
Evaluation of the Regional Land Use Framework Pilots - Research Findings

This document summarises findings from the evaluation of two local authority led Regional Land Use Framework pilot projects.


Scotland's first Land Use Strategy[1] (LUS) was published in March 2011. The Strategy sets the agenda for sustainable land use in Scotland and aims to guide and support decision-making. A second LUS (2016 - 2021) is due to be published in 2016.

In 2013, the Scottish Government established two local authority led Regional Land Use Framework Pilot Projects, one in Aberdeenshire and one in the Scottish Borders. The pilots were intended to test regional scale approaches for translating the LUS at local level. The development of the pilots was guided by a three stage programme specification, but each was allowed the flexibility to develop an approach which reflected their local circumstances. The pilots concluded in March 2015.

The aims and objectives of the pilots were:

  • To trial a mechanism that considers existing and future land uses in a collective and integrated way, with a view to optimising land use.
  • To establish a mechanism to prioritise or guide decisions about possible competing or conflicting uses.
  • To produce a regional land use framework in each pilot area, which would guide decision-making so as to optimise land use, whilst reconciling potential conflicts and competition.


Email: Linda Gateley

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