cover specific geographical areas. They are responsible for the protection and improvement of their population's health, and for the delivery of frontline healthcare services. There are also 7 Special NHS Boards.

NHS Near Me: National branding name in Scotland for the video consultation services using the Attend Anywhere platform

NRSPCC: NHS Research Scotland Permissions Coordinating Centre

OOH: Out of Hours care: provides support to those who require medical assistance outside normal GP surgery hours.

PEI: Patient Enablement Instrument: a patient-reported outcome measure that reflects the quality of an appointment.

Primary care: Primary health care is the first point of contact with the NHS. It includes community-based services provided by, for example, GPs, community nurses, pharmacists; and by allied health professionals such as physiotherapists and speech and language therapists.

R&D: Research and Development

RCGP: Royal College of General Practitioners

REC: Research Ethics Committee

SAC: Scottish Access Collaborative

Secondary care: Mainly hospital-based health care provision, including emergency care (via Accident & Emergency), outpatient departments and elective treatments.

SLT: Speech and Language Therapy or Therapist

Spoke site: The location where the patient is based during the video consultation

Tertiary Care : Specialist health services for people with a condition requiring high levels of expertise and support services

TEC: Technology Enabled Care

URL: Uniform Resource Locator - the browser address of an internet web page

VC: Video Consulting or Video Consultations

vCreate: A secure video messaging initiative, which links patients, families and clinicians.

VPN: Virtual Private Network: a VPN connection establishes a secure connection with the internet.

Waiting area: A virtual online waiting area which patients access via an internet link and then wait for their appointment



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